17. SPAA 2005:
Las Vegas,
Phillip B. Gibbons, Paul G. Spirakis (Eds.):
SPAA 2005: Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms, July 18-20, 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
ACM 2005, ISBN 1-58113-986-1 BibTeX
Queuing and scheduling
Joint session
Sensor networks and ad hoc networks
Peer-to-peer networks
Parallel and quantum algorithms
Game theory
Brief announcements
Algorithms and data structures
Joint session
- Marcin Bienkowski:
Dynamic page migration with stochastic requests.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Samir Khuller, Yoo Ah Kim, Yung-Chun (Justin) Wan:
Broadcasting on networks of workstations.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Randeep Bhatia, Nicole Immorlica, Tracy Kimbrel, Vahab S. Mirrokni, Seffi Naor, Baruch Schieber:
Traffic engineering of management flows by link augmentations on confluent trees.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Eric Anderson, Dirk Beyer, Kamalika Chaudhuri, Terence Kelly, Norman Salazar, Cipriano A. Santos, Ram Swaminathan, Robert Endre Tarjan, Janet L. Wiener, Yunhong Zhou:
Value-maximizing deadline scheduling and its application to animation rendering.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
Radio networks
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:42:08 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)