Volume 77,
- N. L. Boland:
A dual-active-set algorithm for positive semi-definite quadratic programming.
1-27 BibTeX
- Sjur Didrik Flåm, Anatoly S. Antipin:
Equilibrium programming using proximal-like algorithms.
29-41 BibTeX
- Tomasz Radzik:
Fast deterministic approximation for the multicommodity flow problem.
43-58 BibTeX
- Egon Balas, Matteo Fischetti:
On the monotonization of polyhedra.
59-84 BibTeX
- Yinyu Ye:
Complexity analysis of the analytic center cutting plane method that uses multiple cuts.
85-104 BibTeX
- James B. Orlin:
A polynomial time primal network simplex algorithm for minimum cost flows.
109-129 BibTeX
- Ronald D. Armstrong, Zhiying Jin:
A new strongly polynomial dual network simplex algorithm.
131-148 BibTeX
- P. T. Sokkalingam, Prabha Sharma, Ravindra K. Ahuja:
A new pivot selection rule for the network simplex algorithm.
149-158 BibTeX
- Donald Goldfarb, Wei Chen:
On strongly polynomial dual simplex algorithms for the maximum flow problem.
159-168 BibTeX
- Robert Endre Tarjan:
Dynamic trees as search trees via Euler tours, applied to the network simplex algorithm.
169-177 BibTeX
- S. Thomas McCormick:
How to compute least infeasible flows.
179-194 BibTeX
- Riccardo Cambini, Giorgio Gallo, Maria Grazia Scutellà:
Flows on hypergraphs.
195-217 BibTeX
- Alexander V. Karzanov:
Multiflows and disjoint paths of minimum total cost.
219-242 BibTeX
- Lorenzo Brunetta, Michele Conforti, Giovanni Rinaldi:
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the equicut problem.
243-263 BibTeX
- Martin Grötschel, Alexander Martin, Robert Weismantel:
The Steiner tree packing problem in VLSI design.
265-281 BibTeX
- Jonathan Yackel, Robert R. Meyer, Ioannis T. Christou:
Minimum-perimeter domain assignment.
283-303 BibTeX
- Jean-Pierre Crouzeix:
Pseudomonotone variational inequality problems: Existence of solutions.
305-314 BibTeX
- Benjamin Jansen, Kees Roos, Tamás Terlaky, Akiko Yoshise:
Polynomiality of primal-dual affine scaling algorithms for nonlinear complementarity problems.
315-345 BibTeX
- Ji-Ming Peng:
Equivalence of variational inequality problems to unconstrained minimization.
347-355 BibTeX
- Mordechai I. Henig, John T. Buchanan:
Tradeoff directions in multiobjective optimization problems.
357-374 BibTeX
- Luigi Grippo, S. Lucidi:
A globally convergent version of the Polak-Ribière conjugate gradient method.
375-391 BibTeX
- Renato D. C. Monteiro, Paulo R. Zanjácomo:
A note on the existence of the Alizadeh-Haeberly-Overton direction for semidefinite programming.
393-396 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:14:04 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)