Volume 7,
Number 1,
January 1978
Volume 7,
Number 2,
- William F. McColl:
The Maximum Depth of Monotone Formulae.
65 BibTeX
- Yahiko Kambayashi, Takaki Hayashi, Y. Tanaka, Shuzo Yajima:
A Linear Storage Space Algorithm for a Reference Structure Index.
66-71 BibTeX
- A. S. Sethi, V. Rajaraman, P. S. Kenjale:
An Error-Correcting Coding Scheme for Alphanumeric Data.
72-77 BibTeX
- Alexandre Brandwajn, Philippe Kruchten, Jean-Alain Hernandez:
ARCADE - A System for Research and Education in Computer Architecture.
78-85 BibTeX
- Selim G. Akl:
Comments on: G. Manacher, An Application of Pattern Matching to a Problem in Geometrical Complexity.
86 BibTeX
- Jon Louis Bentley, Michael Ian Shamos:
Divide and Conquer for Linear Expected Time.
87-91 BibTeX
- Eero Peltola, Hannu Erkiö:
Insertion Merge Sorting.
92-99 BibTeX
- Gheorghe Paun:
On the Generative Capacity of Simple Matrix Grammars of Finite Index.
100-102 BibTeX
- Hanan Samet:
A Canonical Form Algorithm for Proving Equivalence of Conditional Forms.
103-106 BibTeX
- Jan Paredaens:
On the Expressive Power of the Relational Algebra.
107-111 BibTeX
- Maurelio Boari, Antonio Natali:
Multiple Access to a Tree in the Context of Readers and Writers Problem.
112-121 BibTeX
Information Processing Letters 7(4):
207 (1978)
- B. F. Caviness, H. I. Epstein:
A Note on the Complexity of Algebraic Differentiation.
122-124 BibTeX
- Grant A. Cheston:
A Correction to a Unilaterally Connected Components Algorithm.
125- BibTeX
Volume 7,
Number 3,
April 1978
Volume 7,
Number 4,
June 1978
Volume 7,
Number 5,
August 1978
Volume 7,
Number 6,
October 1978
- T. H. Merrett:
QT Logic: Simpler and More Expressive Than Predicate Calculus.
251-255 BibTeX
- V. M. Glushkov, G. E. Tseytlin, E. L. Yushchenko:
Certain Problems of the Theory of Structured Program Schemes.
256-260 BibTeX
- K. S. Natarajan, Lee J. White:
Optimum Domination in Weighted Trees.
261-265 BibTeX
- János Demetrovics:
On the Number of Candidate Keys.
266-269 BibTeX
- Miklós Ajtai, János Komlós, Endre Szemerédi:
There is no Fast Single Hashing Algorithm.
270-273 BibTeX
- M. R. Garey, Robert Endre Tarjan:
A Linear-Time Algorithm for Finding All Feedback Vertices.
274-276 BibTeX
- Vishv M. Malhotra, M. Pramodh Kumar, S. N. Maheshwari:
An O(|V|³) Algorithm for Finding Maximum Flows in Networks.
277-278 BibTeX
- Robert Giegerich, Reinhard Wilhelm:
Counter-One-Pass Features in One-Pass Compilation: A Formalization Using Attribute Grammars.
279-284 BibTeX
- Gideon Yuval:
A Simple Proof of Strassen's Result.
285-286 BibTeX
Corrigendum: Information Processing Letters 8(5): 278 (1979)
- Emily P. Friedman, Sheila A. Greibach:
On Equivalence and Subclass Containment Problems for Deterministic Context-Free Languages.
287-290 BibTeX
- Ludwik Czaja:
Parallel Implementation of Path Expressions.
291-295 BibTeX
- A. Bykat:
Convex Hull of a Finite Set of Points in Two Dimensions.
296-298 BibTeX
- Joseph Shortt:
An Iterative Program to Calculate Fibonacci Numbers in O(log n) Arithmetic Operations.
299-303 BibTeX
- Matti Jakobsson:
Huffman Coding in Bit-Vector Compression.
304-307 BibTeX
- Jukka Teuhola:
A Compression Method for Clustered Bit-Vectors.
308-311 BibTeX
- Douglas W. Clark, C. Cordell Green:
A Note on Shared List Structure in LISP.
312-314 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:03:56 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)