
Terence Kelly

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18EEYin Wang, Stéphane Lafortune, Terence Kelly, Manjunath Kudlur, Scott A. Mahlke: The theory of deadlock avoidance via discrete control. POPL 2009: 252-263
17 Terence Kelly, Kai Shen, Alex Zhang, Christopher Stewart: Operational Analysis of Parallel Servers. MASCOTS 2008: 227-236
16EEYin Wang, Terence Kelly, Manjunath Kudlur, Stéphane Lafortune, Scott A. Mahlke: Gadara: Dynamic Deadlock Avoidance for Multithreaded Programs. OSDI 2008: 281-294
15EEKai Shen, Alex Zhang, Terence Kelly, Christopher Stewart: Operational analysis of processor speed scaling. SPAA 2008: 179-181
14EEChristopher Stewart, Terence Kelly, Alex Zhang, Kai Shen: A Dollar from 15 Cents: Cross-Platform Management for Internet Services. USENIX Annual Technical Conference 2008: 199-212
13EEYin Wang, Terence Kelly, Stéphane Lafortune: Discrete control for safe execution of IT automation workflows. EuroSys 2007: 305-314
12EEChristopher Stewart, Terence Kelly, Alex Zhang: Exploiting nonstationarity for performance prediction. EuroSys 2007: 31-44
11EETerence Kelly, Andrew Byde: Generating k-best solutions to auction winner determination problems. SIGecom Exchanges 6(1): 23-34 (2006)
10EEYunhong Zhou, Terence Kelly, Janet L. Wiener, Eric Anderson: An Extended Evaluation of Two-Phase Scheduling Methods for Animation Rendering. JSSPP 2005: 123-145
9EEEric Anderson, Dirk Beyer, Kamalika Chaudhuri, Terence Kelly, Norman Salazar, Cipriano A. Santos, Ram Swaminathan, Robert Endre Tarjan, Janet L. Wiener, Yunhong Zhou: Deadline scheduling for animation rendering. SIGMETRICS 2005: 384-385
8EEIra Cohen, Steve Zhang, Moisés Goldszmidt, Julie Symons, Terence Kelly, Armando Fox: Capturing, indexing, clustering, and retrieving system history. SOSP 2005: 105-118
7EEEric Anderson, Dirk Beyer, Kamalika Chaudhuri, Terence Kelly, Norman Salazar, Cipriano A. Santos, Ram Swaminathan, Robert Endre Tarjan, Janet L. Wiener, Yunhong Zhou: Value-maximizing deadline scheduling and its application to animation rendering. SPAA 2005: 299-308
6EETerence Kelly: Combinatorial Auctions and Knapsack Problems. AAMAS 2004: 1280-1281
5EETerence Kelly: Generalized Knapsack Solvers for Multi-unit Combinatorial Auctions: Analysis and Application to Computational Resource Allocation. AMEC 2004: 73-86
4EEJeffrey C. Mogul, Yee-Man Chan, Terence Kelly: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Duplicate Transfer Detection in HTTP. NSDI 2004: 43-56
3EEIra Cohen, Jeffrey S. Chase, Moisés Goldszmidt, Terence Kelly, Julie Symons: Correlating Instrumentation Data to System States: A Building Block for Automated Diagnosis and Control. OSDI 2004: 231-244
2EETerence Kelly, Jeffrey C. Mogul: Aliasing on the world wide web: prevalence and performance implications. WWW 2002: 281-292
1EETerence Kelly: Thin-client Web access patterns: Measurements from a cache-busting proxy. Computer Communications 25(4): 357-366 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Eric Anderson [7] [9] [10]
2Dirk Beyer [7] [9]
3Andrew Byde [11]
4Yee-Man Chan [4]
5Jeffrey S. Chase [3]
6Kamalika Chaudhuri [7] [9]
7Ira Cohen [3] [8]
8Armando Fox [8]
9Moisés Goldszmidt [3] [8]
10Manjunath Kudlur [16] [18]
11Stéphane Lafortune [13] [16] [18]
12Scott A. Mahlke [16] [18]
13Jeffrey C. Mogul [2] [4]
14Norman Salazar [7] [9]
15Cipriano A. Santos [7] [9]
16Kai Shen [14] [15] [17]
17Christopher Stewart [12] [14] [15] [17]
18Ram Swaminathan [7] [9]
19Julie Symons [3] [8]
20Robert Endre Tarjan [7] [9]
21Yin Wang [13] [16] [18]
22Janet L. Wiener [7] [9] [10]
23Alex Zhang [12] [14] [15] [17]
24Steve Zhang [8]
25Yunhong Zhou [7] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)