2008 |
9 | EE | Boris V. Cherkassky,
Loukas Georgiadis,
Andrew V. Goldberg,
Robert Endre Tarjan,
Renato Fonseca F. Werneck:
Shortest Path Feasibility Algorithms: An Experimental Evaluation.
ALENEX 2008: 118-132 |
1999 |
8 | | Boris V. Cherkassky,
Andrew V. Goldberg,
Craig Silverstein:
Buckets, Heaps, Lists, and Monotone Priority Queues.
SIAM J. Comput. 28(4): 1326-1346 (1999) |
1998 |
7 | EE | Boris V. Cherkassky,
Andrew V. Goldberg,
Paul Martin:
Augment or Push: A Computational Study of Bipartite Matching and Unit-Capacity Flow Algorithms.
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 3: 8 (1998) |
1997 |
6 | | Boris V. Cherkassky,
Andrew V. Goldberg,
Craig Silverstein:
Buckets, Heaps, Lists, and Monotone Priority Queues.
SODA 1997: 83-92 |
5 | | Boris V. Cherkassky,
Andrew V. Goldberg:
On Implementing the Push-Relabel Method for the Maximum Flow Problem.
Algorithmica 19(4): 390-410 (1997) |
1996 |
4 | | Boris V. Cherkassky,
Andrew V. Goldberg:
Negative-Cycle Detection Algorithms.
ESA 1996: 349-363 |
3 | | Boris V. Cherkassky,
Andrew V. Goldberg,
Tomasz Radzik:
Shortest paths algorithms: Theory and experimental evaluation.
Math. Program. 73: 129-174 (1996) |
1995 |
2 | | Boris V. Cherkassky,
Andrew V. Goldberg:
On Implementing Push-Relabel Method for the Maximum Flow Problem.
IPCO 1995: 157-171 |
1994 |
1 | | Boris V. Cherkassky,
Andrew V. Goldberg,
Tomasz Radzik:
Shortest Paths Algorithms: Theory and Experimental Evaluation.
SODA 1994: 516-525 |