Volume 10, 1978
- Ralph L. London, John V. Guttag, James J. Horning, Butler W. Lampson, James G. Mitchell, Gerald J. Popek:
Proof Rules for the Programming Language Euclid.
1-26 BibTeX
- John V. Guttag, James J. Horning:
The Algebraic Specification of Abstract Data Types.
27-52 BibTeX
- William E. Howden:
Algebraic Program Testing.
53-66 BibTeX
- Teuvo Laurinolli:
Bounded Quantification and Relations Recognizable by Finite Automata.
67-78 BibTeX
- Karel Culik II:
The Ultimate Equivalence Problem for DOL Systems.
79-84 BibTeX
- Carlo Montangero, Giuliano Pacini, Maria Simi, Franco Turini:
Information Management in Context Trees.
85-94 BibTeX
- Jane W.-S. Liu, C. L. Liu:
Performance Analysis of Multiprocessor Systems Containing Functionally Dedicated Processors.
95-104 BibTeX
- B. Bartsch, Gunter Bolch:
A Conservation Law for G/G/m Queueing Systems.
105-109 BibTeX
- Wolfgang J. Paul, Robert Endre Tarjan:
Time-Space Trade-Offs in a Pebble Game.
111-115 BibTeX
- Mordechai Ben-Ari:
Ianov Pushdown Schemes Are Contained in Boolean Recursive Schemes.
117-125 BibTeX
- Viktor K. Sabelfeld:
Äquivalente Transformationen für Flußdiagramme.
127-155 BibTeX
- Peter J. L. Wallis:
The Design of a Portable Programming Language.
157-167 BibTeX
- Detlef Wotschke, Celia Wrathall:
A Note on Classes of Complements and the LBA Problem.
169-173 BibTeX
- Reinhold Franck:
A Class of Linearly Parsable Graph Grammars.
175-201 BibTeX
- Carlton J. Maxson:
Linear Regular Sets.
203-208 BibTeX
- Johan Lewi, Karel De Vlaminck, J. Huens, M. Huybrechts:
The ELL(1) Parser Generator and the Error Recovery Mechanism.
209-228 BibTeX
- Eric C. R. Hehner:
On Removing the Machine from the Language.
229-243 BibTeX
- Wayne A. Babich, Mehdi Jazayeri:
The Method of Attributes for Data Flow Analysis: Part I. Exhaustive Analysis.
245-264 BibTeX
- Wayne A. Babich, Mehdi Jazayeri:
The Method of Attributes for Data Flow Analysis: Part II. Demand Analysis.
265-272 BibTeX
- David M. Choy, C. K. Wong:
Optimal alpha-beta Trees with Capacity Constraint.
273-296 BibTeX
- Joachim Biskup:
On the Complementation Rule for Multivalued Dependencies in Database Relations.
297-305 BibTeX
- Augusto Celentano:
Incremental LR Parers.
307-321 BibTeX
- Robert Meersman, Grzegorz Rozenberg:
Two-Level Meta-Controlled Substitution Grammars.
323-339 BibTeX
- Lutz Eichner:
The Semigroups of Linearly Realizable Finite Automata I.
341-367 BibTeX
- Lutz Eichner:
The Semigroups of Linearly Realizable Finite Automata II.
369-390 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:49:20 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)