
Andrew V. Goldberg

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84EELoukas Georgiadis, Andrew V. Goldberg, Robert Endre Tarjan, Renato Fonseca F. Werneck: An Experimental Study of Minimum Mean Cycle Algorithms. ALENEX 2009: 1-13
83EEBoris V. Cherkassky, Loukas Georgiadis, Andrew V. Goldberg, Robert Endre Tarjan, Renato Fonseca F. Werneck: Shortest Path Feasibility Algorithms: An Experimental Evaluation. ALENEX 2008: 118-132
82EEAndrew V. Goldberg: The Partial Augment-Relabel Algorithm for the Maximum Flow Problem. ESA 2008: 466-477
81EECamil Demetrescu, Andrew V. Goldberg, David S. Johnson: Implementation Challenge for Shortest Paths. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
80EEAndrew V. Goldberg: A Practical Shortest Path Algorithm with Linear Expected Time. SIAM J. Comput. 37(5): 1637-1655 (2008)
79EEAndrew V. Goldberg: Point-to-Point Shortest Path Algorithms with Preprocessing. SOFSEM (1) 2007: 88-102
78EEMaxim A. Babenko, Jonathan Derryberry, Andrew V. Goldberg, Robert Endre Tarjan, Yunhong Zhou: Experimental Evaluation of Parametric Max-Flow Algorithms. WEA 2007: 256-269
77EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Haim Kaplan, Renato Fonseca F. Werneck: Better Landmarks Within Reach. WEA 2007: 38-51
76EEIttai Abraham, Cyril Gavoille, Andrew V. Goldberg, Dahlia Malkhi: Routing in Networks with Low Doubling Dimension. ICDCS 2006: 75
75EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Renato Fonseca F. Werneck: Computing Point-to-Point Shortest Paths from External Memory. ALENEX/ANALCO 2005: 26-40
74EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Chris Harrelson: Computing the shortest path: A search meets graph theory. SODA 2005: 156-165
73EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline: Collusion-resistant mechanisms for single-parameter agents. SODA 2005: 620-629
72EEGagan Aggarwal, Amos Fiat, Andrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline, Nicole Immorlica, Madhu Sudan: Derandomization of auctions. STOC 2005: 619-625
71EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline, Anna R. Karlin, Michael E. Saks: A Lower Bound on the Competitive Ratio of Truthful Auctions. STACS 2004: 644-655
70EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Alexander V. Karzanov: Maximum skew-symmetric flows and matchings. Math. Program. 100(3): 537-568 (2004)
69EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline: Envy-free auctions for digital goods. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2003: 29-35
68EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline: Competitiveness via consensus. SODA 2003: 215-222
67EEKaustubh Deshmukh, Andrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline, Anna R. Karlin: Truthful and Competitive Double Auctions. ESA 2002: 361-373
66EEAmos Fiat, Andrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline, Anna R. Karlin: Competitive generalized auctions. STOC 2002: 72-81
65EEAndrew V. Goldberg: A Simple Shortest Path Algorithm with Linear Average Time. ESA 2001: 230-241
64EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline: Competitive Auctions for Multiple Digital Goods. ESA 2001: 416-427
63EEAndrew V. Goldberg: Shortest Path Algorithms: Engineering Aspects. ISAAC 2001: 502-513
62EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline, Andrew Wright: Competitive auctions and digital goods. SODA 2001: 735-744
61 Andrew V. Goldberg, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis: Cut Tree Algorithms: An Experimental Study. J. Algorithms 38(1): 51-83 (2001)
60EEYuan Chen, Jan Edler, Andrew V. Goldberg, Allan Gottlieb, Sumeet Sobti, Peter N. Yianilos: A Prototype Implementation of Archival Intermemory. ACM DL 1999: 28-37
59EEAndrew V. Goldberg: Selecting Problems for Algorithm Evaluation. Algorithm Engineering 1999: 1-11
58EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Paul W. Goldberg, Pavel A. Pevzner, Süleyman Cenk Sahinalp, Elizabeth Sweedyk, Andrew V. Goldberg, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis: Cut Tree Algorithms. SODA 1999: 376-385
57EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Paul W. Goldberg, Pavel A. Pevzner, Süleyman Cenk Sahinalp, Elizabeth Sweedyk, Andrew V. Goldberg, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis: Cut Tree Algorithms. SODA 1999: 376-385
56EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Bernard M. E. Moret: Combinatorial Algorithms Test Sets [CATS]: The ACM/EATCS Platform for Experimental Research. SODA 1999: 913-914
55 Boris V. Cherkassky, Andrew V. Goldberg, Craig Silverstein: Buckets, Heaps, Lists, and Monotone Priority Queues. SIAM J. Comput. 28(4): 1326-1346 (1999)
54EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Satish Rao: Flows in Undirected Unit Capacity Networks. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 12(1): 1-5 (1999)
53 Andrew V. Goldberg, Peter N. Yianilos: Towards an Archival Intermemory. ADL 1998: 147-156
52EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Jeffrey D. Oldham, Serge A. Plotkin, Clifford Stein: An Implementation of a Combinatorial Approximation Algorithm for Minimum-Cost Multicommodity Flow. IPCO 1998: 338-352
51EEAndrew V. Goldberg: Recent Developments in Maximum Flow Algorithms (Invited Lecture). SWAT 1998: 1-10
50EEBoris V. Cherkassky, Andrew V. Goldberg, Paul Martin: Augment or Push: A Computational Study of Bipartite Matching and Unit-Capacity Flow Algorithms. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 3: 8 (1998)
49EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Satish Rao: Beyond the Flow Decomposition Barrier. J. ACM 45(5): 783-797 (1998)
48EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Satish Rao: Beyond the Flow Decomposition Barrier. FOCS 1997: 2-11
47EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Satish Rao: Flows in Undirected Unit Capacity Networks. FOCS 1997: 32-34
46 Chandra Chekuri, Andrew V. Goldberg, David R. Karger, Matthew S. Levine, Clifford Stein: Experimental Study of Minimum Cut Algorithms. SODA 1997: 324-333
45 Boris V. Cherkassky, Andrew V. Goldberg, Craig Silverstein: Buckets, Heaps, Lists, and Monotone Priority Queues. SODA 1997: 83-92
44 Boris V. Cherkassky, Andrew V. Goldberg: On Implementing the Push-Relabel Method for the Maximum Flow Problem. Algorithmica 19(4): 390-410 (1997)
43 Andrew V. Goldberg: An Efficient Implementation of a Scaling Minimum-Cost Flow Algorithm. J. Algorithms 22(1): 1-29 (1997)
42EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Robert Kennedy: Global Price Updates Help. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 10(4): 551-572 (1997)
41 Boris V. Cherkassky, Andrew V. Goldberg: Negative-Cycle Detection Algorithms. ESA 1996: 349-363
40 Andrew V. Goldberg, Alexander V. Karzanov: Path Problems in Skew-Symmetric Graphs. Combinatorica 16(3): 353-382 (1996)
39 Boris V. Cherkassky, Andrew V. Goldberg, Tomasz Radzik: Shortest paths algorithms: Theory and experimental evaluation. Math. Program. 73: 129-174 (1996)
38 Andrew V. Goldberg, Alexander V. Karzanov: Maximum Skew-Symmetric Flows. ESA 1995: 155-170
37 Boris V. Cherkassky, Andrew V. Goldberg: On Implementing Push-Relabel Method for the Maximum Flow Problem. IPCO 1995: 157-171
36 Andrew V. Goldberg, Robert Kennedy: An efficient cost scaling algorithm for the assignment problem. Math. Program. 71: 153-177 (1995)
35 Andrew V. Goldberg: Scaling Algorithms for the Shortest Paths Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 24(3): 494-504 (1995)
34 Andrew V. Goldberg: Optimization Algorithms For Large Networks. ESA 1994: 1-9
33 Michel X. Goemans, Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, David B. Shmoys, Éva Tardos, David P. Williamson: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Network Design Problems. SODA 1994: 223-232
32 Boris V. Cherkassky, Andrew V. Goldberg, Tomasz Radzik: Shortest Paths Algorithms: Theory and Experimental Evaluation. SODA 1994: 516-525
31 Andrew V. Goldberg, Alexander V. Karzanov: Path Problems in Skew-Symmetric Graphs. SODA 1994: 526-535
30 Tomasz Radzik, Andrew V. Goldberg: Tight Bounds on the Number of Minimum-Mean Cycle Cancellations and Related Results. Algorithmica 11(3): 226-242 (1994)
29 Andrew V. Goldberg, Bruce M. Maggs, Serge A. Plotkin: A Parallel Algorithm for Reconfiguring a Multibutterfly Network with Faulty Switches. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(3): 321-326 (1994)
28 Andrew V. Goldberg: An efficient implementation of a scaling minimum-cost flow algorithm. IPCO 1993: 251-266
27 Andrew V. Goldberg: Scaling Algorithms for the Shortest Paths Problem. SODA 1993: 222-231
26 Ted Fischer, Andrew V. Goldberg, David J. Haglin, Serge A. Plotkin: Approximating Matchings in Parallel. Inf. Process. Lett. 46(3): 115-118 (1993)
25 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, Pravin M. Vaidya: Sublinear-Time Parallel Algorithms for Matching and Related Problems. J. Algorithms 14(2): 180-213 (1993)
24 Andrew V. Goldberg: A Natural Randomization Strategy for Multicommodity Flow and Related Algorithms. Inf. Process. Lett. 42(5): 249-256 (1992)
23 Ravindra K. Ahuja, Andrew V. Goldberg, James B. Orlin, Robert Endre Tarjan: Finding minimum-cost flows by double scaling. Math. Program. 53: 243-266 (1992)
22 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, David B. Shmoys, Éva Tardos: Using Interior-Point Methods for Fast Parallel Algorithms for Bipartite Matching and Related Problems. SIAM J. Comput. 21(1): 140-150 (1992)
21 Tomasz Radzik, Andrew V. Goldberg: Tight Bounds on the Number of Minimum-Mean Cycle Cancellations and Related Results. SODA 1991: 110-119
20 Andrew V. Goldberg: Processor-Efficient Implementation of a Maximum Flow Algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 38(4): 179-185 (1991)
19 Andrew V. Goldberg, Michael D. Grigoriadis, Robert Endre Tarjan: Use of dynamic trees in a network simplex algorithm for the maximum flow problem. Math. Program. 50: 277-290 (1991)
18 Andrew V. Goldberg, Michael Sipser: Compression and Ranking. SIAM J. Comput. 20(3): 524-536 (1991)
17 Michael Kharitonov, Andrew V. Goldberg, Moti Yung: Lower Bounds for Pseudorandom Number Generators FOCS 1989: 242-247
16 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, David B. Shmoys, Éva Tardos: Interior-Point Methods in Parallel Computation FOCS 1989: 350-355
15 Baruch Awerbuch, Andrew V. Goldberg, Michael Luby, Serge A. Plotkin: Network Decomposition and Locality in Distributed Computation FOCS 1989: 364-369
14 Andrew V. Goldberg, Robert Endre Tarjan: A Parallel Algorithm for Finding a Blocking Flow in an Acyclic Network. Inf. Process. Lett. 31(5): 265-271 (1989)
13EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Robert Endre Tarjan: Finding minimum-cost circulations by canceling negative cycles. J. ACM 36(4): 873-886 (1989)
12 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, Pravin M. Vaidya: Sublinear-Time Parallel Algorithms for Matching and Related Problems FOCS 1988: 174-185
11 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, Éva Tardos: Combinatorial Algorithms for the Generalized Circulation Problem FOCS 1988: 432-443
10 Andrew V. Goldberg, Robert Endre Tarjan: Finding Minimum-Cost Circulations by Canceling Negative Cycles STOC 1988: 388-397
9EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Robert Endre Tarjan: A new approach to the maximum-flow problem. J. ACM 35(4): 921-940 (1988)
8 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, Gregory E. Shannon: Parallel Symmetry-Breaking in Sparse Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 1(4): 434-446 (1988)
7 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, Gregory E. Shannon: Parallel Symmetry-Breaking in Sparse Graphs STOC 1987: 315-324
6 Andrew V. Goldberg, Robert Endre Tarjan: Solving Minimum-Cost Flow Problems by Successive Approximation STOC 1987: 7-18
5 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin: Parallel ((Greek D)D+1)-Coloring of Constant-Degree Graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 25(4): 241-245 (1987)
4 Andrew V. Goldberg, Robert Endre Tarjan: A New Approach to the Maximum Flow Problem STOC 1986: 136-146
3 Andrew V. Goldberg, Karl J. Lieberherr: Efficient Test Generation Algorithms. ITC 1985: 508-517
2 Andrew V. Goldberg, Michael Sipser: Compression and Ranking STOC 1985: 440-448
1 Andrew V. Goldberg, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela: On Finding the Exact Solution of a Zero-One Knapsack Problem STOC 1984: 359-368

Coauthor Index

1Ittai Abraham [76]
2Gagan Aggarwal [72]
3Ravindra K. Ahuja [23]
4Baruch Awerbuch [15]
5Maxim A. Babenko [78]
6Chandra Chekuri [46]
7Yuan Chen [60]
8Boris V. Cherkassky [32] [37] [39] [41] [44] [45] [50] [55] [83]
9Camil Demetrescu [81]
10Jonathan Derryberry [78]
11Kaustubh Deshmukh [67]
12Jan Edler [60]
13Amos Fiat [66] [72]
14Ted Fischer [26]
15Cyril Gavoille [76]
16Loukas Georgiadis [83] [84]
17Michel X. Goemans [33]
18Paul W. Goldberg [58]
19Allan Gottlieb [60]
20Michael D. Grigoriadis [19]
21David J. Haglin [26]
22Chris Harrelson [74]
23Jason D. Hartline [62] [64] [66] [67] [68] [69] [71] [72] [73]
24Nicole Immorlica [72]
25David S. Johnson [81]
26Haim Kaplan [77]
27David R. Karger [46]
28Anna R. Karlin [66] [67] [71]
29Alexander V. Karzanov [31] [38] [40] [70]
30Robert Kennedy [36] [42]
31Michael Kharitonov [17]
32Matthew S. Levine [46]
33Karl J. Lieberherr [3]
34Michael Luby [15]
35Bruce M. Maggs [29]
36Dahlia Malkhi (Dalia Malki) [76]
37Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela [1]
38Paul Martin [50]
39Bernard M. E. Moret [56]
40Jeffrey D. Oldham [52]
41James B. Orlin [23]
42Pavel A. Pevzner [58]
43Serge A. Plotkin [5] [7] [8] [11] [12] [15] [16] [22] [25] [26] [29] [33] [52]
44Tomasz Radzik [21] [30] [32] [39]
45Satish Rao [47] [48] [49] [54]
46Süleyman Cenk Sahinalp [58]
47Michael E. Saks [71]
48Gregory E. Shannon [7] [8]
49David B. Shmoys [16] [22] [33]
50Craig Silverstein [45] [55]
51Michael Sipser [2] [18]
52Sumeet Sobti [60]
53Clifford Stein [46] [52]
54Madhu Sudan [72]
55Elizabeth Sweedyk [58]
56Éva Tardos [11] [16] [22] [33]
57Robert Endre Tarjan [4] [6] [9] [10] [13] [14] [19] [23] [78] [83] [84]
58Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis [58] [61]
59Pravin M. Vaidya [12] [25]
60Renato Fonseca F. Werneck [75] [77] [83] [84]
61David P. Williamson [33]
62Andrew Wright [62]
63Peter N. Yianilos [53] [60]
64Moti Yung (Mordechai M. Yung) [17]
65Yunhong Zhou [78]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)