20. FOCS 1979:
San Juan,
Puerto Rico
20th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,
San Juan, Puerto Rico, 29-31 October 1979. IEEE Computer Society
- Yechiam Yemini:
Some Theoretical Aspects of Position-Location Problems.
1-8 BibTeX
- David P. Dobkin, Lawrence Snyder:
On a General Method for Maximizing and Minimizing among Certain Geometric Problems (Extended Abstract).
9-17 BibTeX
- David G. Kirkpatrick:
Efficient Computation of Continuous Skeletons.
18-27 BibTeX
- Victor Y. Pan:
Field Extension and Triangular Aggregating, Uniting and Canceling for the Acceleration of Matrix Multiplications.
28-38 BibTeX
- László Babai, Ludek Kucera:
Canonical Labelling of Graphs in Linear Average Time.
39-46 BibTeX
- J. C. Lagarias:
Succinct Certificates for the Solvability of Binary Quadratic Diophantine Equations.
47-54 BibTeX
- Leonard M. Adleman:
A Subexponential Algorithm for the Discrete Logarithm Problem with Applications to Cryptography (Abstract).
55-60 BibTeX
- Sheila A. Greibach:
Formal Languages: Origins and Directions.
66-90 BibTeX
- Meera Blattner:
The Decidability of the Equivalence of Context-Free Grammar Forms.
91-96 BibTeX
- Hermann A. Maurer, Maurice Nivat:
Bijective A-Transducers.
97-100 BibTeX
- Dexter Kozen:
Semantics of Probabilistic Programs.
101-114 BibTeX
- Vaughan R. Pratt:
Models of Program Logics.
115-122 BibTeX
- Nachum Dershowitz:
Orderings for Term-Rewriting Systems.
123-131 BibTeX
- Karl J. Lieberherr, Ernst Specker:
Complexity of Partial Satisfaction.
132-139 BibTeX
- Franco P. Preparata, Jean Vuillemin:
The Cube-Connected-Cycles: A Versatile Network for Parallel Computation (Extended Abstract).
140-147 BibTeX
- James B. Saxe, Jon Louis Bentley:
Transforming Static Data Structures to Dynamic Structures (Abridged Version).
148-168 BibTeX
- Gaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro, Hendra Suwanda:
Toward Self-Organizing Linear Search (Preliminary Draught).
169-174 BibTeX
- Mark N. Wegman, Larry Carter:
New Classes and Applications of Hash Functions.
175-182 BibTeX
- Philippe Flajolet, Jean Françon, Jean Vuillemin:
Towards Analysing Sequences of Operations for Dynamic Data Structures (Preliminary Version).
183-195 BibTeX
- Harold N. Gabow, Robert Endre Tarjan:
Efficient Algorithms for Simple Matroid Intersection Problems.
196-204 BibTeX
- Bengt Aspvall, Yossi Shiloach:
A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities with Two Variables per Inequality.
205-217 BibTeX
- Romas Aleliunas, Richard M. Karp, Richard J. Lipton, László Lovász, Charles Rackoff:
Random Walks, Universal Traversal Sequences, and the Complexity of Maze Problems.
218-223 BibTeX
- Juris Hartmanis:
Observations about the Development of Theoretical Computer Science.
224-233 BibTeX
- Michael J. Fischer, Nancy A. Lynch, James E. Burns, Allan Borodin:
Resource Allocation with Immunity to Limited Process Failure (Preliminary Report).
234-254 BibTeX
- Edmund M. Clarke, Lishing Liu:
Approximate Algorithms for Optimization of Busy Waiting in Parallel Programs (Preliminary Report).
255-266 BibTeX
- Alfred V. Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Mihalis Yannakakis:
Modeling Communications Protocols by Automata.
267-273 BibTeX
- Zvi M. Kedem, Abraham Silberschatz:
Controlling Concurrency Using Locking Protocols (Preliminary Report).
274-285 BibTeX
- Mihalis Yannakakis, Christos H. Papadimitriou, H. T. Kung:
Locking Policies: Safety and Freedom from Deadlock.
286-297 BibTeX
- Wolfgang J. Paul, Rüdiger Reischuk:
On Time versus Space II.
298-306 BibTeX
- Walter L. Ruzzo:
On Uniform Circuit Complexity (Extended Abstract).
312-318 BibTeX
- Allan Borodin, Michael J. Fischer, David G. Kirkpatrick, Nancy A. Lynch, Martin Tompa:
A Time-Space Tradeoff for Sorting on Non-Oblivious Machines.
319-327 BibTeX
- Richard Schroeppel, Adi Shamir:
A T S^2 = O(2^n) Time/Space Tradeoff for Certain NP-Complete Problems.
328-336 BibTeX
- Neil Immerman:
Length of Predicate Calculus Formulas as a New Complexity Measure.
337-347 BibTeX
- Gary L. Peterson, John H. Reif:
Multiple-Person Alternation.
348-363 BibTeX
- Ofer Gabber, Zvi Galil:
Explicit Constructions of Linear Size Superconcentrators.
364-370 BibTeX
- Stephen Cole Kleene:
Origins of Recursive Function Theory.
371-382 BibTeX
- Gilles Brassard:
Relativized Cryptography.
383-391 BibTeX
- Theodore P. Baker, Juris Hartmanis:
Succinctness, Verifiability and Determinism in Representations of Polynomial-Time Languages.
392-396 BibTeX
- Leonard M. Adleman, Kenneth L. Manders:
Reductions that Lie.
397-410 BibTeX
- Janos Simon:
Division Is Good.
411-420 BibTeX
- John H. Reif:
Complexity of the Mover's Problem and Generalizations (Extended Abstract).
421-427 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:12:24 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)