Volume 8,
Number 1,
2 January 1979
Volume 8,
Number 2,
15 February 1979
Volume 8,
Number 3,
15 March 1979
Volume 8,
Number 4,
30 April 1979
- Maurizio A. Bonuccelli, Daniel P. Bovet:
Minimum Node Disjoint Path Covering for Circular-Arc Graphs.
159-161 BibTeX
- Ludwik Czaja:
A Specification of Parallel Problems.
162-167 BibTeX
- Martin Huits, Vipin Kumar:
The Practical Significance of Distributive Partitioning Sort.
168-169 BibTeX
- Wlodzimierz Dobosiewicz:
The Practical Significance of d.p.Sort Revisited.
170-172 BibTeX
- Alain Fournier:
Comments on Convex Hull of a Finite Set of Points in Two Dimensions.
173 BibTeX
- Hirosi Hitotumatu, Kohei Noshita:
A Technique for Implementing Backtrack Algorithms and its Application.
174-175 BibTeX
- J. Henno:
The Depth of Monotone Functions in Multivalued Logic.
176-177 BibTeX
- Ronald L. Rivest, Jean-Paul Van de Wiele:
An Omega(n/lg n)1/2 Lower Bound on the Number of Additions Necessary to Compute 0-1 Polynomials over the Ring of Integer Polynomials.
178-180 BibTeX
- Karel Culik II, Hermann A. Maurer:
Secure Information Storage and Retrieval Using New Results in Cryptography.
181-186 BibTeX
- Esko Ukkonen:
The Nonexistence of Some Covering Context-Free Grammars.
187-192 BibTeX
- C. C. Yang, D. T. Lee:
A Note on the all Nearest-Neighbor Problem for Convex Polygons.
193-194 BibTeX
- David Harel:
Two Results on Process Logic.
195-198 BibTeX
Information Processing Letters 9(3):
160 (1979)
- Ján Plesník:
The NP-Completeness of the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem in Planar Digraphs with Degree Bound Two.
199-201 BibTeX
- P. S. Pankov, S. L. Dolmatov:
Substantiable Evaluations by Electronic Computers and Their Application to one Problem in Combinatorial Geometry.
202-203 BibTeX
- Felix J. Fridman, Glenn H. Holloway, Naftaly H. Minsky, Josef Stein:
Abstract FOR-Loops Over Several Aggregates.
204-206 BibTeX
- Jörg Mühlbacher:
F-Factors of Graphs: A Generalized Matching Problem.
207-214 BibTeX
- Harold Abelson:
A Note on Time-Space Tradeoffs for Computing Continuous Functions.
215-217 BibTeX
Volume 8,
Number 5,
11 June 1979
- Ysmar V. Silva Filho:
Average Case Analysis of Region Search in Balanced k-d Trees.
219-223 BibTeX
- Manfred Broy, Martin Wirsing, Jean-Pierre Finance, Alain Quéré, Jean-Luc Remy:
Methodical Solution of the Problem of Ascending Subsequences of Maximum Length Within a Given Sequence.
224-229 BibTeX
- Timo Leipälä:
On a Generalization of Binary Search.
230-233 BibTeX
- Dario Bini, Milvio Capovani, Francesco Romani, Grazia Lotti:
O(n2.7799) Complexity for n*n Approximate Matrix Multiplication.
234-235 BibTeX
- Yossi Shiloach:
A Fast Equivalence-Checking Algorithm for Circular Lists.
236-238 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Reisig:
A Note on the Representation of Finite Tree Automata.
239-240 BibTeX
- D. van der Knijff, Jean-Louis Lassez:
A Clarification of the Comparison Between Some Measures of Software Science.
241-243 BibTeX
- Jon Louis Bentley:
Decomposable Searching Problems.
244-251 BibTeX
- George Loizou:
Mathematical Solution for a Data Processing System.
252-256 BibTeX
- Keijo Ruohonen:
The Decidability of the F0L-D0L Equivalence Problem.
257-260 BibTeX
- Charles N. Fischer, K. C. Tai, D. R. Milton:
Immediate Error Detection in Strong LL(1) Parsers.
261-266 BibTeX
- Eitan M. Gurari, Oscar H. Ibarra:
On the Space Complexity of Recursive Algorithms.
267-271 BibTeX
- Arnold L. Rosenberg:
A Note on Paths Embedded in Trees.
272-273 BibTeX
- Neelam Soundararajan:
Axiomatic Proofs of Fotal Correctness of Programs.
274-277 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:03:57 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)