2. SODA 1991:
San Francisco,
Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms,
January 28-30,
San Francisco,
California. ACM/SIAM
- Michiel H. M. Smid:
Maintaining the Minimal Distance of a Point Set in Polylogarithmic Time.
1-6 BibTeX
- Siu-Wing Cheng, Ravi Janardan:
Space-efficient Ray-shooting and Intersection Searching: Algorithms, Dynamization, and Applications.
7-16 BibTeX
- Kenneth L. Clarkson:
Approximation Algorithms for Planar Traveling Salesman Tours and Minimum-Length Triangulations.
17-23 BibTeX
- Marco Pellegrini, Peter W. Shor:
Finding Stabbing Lines in 3-Dimensional Space.
24-31 BibTeX
- John Hershberger, Subhash Suri:
Offline Maintenance of Planar Configurations.
32-41 BibTeX
- Esther M. Arkin, Klara Kedem, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Josef Sprinzak, Michael Werman:
Matching Points into Noise Regions: Combinatorial Bounds and Algorithms.
42-51 BibTeX
- Robert F. Cohen, Roberto Tamassia:
Dynamic Expression Trees and their Applications (Extended Abstract).
52-61 BibTeX
- Jingsen Chen, Svante Carlsson:
On Partitions and Presortedness of Sequences.
62-71 BibTeX
- Tony W. Lai, Derick Wood:
Adaptive Heuristics for Binary Search Trees and Constant Linkage Cost.
72-77 BibTeX
- Paul F. Dietz, Rajeev Raman:
Persistence, Amortization and Randomization.
78-88 BibTeX
- James R. Driscoll, Daniel Dominic Sleator, Robert Endre Tarjan:
Fully Persistent Lists with Catenation.
89-99 BibTeX
- Philippe Flajolet, Gaston H. Gonnet, Claude Puech, J. M. Robson:
The Analysis of Multidimensional Searching in Quad-Trees.
100-109 BibTeX
- Tomasz Radzik, Andrew V. Goldberg:
Tight Bounds on the Number of Minimum-Mean Cycle Cancellations and Related Results.
110-119 BibTeX
- Edith Cohen, Nimrod Megiddo:
Algorithms and Complexity Analysis for Some Flow Problems.
120-130 BibTeX
- Murali S. Kodialam, James B. Orlin:
Recognizing Strong Connectivity in (Dynamic) Periodic Graphs and its Relation to Integer Programming.
131-135 BibTeX
- Bonnie Berger, Lenore Cowen:
Complexity Results and Algorithms for { <, <=, = }-Constrained Scheduling.
137-147 BibTeX
- David B. Shmoys, Clifford Stein, Joel Wein:
Improved Approximation Algorithms for Shop Scheduling Problems.
148-157 BibTeX
- Marek Chrobak, David Eppstein, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Moti Yung:
Efficient Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Computing Recovery Points in Trees and Paths.
158-167 BibTeX
- Greg N. Frederickson:
Optimal Algorithms for Tree Partitioning.
168-177 BibTeX
- Pierre Kelsen, Vijaya Ramachandran:
On Finding Minimal 2-Connected Subgraphs.
178-187 BibTeX
- Farid Alizadeh:
A Sublinear-Time Randomized Parallel Algorithm for the Maximum Clique Problem in Perfect Graphs.
188-194 BibTeX
- Lenwood S. Heath:
Edge Coloring Planar Graphs with Two Outerplanar Subgraphs.
195-202 BibTeX
- Michael D. Hutton, Anna Lubiw:
Upward Planar Drawing of Single Source Acyclic Digraphs.
203-211 BibTeX
- Amihood Amir, Martin Farach:
Efficient 2-dimensional Approximate Matching of Non-Rectangular Figures.
212-223 BibTeX
- Richard Cole:
Tight Bounds on the Complexity of the Boyer-Moore String Matching Algorithm.
224-233 BibTeX
- Bala Kalyanasundaram, Kirk Pruhs:
On-Line Weighted Matching.
234-240 BibTeX
- Neal E. Young:
On-Line Caching as Cache Size Varies.
241-250 BibTeX
- Sandy Irani, Nick Reingold, Jeffery Westbrook, Daniel Dominic Sleator:
Randomized Competitive Algorithms for the List Update Problem.
251-260 BibTeX
- Amotz Bar-Noy, Baruch Schieber:
The Canadian Traveller Problem.
261-270 BibTeX
- Joseph Gil, Yossi Matias:
Fast Hashing on a PRAM - Designing by Expectation.
271-280 BibTeX
- Prakash V. Ramanan:
A New Lower Bound Technique and Its Application: Tight Lower Bound for a Polygon Triangulation Problem.
281-290 BibTeX
- William Aiello, Milena Mihail:
Learning the Fourier Spectrum of Probabilistic Lists and Trees.
291-299 BibTeX
- Marek Karpinski, Michael Luby:
Approximating the Number of Zeroes of a GF[2] Polynomial.
300-303 BibTeX
- Brendan D. McKay, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski:
The First Classical Ramsey Number for Hypergraphs is Computed.
304-308 BibTeX
- János Csirik, David S. Johnson:
Bounded Space On-Line Bin Packing: Best is Better than First.
309-319 BibTeX
- Nathan Linial, Michael E. Saks:
Decomposing Graphs into Regions of Small Diameter.
320-330 BibTeX
- Gary L. Miller, Stephen A. Vavasis:
Density Graphs and Separators.
331-336 BibTeX
- Sampath Kannan, Tandy Warnow:
Triangulating Three-Colored Graphs.
337-343 BibTeX
- Sandeep N. Bhatt, David S. Greenberg, Frank Thomson Leighton, Pangfeng Liu:
Tight Bounds for On-Line Tree Embeddings.
344-350 BibTeX
- Michael E. Saks, Nir Shavit, Heather Woll:
Optimal Time Randomized Consensus - Making Resilient Algorithms Fast in Practice.
351-362 BibTeX
- Tze-Heng Ma, Jeremy Spinrad:
An O(n²) Time Algorithm for the 2-Chain Cover Problem and Related Problems.
363-372 BibTeX
- Bonnie Berger:
The Fourth Moment Method.
373-383 BibTeX
- Dario Bini, Victor Y. Pan:
Parallel Complexity of Tridiagonal Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem.
384-393 BibTeX
- Mikhail J. Atallah, S. Rao Kosaraju:
An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for the Row Minima of a Totally Monotone Matrix.
394-403 BibTeX
- Andrei Z. Broder, Anna R. Karlin, Prabhakar Raghavan, Eli Upfal:
On the Parallel Complexity of Evaluating Game Trees.
404-413 BibTeX
- Philip D. MacKenzie, Quentin F. Stout:
Ultra-Fast Expected Time Parallel Algorithms.
414-423 BibTeX
- Thomas H. Spencer:
Time-Work Tradeoffs for Parallel Graph Algorithms.
425-432 BibTeX
- V. Chandru, R. Venkataraman:
Circular Hulls and Orbiforms of Simple Polygons.
433-440 BibTeX
- Bernard Chazelle, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Leonidas J. Guibas, Micha Sharir, Jack Snoeyink:
Computing a Face in an Arrangement of Line Segments.
441-448 BibTeX
- Pankaj K. Agarwal, Micha Sharir:
Planar Geometric Location Problems and Maintaining the Width of a Planar Set.
449-458 BibTeX
- Jirel Czyzowicz, Peter Egyed, Hazel Everett, David Rappaport, Thomas C. Shermer, Diane L. Souvaine, Godfried T. Toussaint, Jorge Urrutia:
The Aquarium Keeper's Problem.
459-464 BibTeX
- Yitzhak Birk, Jeffrey B. Lotspiech:
A Fast Algorithm for Connecting Grid Points to the Boundary with Nonintersecting Straight Lines.
465-474 BibTeX
- Michael Formann, Dorothea Wagner, Frank Wagner:
Routing through a Dense Channel with Minimum Total Wire Length.
475-482 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:41:51 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)