
David Eppstein

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283EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Darren Strash: Linear-time algorithms for geometric graphs with sublinearly many crossings. SODA 2009: 150-159
282EEDavid Eppstein, Elena Mumford: Self-overlapping curves revisited. SODA 2009: 160-169
281EEDavid Eppstein: Testing bipartiteness of geometric intersection graphs. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 5(2): (2009)
280EEDavid Eppstein, Elena Mumford, Bettina Speckmann, Kevin Verbeek: Area-Universal Rectangular Layouts CoRR abs/0901.3924: (2009)
279EESergio Cabello, David Eppstein, Sandi Klavzar: The Fibonacci dimension of a graph CoRR abs/0903.2507: (2009)
278EEDavid Eppstein, Emma S. Spiro: The h-Index of a Graph and its Application to Dynamic Subgraph Statistics CoRR abs/0904.3741: (2009)
277EEWenliang Du, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, George S. Lueker: On the Approximability of Geometric and Geographic Generalization and the Min-Max Bin Covering Problem CoRR abs/0904.3756: (2009)
276EEDavid Eppstein, Elena Mumford: Orientation-Constrained Rectangular Layouts CoRR abs/0904.4312: (2009)
275EEGill Barequet, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Amir Vaxman: Straight Skeletons of Three-Dimensional Polyhedra. ESA 2008: 148-160
274EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Studying (non-planar) road networks through an algorithmic lens. GIS 2008: 16
273EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Succinct Greedy Graph Drawing in the Hyperbolic Plane. Graph Drawing 2008: 14-25
272EEDavid Eppstein: Isometric Diamond Subgraphs. Graph Drawing 2008: 384-389
271EEDavid Eppstein: The Topology of Bendless Three-Dimensional Orthogonal Graph Drawing. Graph Drawing 2008: 78-89
270EEDavid Eppstein: Recognizing partial cubes in quadratic time. SODA 2008: 1258-1266
269EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Ethan Kim, Rasmus Tamstorf: Approximate topological matching of quadrilateral meshes. Shape Modeling International 2008: 83-92
268EEDavid Eppstein: Learning Sequences CoRR abs/0803.4030: (2008)
267EEGill Barequet, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Amir Vaxman: Straight Skeletons of Three-Dimensional Polyhedra CoRR abs/0805.0022: (2008)
266EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Succinct Greedy Graph Drawing in the Hyperbolic Plane CoRR abs/0806.0341: (2008)
265EEDavid Eppstein, Elena Mumford: Self-overlapping Curves Revisited CoRR abs/0806.1724: (2008)
264EEDavid Eppstein: Finding Large Clique Minors is Hard CoRR abs/0807.0007: (2008)
263EEDavid Eppstein: Isometric Diamond Subgraphs CoRR abs/0807.2218: (2008)
262EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Studying (Non-Planar) Road Networks Through an Algorithmic Lens CoRR abs/0808.3694: (2008)
261EEMatthew Dickerson, David Eppstein, Kevin A. Wortman: Dilation, smoothed distance, and minimization diagrams of convex functions CoRR abs/0812.0607: (2008)
260EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Darren Strash: Linear-Time Algorithms for Geometric Graphs with Sublinearly Many Crossings CoRR abs/0812.0893: (2008)
259EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Ethan Kim, Rasmus Tamstorf: Motorcycle Graphs: Canonical Quad Mesh Partitioning. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(5): 1477-1486 (2008)
258EEDavid Eppstein, Jean-Claude Falmagne: Algorithms for media. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(8): 1308-1320 (2008)
257EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Jonathan Z. Sun: Skip Quadtrees: Dynamic Data Structures for Multidimensional Point Sets. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 18(1/2): 131-160 (2008)
256EEDavid Eppstein: Upright-Quad Drawing of st-Planar Learning Spaces. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 12(1): 51-72 (2008)
255EEDavid Eppstein: Squarepants in a tree: sum of subtree clustering and hyperbolic pants decomposition. SODA 2007: 29-38
254EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Nodari Sitchinava: Guard placement for efficient point-in-polygon proofs. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2007: 27-36
253EEDavid Eppstein: Happy endings for flip graphs. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2007: 92-101
252EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Space-Efficient Straggler Identification in Round-Trip Data Streams Via Newton's Identities and Invertible Bloom Filters. WADS 2007: 637-648
251EEDavid Eppstein, Marc J. van Kreveld, Elena Mumford, Bettina Speckmann: Edges and Switches, Tunnels and Bridges. WADS 2007: 77-88
250EEDavid Eppstein: Foreword to special issue on SODA 2002. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 3(1): (2007)
249EEAmitabha Bagchi, Amitabh Chaudhary, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Deterministic sampling and range counting in geometric data streams. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 3(2): (2007)
248EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Jeremy Yu Meng: Confluent Layered Drawings. Algorithmica 47(4): 439-452 (2007)
247EEDavid Eppstein, Jean-Claude Falmagne, Hasan Uzun: On Verifying and Engineering the Well-gradedness of a Union-closed Family CoRR abs/0704.2919: (2007)
246EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Space-Efficient Straggler Identification in Round-Trip Data Streams via Newton's Identities and Invertible Bloom Filters CoRR abs/0704.3313: (2007)
245EEDavid Eppstein, Marc J. van Kreveld, Elena Mumford, Bettina Speckmann: Edges and Switches, Tunnels and Bridges CoRR abs/0705.0413: (2007)
244EEDavid Eppstein: Recognizing Partial Cubes in Quadratic Time CoRR abs/0705.1025: (2007)
243EEDavid Eppstein: The Topology of Bendless Three-Dimensional Orthogonal Graph Drawing CoRR abs/0709.4087: (2007)
242EEDavid Eppstein, Kevin A. Wortman: Minimum dilation stars. Comput. Geom. 37(1): 27-37 (2007)
241EEVida Dujmovic, David Eppstein, Matthew Suderman, David R. Wood: Drawings of planar graphs with few slopes and segments. Comput. Geom. 38(3): 194-212 (2007)
240EELove Singhal, Elaheh Bozorgzadeh, David Eppstein: Interconnect Criticality-Driven Delay Relaxation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 26(10): 1803-1817 (2007)
239EEDavid Eppstein: The Traveling Salesman Problem for Cubic Graphs. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 11(1): 61-81 (2007)
238EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Daniel S. Hirschberg: Improved Combinatorial Group Testing Algorithms for Real-World Problem Sizes. SIAM J. Comput. 36(5): 1360-1375 (2007)
237EEDavid Eppstein: Upright-Quad Drawing of st -Planar Learning Spaces. Graph Drawing 2006: 282-293
236EEMichael B. Dillencourt, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Choosing Colors for Geometric Graphs Via Color Space Embeddings. Graph Drawing 2006: 294-305
235EEJosiah Carlson, David Eppstein: Trees with Convex Faces and Optimal Angles. Graph Drawing 2006: 77-88
234EEPablo Diaz-Gutierrez, David Eppstein, M. Gopi: Single Triangle Strip and Loop on Manifolds with Boundaries. SIBGRAPI 2006: 221-228
233EEJosiah Carlson, David Eppstein: The Weighted Maximum-Mean Subtree and Other Bicriterion Subtree Problems. SWAT 2006: 400-410
232EEDavid Eppstein: Quasiconvex analysis of multivariate recurrence equations for backtracking algorithms. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2(4): 492-509 (2006)
231EEJohn Augustine, David Eppstein, Kevin A. Wortman: Approximate Weighted Farthest Neighbors and Minimum Dilation Stars CoRR abs/cs/0602029: (2006)
230EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Nodari Sitchinava: Guard Placement For Wireless Localization CoRR abs/cs/0603057: (2006)
229EEDavid Eppstein: Squarepants in a Tree: Sum of Subtree Clustering and Hyperbolic Pants Decomposition CoRR abs/cs/0604034: (2006)
228EEDavid Eppstein: Upright-Quad Drawing of st-Planar Learning Spaces CoRR abs/cs/0607094: (2006)
227EEJosiah Carlson, David Eppstein: Trees with Convex Faces and Optimal Angles CoRR abs/cs/0607113: (2006)
226EEMichael B. Dillencourt, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Choosing Colors for Geometric Graphs via Color Space Embeddings CoRR abs/cs/0609033: (2006)
225EEDavid Eppstein: Happy endings for flip graphs CoRR abs/cs/0610092: (2006)
224EEDavid Eppstein: Cubic Partial Cubes from Simplicial Arrangements. Electr. J. Comb. 13(1): (2006)
223EEAmitabha Bagchi, Ankur Bhargava, Amitabh Chaudhary, David Eppstein, Christian Scheideler: The Effect of Faults on Network Expansion. Theory Comput. Syst. 39(6): 903-928 (2006)
222EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Jeremy Yu Meng: Delta-Confluent Drawings. Graph Drawing 2005: 165-176
221EELars Arge, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Skip-webs: efficient distributed data structures for multi-dimensional data sets. PODC 2005: 69-76
220EEDavid Eppstein: All maximal independent sets and dynamic dominance for sparse graphs. SODA 2005: 451-459
219EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Jonathan Z. Sun: The skip quadtree: a simple dynamic data structure for multidimensional data. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 296-305
218EEDavid Eppstein, Kevin A. Wortman: Minimum dilation stars. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2005: 321-326
217EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Daniel S. Hirschberg: Improved Combinatorial Group Testing for Real-World Problem Sizes. WADS 2005: 86-98
216EEJosiah Carlson, David Eppstein: The Weighted Maximum-Mean Subtree and Other Bicriterion Subtree Problems CoRR abs/cs/0503023: (2005)
215EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Daniel S. Hirschberg: Improved Combinatorial Group Testing Algorithms for Real-World Problem Sizes CoRR abs/cs/0505048: (2005)
214EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Jonathan Z. Sun: The Skip Quadtree: A Simple Dynamic Data Structure for Multidimensional Data CoRR abs/cs/0507049: (2005)
213EELars Arge, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Skip-Webs: Efficient Distributed Data Structures for Multi-Dimensional Data Sets CoRR abs/cs/0507050: (2005)
212EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Jeremy Yu Meng: Confluent Layered Drawings CoRR abs/cs/0507051: (2005)
211EEDavid Eppstein: Nonrepetitive Paths and Cycles in Graphs with Application to Sudoku CoRR abs/cs/0507053: (2005)
210EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Jeremy Yu Meng: Delta-confluent Drawings CoRR abs/cs/0510024: (2005)
209EEDavid Eppstein: Cubic Partial Cubes from Simplicial Arrangements CoRR abs/math/0510263: (2005)
208EEErik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, David Eppstein, Greg N. Frederickson, Erich Friedman: Hinged dissection of polyominoes and polyforms. Comput. Geom. 31(3): 237-262 (2005)
207EEDavid Eppstein: The lattice dimension of a graph. Eur. J. Comb. 26(5): 585-592 (2005)
206EERichard Beigel, David Eppstein: 3-coloring in time O(1.3289n). J. Algorithms 54(2): 168-204 (2005)
205EEMatthew Dickerson, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Jeremy Yu Meng: Confluent Drawings: Visualizing Non-planar Diagrams in a Planar Way. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 9(1): 31-52 (2005)
204EETony Givargis, David Eppstein: Memory reference caching for activity reduction on address buses. Microprocessors and Microsystems 29(4): 145-153 (2005)
203 Jean Cardinal, David Eppstein: Lazy Algorithms for Dynamic Closest Pair with Arbitary Distance Measures. ALENEX/ANALC 2004: 112-119
202EEDavid Eppstein: Algorithms for Drawing Media. Graph Drawing 2004: 173-183
201EEDavid Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Jeremy Yu Meng: Confluent Layered Drawings. Graph Drawing 2004: 184-194
200EEDavid Eppstein: Quasiconvex analysis of backtracking algorithms. SODA 2004: 788-797
199EEDavid Eppstein: Testing bipartiteness of geometric intersection graphs. SODA 2004: 860-868
198EEAmitabha Bagchi, Ankur Bhargava, Amitabh Chaudhary, David Eppstein, Christian Scheideler: The effect of faults on network expansion. SPAA 2004: 286-293
197EEAmitabha Bagchi, Amitabh Chaudhary, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Deterministic sampling and range counting in geometric data streams. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2004: 144-151
196EEChristian A. Duncan, David Eppstein, Stephen G. Kobourov: The geometric thickness of low degree graphs. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2004: 340-346
195EEDavid Eppstein, M. Gopi: Single-strip triangulation of manifolds with arbitrary topology. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2004: 455-456
194EEDavid Eppstein, Kevin A. Wortman: Minimum Dilation Stars CoRR abs/cs/0412025: (2004)
193EEDavid Eppstein: Quasiconvex Programming CoRR abs/cs/0412046: (2004)
192EEM. Gopi, David Eppstein: Single-Strip Triangulation of Manifolds with Arbitrary Topology CoRR cs.CG/0405036: (2004)
191EEAmitabha Bagchi, Ankur Bhargava, Amitabh Chaudhary, David Eppstein, Christian Scheideler: The Effect of Faults on Network Expansion CoRR cs.DC/0404029: (2004)
190EEDavid Eppstein: The lattice dimension of a graph CoRR cs.DS/0402028: (2004)
189EEDavid Eppstein: Algorithms for Drawing Media CoRR cs.DS/0406020: (2004)
188EEDavid Eppstein: All Maximal Independent Sets and Dynamic Dominance for Sparse Graphs CoRR cs.DS/0407036: (2004)
187EEDavid Eppstein, John M. Sullivan, Alper Üngör: Tiling space and slabs with acute tetrahedra. Comput. Geom. 27(3): 237-255 (2004)
186EEM. Gopi, David Eppstein: Single-Strip Triangulation of Manifolds with Arbitrary Topology. Comput. Graph. Forum 23(3): 371-380 (2004)
185EEDavid Eppstein, Joseph Wang: Fast Approximation of Centrality. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 8: 39-45 (2004)
184EEMatthew Dickerson, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Jeremy Yu Meng: Confluent Drawings: Visualizing Non-planar Diagrams in a Planar Way. Graph Drawing 2003: 1-12
183EEFranz-Josef Brandenburg, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov, Giuseppe Liotta, Petra Mutzel: Selected Open Problems in Graph Drawing. Graph Drawing 2003: 515-539
182EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Möbius-invariant natural neighbor interpolation. SODA 2003: 128-129
181EEDavid Eppstein: Dynamic generators of topologically embedded graphs. SODA 2003: 599-608
180EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Optimized color gamuts for tiled displays. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2003: 274-281
179EEDavid Eppstein: The Traveling Salesman Problem for Cubic Graphs. WADS 2003: 307-318
178EEDavid Eppstein, John M. Sullivan, Alper Üngör: Tiling space and slabs with acute tetrahedra CoRR cs.CG/0302027: (2003)
177EEDavid Eppstein: Testing Bipartiteness of Geometric Intersection Graphs CoRR cs.CG/0307023: (2003)
176EEAmitabha Bagchi, Amitabh Chaudhary, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich: Deterministic Sampling and Range Counting in Geometric Data Streams CoRR cs.CG/0307027: (2003)
175EEChristian A. Duncan, David Eppstein, Stephen G. Kobourov: The Geometric Thickness of Low Degree Graphs CoRR cs.CG/0312056: (2003)
174EEDavid Eppstein: The traveling salesman problem for cubic graphs CoRR cs.DS/0302030: (2003)
173EEDavid Eppstein: Quasiconvex Analysis of Backtracking Algorithms CoRR cs.DS/0304018: (2003)
172 Marshall W. Bern, Erik D. Demaine, David Eppstein, Eric Kuo, Andrea Mantler, Jack Snoeyink: Ununfoldable polyhedra with convex faces. Comput. Geom. 24(2): 51-62 (2003)
171EEDavid Eppstein: Guest Editor's Foreword. Discrete & Computational Geometry 30(1): 1-2 (2003)
170EEDavid Eppstein: Small Maximal Independent Sets and Faster Exact Graph Coloring. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 7(2): 131-140 (2003)
169EEDavid Eppstein: Setting Parameters by Example. SIAM J. Comput. 32(3): 643-653 (2003)
168EEDavid Eppstein: Separating Thickness from Geometric Thickness. Graph Drawing 2002: 150-161
167EEErik D. Demaine, David Eppstein, Jeff Erickson, George W. Hart, Joseph O'Rourke: Vertex-unfoldings of simplicial manifolds. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2002: 237-243
166EEDavid Eppstein, Marshall W. Bern, Brad L. Hutchings: Algorithms for Coloring Quadtrees. Algorithmica 32(1): 87-94 (2002)
165EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Moebius-Invariant Natural Neighbor Interpolation CoRR cs.CG/0207081: (2002)
164EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Optimized Color Gamuts for Tiled Displays CoRR cs.CG/0212007: (2002)
163EEMatthew Dickerson, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Jeremy Yu Meng: Confluent Drawings: Visualizing Non-planar Diagrams in a Planar Way CoRR cs.CG/0212046: (2002)
162EEDavid Eppstein, Joseph Wang: A steady state model for graph power laws CoRR cs.DM/0204001: (2002)
161EEDavid Eppstein, Jean-Claude Falmagne: Algorithms for Media CoRR cs.DS/0206033: (2002)
160EEDavid Eppstein: Dynamic Generators of Topologically Embedded Graphs CoRR cs.DS/0207082: (2002)
159EEDavid Eppstein: Separating Thickness from Geometric Thickness CoRR math.CO/0204252: (2002)
158 David Eppstein: Beta-skeletons have unbounded dilation. Comput. Geom. 23(1): 43-52 (2002)
157EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Multivariate Regression Depth. Discrete & Computational Geometry 28(1): 1-17 (2002)
156EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, Jeff Erickson: Flipping Cubical Meshes. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 18(3): 173-187 (2002)
155EEDavid Eppstein, George S. Lueker: The minimum expectation selection problem. Random Struct. Algorithms 21(3-4): 278-292 (2002)
154EEDavid Eppstein, Joseph Wang: Fast approximation of centrality. SODA 2001: 228-229
153EEDavid Eppstein: Improved algorithms for 3-coloring, 3-edge-coloring, and constraint satisfaction. SODA 2001: 329-337
152EEDavid Eppstein, S. Muthukrishnan: Internet packet filter management and rectangle geometry. SODA 2001: 827-835
151EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Optimization over Zonotopes and Training Support Vector Machines. WADS 2001: 111-121
150EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Optimal Möbius Transformations for Information Visualization and Meshing. WADS 2001: 14-25
149EEDavid Eppstein: Small Maximal Independent Sets and Faster Exact Graph Coloring. WADS 2001: 462-470
148EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Optimal Moebius Transformations for Information Visualization and Meshing CoRR cs.CG/0101006: (2001)
147EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Optimization Over Zonotopes and Training Support Vector Machines CoRR cs.CG/0105017: (2001)
146EEDavid Eppstein: Hinged Kite Mirror Dissection CoRR cs.CG/0106032: (2001)
145EEErik D. Demaine, David Eppstein, Jeff Erickson, George W. Hart, Joseph O'Rourke: Vertex-Unfoldings of Simplicial Polyhedra CoRR cs.CG/0107023: (2001)
144EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, Jeff Erickson: Flipping Cubical Meshes CoRR cs.CG/0108020: (2001)
143EEErik D. Demaine, David Eppstein, Jeff Erickson, George W. Hart, Joseph O'Rourke: Vertex-Unfoldings of Simplicial Manifolds CoRR cs.CG/0110054: (2001)
142EEDavid Eppstein, George S. Lueker: The Minimum Expectation Selection Problem CoRR cs.DS/0110011: (2001)
141EEDavid Eppstein: Separating Geometric Thickness from Book Thickness CoRR math.CO/0109195: (2001)
140 Xianping Ge, David Eppstein, Padhraic Smyth: The distribution of loop lengths in graphical models for turbo decoding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(6): 2549-2553 (2001)
139EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Multivariate regression depth. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2000: 315-321
138EEDavid Eppstein: Fast Hierarchical Clustering and Other Applications of Dynamic Closest Pairs. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 5: 1 (2000)
137EEDavid Eppstein: Diameter and Treewidth in Minor-Closed Graph Families. Algorithmica 27(3): 275-291 (2000)
136EEDavid Eppstein: Searching for Spaceships CoRR cs.AI/0004003: (2000)
135EEErik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, David Eppstein: Phutball Endgames are Hard CoRR cs.CC/0008025: (2000)
134EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Computing the Depth of a Flat CoRR cs.CG/0009024: (2000)
133EEDavid Eppstein, S. Muthukrishnan: Internet Packet Filter Management and Rectangle Geometry CoRR cs.CG/0010018: (2000)
132EERichard Beigel, David Eppstein: 3-Coloring in Time O(1.3289^n) CoRR cs.DS/0006046: (2000)
131EEDavid Eppstein, Joseph Wang: Fast Approximation of Centrality CoRR cs.DS/0009005: (2000)
130EEDavid Eppstein: Improved Algorithms for 3-Coloring, 3-Edge-Coloring, and Constraint Satisfaction CoRR cs.DS/0009006: (2000)
129EEDavid Eppstein: Small Maximal Independent Sets and Faster Exact Graph Coloring CoRR cs.DS/0011009: (2000)
128EECristopher Moore, David Eppstein: One-Dimensional Peg Solitaire CoRR math.CO/0006067: (2000)
127EECristopher Moore, David Eppstein: One-Dimensional Peg Solitaire, and Duotaire CoRR math.CO/0008172: (2000)
126EENina Amenta, Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, Shang-Hua Teng: Regression Depth and Center Points. Discrete & Computational Geometry 23(3): 305-323 (2000)
125 Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Quadrilateral Meshing by Circle Packing. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 10(4): 347-360 (2000)
124 David Eppstein: Incremental and Decremental Maintenance of Planar Width. J. Algorithms 37(2): 570-577 (2000)
123EEMichael B. Dillencourt, David Eppstein, Daniel S. Hirschberg: Geometric Thickness of Complete Graphs. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 4(3): 5-17 (2000)
122EEDavid Eppstein: Clustering for faster network simplex pivots. Networks 35(3): 173-180 (2000)
121EEErik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, David Eppstein, Erich Friedman: Hinged dissections of polyominoes and polyforms. CCCG 1999
120EEMarshall W. Bern, Erik D. Demaine, David Eppstein, Eric Kuo: Ununfoldable polyhedra. CCCG 1999
119EEDavid Eppstein: Setting Parameters by Example. FOCS 1999: 309-318
118EEDavid Eppstein, David Hart: Shortest Paths in an Arrangement with k Line Orientations. SODA 1999: 310-316
117EEDavid Eppstein: Incremental and Decremental Maintenance of Planar Width. SODA 1999: 899-900
116EEErik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, David Eppstein, Greg N. Frederickson, Erich Friedman: Hinged Dissection of Polyominoes and Polyforms CoRR cs.CG/9907018: (1999)
115EEDavid Eppstein, Marshall W. Bern, Brad L. Hutchings: Algorithms for Coloring Quadtrees CoRR cs.CG/9907030: (1999)
114EEDavid Eppstein: Beta-Skeletons have Unbounded Dilation CoRR cs.CG/9907031: (1999)
113EEMarshall W. Bern, Erik D. Demaine, David Eppstein, Eric Kuo, Andrea Mantler, Jack Snoeyink: Ununfoldable Polyhedra with Convex Faces CoRR cs.CG/9908003: (1999)
112EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Quadrilateral Meshing by Circle Packing CoRR cs.CG/9908016: (1999)
111EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, Pankaj K. Agarwal, Nina Amenta, L. Paul Chew, Tamal K. Dey, David P. Dobkin, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Cindy Grimm, Leonidas J. Guibas, John Harer, Joel Hass, Andrew Hicks, Carroll K. Johnson, Gilad Lerman, David Letscher, Paul E. Plassmann, Eric Sedgwick, Jack Snoeyink, Jeff Weeks, Chee-Keng Yap, Denis Zorin: Emerging Challenges in Computational Topology CoRR cs.CG/9909001: (1999)
110EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Multivariate Regression Depth CoRR cs.CG/9912013: (1999)
109EEXianping Ge, David Eppstein, Padhraic Smyth: The Distribution of Cycle Lengths in Graphical Models for Iterative Decoding CoRR cs.DM/9907002: (1999)
108EEDavid Eppstein: Setting Parameters by Example CoRR cs.DS/9907001: (1999)
107EEDavid Eppstein: Subgraph Isomorphism in Planar Graphs and Related Problems CoRR cs.DS/9911003: (1999)
106EEDavid Eppstein: Fast Hierarchical Clustering and Other Applications of Dynamic Closest Pairs CoRR cs.DS/9912014: (1999)
105EEMichael B. Dillencourt, David Eppstein, Daniel S. Hirschberg: Geometric Thickness of Complete Graphs CoRR math.CO/9910185: (1999)
104 David Eppstein: Linear complexity hexahedral mesh generation. Comput. Geom. 12(1-2): 3-16 (1999)
103EEDavid Eppstein, Jeff Erickson: Raising Roofs, Crashing Cycles, and Playing Pool: Applications of a Data Structure for Finding Pairwise Interactions. Discrete & Computational Geometry 22(4): 569-592 (1999)
102 Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, Shang-Hua Teng: Parallel Construction of Quadtrees and Quality Triangulations. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 9(6): 517-532 (1999)
101 Nina Amenta, Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Optimal Point Placement for Mesh Smoothing. J. Algorithms 30(2): 302-322 (1999)
100EEDavid Eppstein, Giuseppe F. Italiano: PREFACE: Festschrift for Zvi Galil. J. Complexity 15(1): 1-3 (1999)
99EEDavid Eppstein: Subgraph Isomorphism in Planar Graphs and Related Problems. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 3(3): (1999)
98EEPankaj K. Agarwal, David Eppstein, Leonidas J. Guibas, Monika Rauch Henzinger: Parametric and Kinetic Minimum Spanning Trees. FOCS 1998: 596-605
97EEMichael B. Dillencourt, David Eppstein, Daniel S. Hirschberg: Geometric Thickness of Complete Graphs. Graph Drawing 1998: 101-110
96 David Eppstein: Fast Hierarchical Clustering and Other Applications of Dynamic Closest Pairs. SODA 1998: 619-628
95EEDavid Eppstein, Jeff Erickson: Raising Roofs, Crashing Cycles, and Playing Pool: Applications of a Data Structure for Finding Pairwise Interactions. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1998: 58-67
94EENina Amenta, Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, Shang-Hua Teng: Regression Depth and Center Points CoRR cs.CG/9809037: (1998)
93EEDavid Eppstein: Incremental and Decremental Maintenance of Planar Width CoRR cs.CG/9809038: (1998)
92EENina Amenta, Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Optimal Point Placement for Mesh Smoothing CoRR cs.CG/9809081: (1998)
91EEDavid Eppstein: Linear Complexity Hexahedral Mesh Generation CoRR cs.CG/9809109: (1998)
90 Gill Barequet, Matthew Dickerson, David Eppstein: On triangulating three-dimensional polygons. Comput. Geom. 10(3): 155-170 (1998)
89EEDavid Eppstein: Geometric Lower Bounds for Parametric Matroid Optimization. Discrete & Computational Geometry 20(4): 463-476 (1998)
88 Nina Amenta, Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: The Crust and the beta-Skeleton: Combinatorial Curve Reconstruction. Graphical Models and Image Processing 60(2): 125-135 (1998)
87 David Eppstein, Zvi Galil, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Thomas H. Spencer: Separator-Based Sparsification II: Edge and Vertex Connectivity. SIAM J. Comput. 28(1): 341-381 (1998)
86 David Eppstein: Finding the k Shortest Paths. SIAM J. Comput. 28(2): 652-673 (1998)
85 David Eppstein: Faster Construction of Planar Two-Centers. SODA 1997: 131-138
84 Nina Amenta, Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Optimal Point Placement for Mesh Smoothing. SODA 1997: 528-537
83 David Eppstein, David Hart: An Efficient Algorithm for Shortest Paths in Vertical and Horizontal Segments. WADS 1997: 234-247
82 David Eppstein: Faster Geometric K-point MST Approximation. Comput. Geom. 8: 231-240 (1997)
81EEDavid Eppstein, Mike Paterson, F. Frances Yao: On Nearest-Neighbor Graphs. Discrete & Computational Geometry 17(3): 263-282 (1997)
80EEDavid Eppstein: Dynamic Connectivity in Digital Images. Inf. Process. Lett. 62(3): 121-126 (1997)
79 David Eppstein: Faster Circle Packing with Application to Non-Obtuse Triangulation. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 7(5): 485-492 (1997)
78EEDavid Eppstein, Zvi Galil, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Amnon Nissenzweig: Sparsification - a technique for speeding up dynamic graph algorithms. J. ACM 44(5): 669-696 (1997)
77 David Eppstein: Minimum Range Balanced Cuts via Dynamic Subset Sums. J. Algorithms 23(2): 375-385 (1997)
76 David Eppstein, Daniel S. Hirschberg: Choosing Subsets with Maximum Weighted Average. J. Algorithms 24(1): 177-193 (1997)
75 David Fernández-Baca, Giora Slutzki, David Eppstein: Using Sparsification for Parametric Minimum Spanning Tree Problems. SWAT 1996: 149-160
74EEGill Barequet, Matthew Dickerson, David Eppstein: On Triangulating Three-Dimensional Polygons. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1996: 38-47
73EEDavid Eppstein: Linear Complexity Hexahedral Mesh Generation. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1996: 58-67
72EEDavid P. Dobkin, David Eppstein, Don P. Mitchell: Computing the Discrepancy with Applications to Supersampling Patterns. ACM Trans. Graph. 15(4): 354-376 (1996)
71 David Eppstein: Average Case Analysis of Dynamic Geometric Optimization. Comput. Geom. 6: 45-68 (1996)
70 Kenneth L. Clarkson, David Eppstein, Gary L. Miller, Carl Sturtivant, Shang-Hua Teng: Approximating center points with iterative Radon points. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 6(3): 357-377 (1996)
69 David Eppstein, Zvi Galil, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Thomas H. Spencer: Separator Based Sparsification. I. Planary Testing and Minimum Spanning Trees. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 52(1): 3-27 (1996)
68 David Fernández-Baca, Giora Slutzki, David Eppstein: Using Sparsification for Parametric Minimum Spanning Tree Problems. Nord. J. Comput. 3(4): 352-366 (1996)
67 Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, Leonidas J. Guibas, John Hershberger, Subhash Suri, Jan Wolter: The Centroid of Points with Approximate Weights. ESA 1995: 460-472
66 Richard Beigel, David Eppstein: 3-Coloring in Time O(1.3446n): A No-MIS Algorithm. FOCS 1995: 444-452
65 Marshall W. Bern, L. Paul Chew, David Eppstein, Jim Ruppert: Dihedral Bounds for Mesh Generation in High Dimensions. SODA 1995: 189-196
64 David Eppstein: Subgraph Isomorphism in Planar Graphs and Related Problems. SODA 1995: 632-640
63EEDavid Eppstein: Geometric lower bounds for parametric matroid optimization. STOC 1995: 662-671
62 David Eppstein: Asymptotic Speed-Ups in Constructive Solid Geometry. Algorithmica 13(5): 462-471 (1995)
61 Matthew Dickerson, David Eppstein: Algorithms for Proximity Problems in Higher Dimensions. Comput. Geom. 5: 277-291 (1995)
60 David Eppstein: Dynamic Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees and Extrema of Binary Functions. Discrete & Computational Geometry 13: 111-122 (1995)
59EERichard Beigel, David Eppstein: 3-Coloring in time O(1.3446n): A no-MIS Algorithm Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 2(33): (1995)
58 David Eppstein, Gary L. Miller, Shang-Hua Teng: A Deterministic Linear Time Algorithm for Geometric Separators and its Applications. Fundam. Inform. 22(4): 309-329 (1995)
57 Marshall W. Bern, David P. Dobkin, David Eppstein: Triangulating polygons without large angles. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 5: 171-192 (1995)
56 David Eppstein: Finding the k Shortest Paths FOCS 1994: 154-165
55 David Eppstein: Clustering for Faster Network Simplex Pivots. SODA 1994: 160-166
54 David Eppstein: Average Case Analysis of Dynamic Geometric Optimization. SODA 1994: 77-86
53 Marshall W. Bern, David P. Dobkin, David Eppstein, Robert L. Grossman: Visibility with a Moving Point of View. Algorithmica 11(4): 360-378 (1994)
52 David Eppstein: Approximating the Minimum Weight Steiner Triangulation. Discrete & Computational Geometry 11: 163-191 (1994)
51 David Eppstein, Jeff Erickson: Iterated Nearest Neighbors and Finding Minimal Polytopes. Discrete & Computational Geometry 11: 321-350 (1994)
50 Boris Aronov, Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: On the Number of Minimal 1-Steiner Trees. Discrete & Computational Geometry 12: 29-34 (1994)
49 David Eppstein: Arboricity and Bipartite Subgraph Listing Algorithms. Inf. Process. Lett. 51(4): 207-211 (1994)
48 David Eppstein: Tree-weighted neighbors and geometric k smallest spanning trees. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 4(2): 229-238 (1994)
47 David Eppstein: Offline Algorithms for Dynamic Minimum Spanning Tree Problems. J. Algorithms 17(2): 237-250 (1994)
46 Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, John R. Gilbert: Provably Good Mesh Generation. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 48(3): 384-409 (1994)
45 David Eppstein, Jeff Erickson: Iterated Nearest Neighbors and Finding Minimal Polytopes. SODA 1993: 64-73
44EEDavid Eppstein, Zvi Galil, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Thomas H. Spencer: Separator based sparsification for dynamic planar graph algorithms. STOC 1993: 208-217
43EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Worst-Case Bounds for Subadditive Geometric Graphs. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1993: 183-188
42EEDavid P. Dobkin, David Eppstein: Computing the Discrepancy. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1993: 47-52
41EEKenneth L. Clarkson, David Eppstein, Gary L. Miller, Carl Sturtivant, Shang-Hua Teng: Approximating Center Points with Iterated Radon Points. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1993: 91-98
40EEDavid Eppstein, Gary L. Miller, Shang-Hua Teng: A Deterministic Linear Time Algorithm for Geometric Separators and its Applications. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1993: 99-108
39 Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, Shang-Hua Teng: Parallel Construction of Quadtrees and Quality Triangulations. WADS 1993: 188-199
38 Marshall W. Bern, Herbert Edelsbrunner, David Eppstein, Sandra L. Mitchell, Tiow Seng Tan: Edge Insertion for Optimal Triangulations. Discrete & Computational Geometry 10: 47-65 (1993)
37 David Eppstein, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Roberto Tamassia, Robert Endre Tarjan, Jeffery Westbrook, Moti Yung: Corrigendum: Maintenance of a Minimum Spanning Forest in a Dynamic Plane Graph. J. Algorithms 15(1): 173 (1993)
36 David Eppstein: Improved Bounds for Intersecting Triangles and Halving Planes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 62(1): 176-182 (1993)
35 David Eppstein, Zvi Galil, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Amnon Nissenzweig: Sparsification-A Technique for Speeding up Dynamic Graph Algorithms (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1992: 60-69
34 Pankaj K. Agarwal, David Eppstein, Jirí Matousek: Dynamic Half-Space Reporting, Geometric Optimization, and Minimum Spanning Trees FOCS 1992: 80-89
33 Marshall W. Bern, Herbert Edelsbrunner, David Eppstein, Sandra L. Mitchell, Tiow Seng Tan: Edge Insertion for Optional Triangulations. LATIN 1992: 46-60
32EEDavid Eppstein: Approximating the Minimum Weight Triangulation. SODA 1992: 48-57
31EEDavid Eppstein: New Algorithms for Minimum Area k-gons. SODA 1992: 83-88
30EEMarshall W. Bern, David P. Dobkin, David Eppstein: Triangulating Polygons without Large Angles. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1992: 222-231
29 David Eppstein: Finding the k Smallest Spanning Trees. BIT 32(2): 237-248 (1992)
28 David Eppstein, Mark H. Overmars, Günter Rote, Gerhard J. Woeginger: Finding Minimum Area k-gons. Discrete & Computational Geometry 7: 45-58 (1992)
27 David Eppstein: Parallel Recognition of Series-Parallel Graphs Inf. Comput. 98(1): 41-55 (1992)
26 Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Polynomial-size nonobtuse triangulation of polygons. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 2(3): 241-255 (1992)
25 Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Erratum: Polynomial-size nonobtuse triangulation of polygons. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 2(4): 449-450 (1992)
24EEDavid Eppstein, Zvi Galil, Raffaele Giancarlo, Giuseppe F. Italiano: Sparse Dynamic Programming I: Linear Cost Functions. J. ACM 39(3): 519-545 (1992)
23EEDavid Eppstein, Zvi Galil, Raffaele Giancarlo, Giuseppe F. Italiano: Sparse Dynamic Programming II: Convex and Concave Cost Functions. J. ACM 39(3): 546-567 (1992)
22 David Eppstein, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Roberto Tamassia, Robert Endre Tarjan, Jeffery Westbrook, Moti Yung: Maintenance of a Minimum Spanning Forest in a Dynamic Plane Graph. J. Algorithms 13(1): 33-54 (1992)
21 David Eppstein, Lane A. Hemachandra, James Tisdall, Bülent Yener: Simultaneous Strong Separations of Probabilistic and Unambiguous Complexity Classes. Mathematical Systems Theory 25(1): 23-36 (1992)
20 David Eppstein: Dynamic Three-Dimensional Linear Programming FOCS 1991: 488-494
19 Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, F. Frances Yao: The Expected Extremes in a Delaunay Triangulation. ICALP 1991: 674-685
18 Marek Chrobak, David Eppstein, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Moti Yung: Efficient Sequential and Parallel Algorithms for Computing Recovery Points in Trees and Paths. SODA 1991: 158-167
17EEMarshall W. Bern, David Eppstein: Polynomial-Size Nonobtuse Triangulation of Polygons. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1991: 342-350
16 David Eppstein: Offline Algorithms for Dynamic Minimum Spanning Tree Problems. WADS 1991: 392-399
15 David Eppstein: The Farthest Point Delaunay Triangulation Minimizes Angles. Comput. Geom. 1: 143-148 (1991)
14 Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, F. Frances Yao: The expected extremes in a Delaunay triangulation. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 1(1): 79-91 (1991)
13 Marek Chrobak, David Eppstein: Planar Orientations with Low Out-degree and Compaction of Adjacency Matrices. Theor. Comput. Sci. 86(2): 243-266 (1991)
12 Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, John R. Gilbert: Provably Good Mesh Generation FOCS 1990: 231-241
11 David Eppstein, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Roberto Tamassia, Robert Endre Tarjan, Jeffery Westbrook, Moti Yung: Maintenance of a Minimum Spanning Forest in a Dynamic Planar Graph. SODA 1990: 1-11
10 Marshall W. Bern, David P. Dobkin, David Eppstein, Robert L. Grossman: Visibility with a Moving Point of View. SODA 1990: 107-117
9 David Eppstein, Zvi Galil, Raffaele Giancarlo, Giuseppe F. Italiano: Sparse Dynamic Programming. SODA 1990: 513-522
8 David Eppstein: Finding the k Smallest Spanning Trees. SWAT 1990: 38-47
7EEDavid Eppstein, Joan Feigenbaum, Chung-Lun Li: Equipartitions of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 91(3): 239-248 (1990)
6 David Eppstein: Sequence Comparison with Mixed Convex and Concave Costs. J. Algorithms 11(1): 85-101 (1990)
5 David Eppstein: Reset Sequences for Monotonic Automata. SIAM J. Comput. 19(3): 500-510 (1990)
4 David Eppstein, Zvi Galil: Parallel Algorithmic Techniques for Combinatorial Computation. ICALP 1989: 304-318
3 David Eppstein, Zvi Galil, Raffaele Giancarlo: Speeding up Dynamic Programming FOCS 1988: 488-496
2 David Eppstein: Reset Sequences for Finite Automata with Application to Design of Parts Orienters. ICALP 1988: 230-238
1 David Eppstein: A Heuristic Approach to Program Inversion. IJCAI 1985: 219-221

Coauthor Index

1Pankaj K. Agarwal [34] [98] [111]
2Nina Amenta [84] [88] [92] [94] [101] [111] [126]
3Lars Arge [213] [221]
4Boris Aronov [50]
5John Augustine [231]
6Amitabha Bagchi [176] [191] [197] [198] [223] [249]
7Gill Barequet [74] [90] [267] [275]
8Richard Beigel [59] [66] [132] [206]
9Marshall W. Bern [10] [12] [14] [17] [19] [25] [26] [30] [33] [38] [39] [43] [46] [50] [53] [57] [65] [67] [84] [88] [92] [94] [101] [102] [110] [111] [112] [113] [115] [120] [125] [126] [134] [139] [144] [147] [148] [150] [151] [156] [157] [164] [165] [166] [172] [180] [182]
10Ankur Bhargava [191] [198] [223]
11Elaheh Bozorgzadeh (Eli Bozorgzadeh) [240]
12Franz-Josef Brandenburg [183]
13Sergio Cabello [279]
14Jean Cardinal [203]
15Josiah Carlson [216] [227] [233] [235]
16Amitabh Chaudhary [176] [191] [197] [198] [223] [249]
17L. Paul Chew [65] [111]
18Marek Chrobak [13] [18]
19Kenneth L. Clarkson [41] [70]
20Erik D. Demaine [113] [116] [120] [121] [135] [143] [145] [167] [172] [208]
21Martin L. Demaine [116] [121] [135] [208]
22Tamal K. Dey [111]
23Pablo Diaz-Gutierrez [234]
24Matthew Dickerson (Matthew T. Dickerson) [61] [74] [90] [163] [184] [205] [261]
25Michael B. Dillencourt [97] [105] [123] [226] [236]
26David P. Dobkin [10] [30] [42] [53] [57] [72] [111]
27Wenliang Du [277]
28Vida Dujmovic [241]
29Christian A. Duncan [175] [196]
30Herbert Edelsbrunner [33] [38] [111]
31Jeff Erickson [45] [51] [95] [103] [143] [144] [145] [156] [167]
32Jean-Claude Falmagne [161] [247] [258]
33Joan Feigenbaum [7]
34David Fernández-Baca [68] [75]
35Greg N. Frederickson [116] [208]
36Erich Friedman [116] [121] [208]
37Zvi Galil [3] [4] [9] [23] [24] [35] [44] [69] [78] [87]
38Xianping Ge [109] [140]
39Raffaele Giancarlo [3] [9] [23] [24]
40John R. Gilbert [12] [46]
41Tony Givargis [204]
42Michael T. Goodrich [163] [176] [183] [184] [197] [201] [205] [210] [212] [213] [214] [215] [217] [219] [221] [222] [226] [230] [236] [238] [246] [248] [249] [252] [254] [257] [259] [260] [262] [266] [267] [269] [273] [274] [275] [277] [283]
43Meenakshisundaram Gopi (M. Gopi) [186] [192] [195] [234]
44Cindy Grimm (Cindy M. Grimm) [111]
45Robert L. Grossman [10] [53]
46Leonidas J. Guibas [67] [98] [111]
47John Harer [111]
48David Hart [83] [118]
49George W. Hart [143] [145] [167]
50Joel Hass [111]
51Sandra Mitchell Hedetniemi (Sandra L. Mitchell) [33] [38]
52Lane A. Hemaspaandra (Lane A. Hemachandra) [21]
53Monika Rauch Henzinger (Monika Rauch) [98]
54John Hershberger [67]
55Andrew Hicks [111]
56Daniel S. Hirschberg [76] [97] [105] [123] [215] [217] [238]
57Brad L. Hutchings [115] [166]
58Giuseppe F. Italiano [9] [11] [18] [22] [23] [24] [35] [37] [44] [69] [78] [87] [100]
59Carroll K. Johnson [111]
60Ethan Kim [259] [269]
61Sandi Klavzar [279]
62Stephen G. Kobourov [175] [183] [196]
63Marc J. van Kreveld [245] [251]
64Eric Kuo [113] [120] [172]
65Gilad Lerman [111]
66David Letscher [111]
67Chung-Lun Li [7]
68Giuseppe Liotta [183]
69George S. Lueker [142] [155] [277]
70Andrea Mantler [113] [172]
71Jirí Matousek [34]
72Jeremy Yu Meng [163] [184] [201] [205] [210] [212] [222] [248]
73Gary L. Miller [40] [41] [58] [70]
74Don P. Mitchell [72]
75Cristopher Moore [127] [128]
76Elena Mumford [245] [251] [265] [276] [280] [282]
77S. Muthukrishnan (S. Muthu Muthukrishnan) [133] [152]
78Petra Mutzel [183]
79Amnon Nissenzweig [35] [78]
80Joseph O'Rourke [143] [145] [167]
81Mark H. Overmars [28]
82Mike Paterson [81]
83Paul E. Plassmann [111]
84Günter Rote [28]
85Jim Ruppert [65]
86Christian Scheideler [191] [198] [223]
87Eric Sedgwick [111]
88Love Singhal [240]
89Nodari Sitchinava [230] [254]
90Giora Slutzki [68] [75]
91Padhraic Smyth [109] [140]
92Jack Snoeyink [111] [113] [172]
93Bettina Speckmann [245] [251] [280]
94Thomas H. Spencer [44] [69] [87]
95Emma S. Spiro [278]
96Darren Strash [260] [283]
97Carl Sturtivant [41] [70]
98Matthew Suderman (Matthew J. Suderman) [241]
99John M. Sullivan [178] [187]
100Jonathan Z. Sun [214] [219] [257]
101Subhash Suri [67]
102Roberto Tamassia [11] [22] [37]
103Rasmus Tamstorf [259] [269]
104Tiow Seng Tan [33] [38]
105Robert Endre Tarjan [11] [22] [37]
106Shang-Hua Teng [39] [40] [41] [58] [70] [94] [102] [126]
107James Tisdall [21]
108Alper Üngör [178] [187]
109Hasan Uzun [247]
110Amir Vaxman [267] [275]
111Kevin Verbeek [280]
112Joseph Wang [131] [154] [162] [185]
113Jeff Weeks [111]
114Jeffery Westbrook [11] [22] [37]
115Gerhard J. Woeginger [28]
116Jan Wolter [67]
117David R. Wood [241]
118Kevin A. Wortman [194] [218] [231] [242] [261]
119F. Frances Yao (Frances F. Yao, Foong Frances Yao) [14] [19] [81]
120Chee-Keng Yap (Chee Yap) [111]
121Bülent Yener [21]
122Moti Yung (Mordechai M. Yung) [11] [18] [22] [37]
123Denis Zorin [111]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)