
Mark Stehlik

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5EEMark Stehlik, Susan H. Rodger, Kathleen Larson, Alyce Brady, Christopher H. Nevison: Current and future direction of the advanced placement exam. SIGCSE 1999: 358
4EEMark Stehlik, Sarah Fix, Susan H. Rodger, Chris Nevison, Mark Allen Weiss: Advanced placement transition to C++ (panel). SIGCSE 1998: 372
3EEJoe Kmoch, Mark Stehlik: The creation and use of scoring standards (rubrics): experiences with the advanced placement computer science exam (abstract). SIGCSE 1994: 362-363
2EEMichael J. Clancy, Richard E. Pattis, Mark Stehlik: Approaches to programming assignments in CS 1 and CS 2. SIGCSE 1993: 308
1EEDennis Goldenson, Michael Brown, Jane Bruemmer, Nathan Hull, Roy Jones, Bruce McClellan, Joseph W. Kmoch, Phillip Miller, Mark Stehlik, Laurie Honour Werth: Roundtable on structure editing (panel session): teachers' experiences using Carnegie Mellon's GENIE programming environments. SIGCSE 1990: 267

Coauthor Index

1Alyce Brady [5]
2Michael Brown [1]
3Jane Bruemmer [1]
4Michael J. Clancy [2]
5Sarah Fix [4]
6Dennis Goldenson [1]
7Nathan Hull [1]
8Roy Jones [1]
9Joe Kmoch (Joseph W. Kmoch) [1] [3]
10Kathleen Larson [5]
11Bruce McClellan [1]
12Phillip Miller [1]
13Christopher H. Nevison (Chris Nevison) [4] [5]
14Richard E. Pattis [2]
15Susan H. Rodger [4] [5]
16Mark Allen Weiss [4]
17Laurie Honour Werth [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)