
Alyce Brady

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5EENick Parlante, David B. Levine, Steven K. Andrianoff, Aaron J. Gordon, Alyce Brady, Pamela A. Cutter, Paul Kube, Jefferson Ng, Richard E. Pattis: Nifty assignment. SIGCSE 2005: 371-372
4EEAlyce Brady, Kim B. Bruce, Robert E. Noonan, Allen B. Tucker, Henry MacKay Walker: The 2003 model curriculum for a liberal arts degree in computer science: preliminary report. SIGCSE 2004: 282-283
3EEAlyce Brady, R. C. McDowell, Kelly Schultz: JavaScript programming basics: a laboratory series for beginning programmers. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 2(2): 1 (2002)
2EEAlyce Brady, Michael J. Clancy, Kathleen Larson: Introduction to the marine biology case study (seminar session). SIGCSE 2000: 427
1EEMark Stehlik, Susan H. Rodger, Kathleen Larson, Alyce Brady, Christopher H. Nevison: Current and future direction of the advanced placement exam. SIGCSE 1999: 358

Coauthor Index

1Steven K. Andrianoff [5]
2Kim B. Bruce [4]
3Michael J. Clancy [2]
4Pamela A. Cutter [5]
5Aaron J. Gordon [5]
6Paul Kube [5]
7Kathleen Larson [1] [2]
8David B. Levine [5]
9R. C. McDowell [3]
10Christopher H. Nevison (Chris Nevison) [1]
11Jefferson Ng [5]
12Robert E. Noonan [4]
13Nick Parlante [5]
14Richard E. Pattis [5]
15Susan H. Rodger [1]
16Kelly Schultz [3]
17Mark Stehlik [1]
18Allen B. Tucker [4]
19Henry MacKay Walker [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)