
John P. Dougherty

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5EEJohn P. Dougherty, David Wonnacott: Use and assessment of a rigorous approach to CS1. SIGCSE 2005: 251-255
4EEJohn P. Dougherty, Thomas B. Horton, Daniel D. Garcia, Susan H. Rodger: Panel on teaching faculty positions. SIGCSE 2004: 231-232
3EEAndrew Cantino, Fronefield Crawford, Saurav Dhital, John P. Dougherty, Reid Sherman: A Low Cost Distributed Computing Approach to Pulsar Searches at a Small College CoRR cs.DC/0407017: (2004)
2EEJohn P. Dougherty, Tom Dececchi, Tony Clear, Brad Richards, Stephen Cooper, Tadeusz Wilusz: Information technology fluency in practice. SIGCSE Bulletin 35(2): 153-171 (2003)
1 John P. Dougherty: Structured Performability Analysis of Parallel Applications. Informatica (Slovenia) 23(1): (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Andrew Cantino [3]
2Tony Clear [2]
3Stephen Cooper [2]
4Fronefield Crawford [3]
5Tom Dececchi [2]
6Saurav Dhital [3]
7Daniel D. Garcia [4]
8Thomas B. Horton [4]
9Brad Richards [2]
10Susan H. Rodger [4]
11Reid Sherman [3]
12Tadeusz Wilusz [2]
13David Wonnacott [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)