
Gaurav Tewari

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4EEGaurav Tewari, Jim Youll, Pattie Maes: Personalized location-based brokering using an agent-based intermediary architecture. Decision Support Systems 34(2): 127-137 (2003)
3EEGaurav Tewari, Pattie Maes: A Generalized Platform for the Specification, Valuation, and Brokering of Heterogeneous Resources in Electronic Markets. E-Commerce Agents 2001: 7-24
2 Gaurav Tewari, Aleksandr Berkovich, Vladislav Gabovich, Shuehan Liang, Anand Ramakrishnan, Pattie Maes: Sustaining Individual Incentives while Maximizing Aggregate Social Welfare: A Mediated Brokering Technique for Trading Agents in Next-Generation Electronic Markets. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 247-253
1EEGaurav Tewari, Pattie Maes: Design and implementation of an agent-based intermediary infrastructure for electronic markets. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2000: 86-94

Coauthor Index

1Aleksandr Berkovich [2]
2Vladislav Gabovich [2]
3Shuehan Liang [2]
4Pattie Maes [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Anand Ramakrishnan [2]
6Jim Youll [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)