
Jiang Hao

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7EEPaula M. Bach, Jiang Hao, John M. Carroll: Sharing usability information in interactive system development. CHASE 2008: 9-12
6EEJiang Hao, Wang Pei-an: An Approach for Workflow Performance Evaluation based on Discrete Stochastic Petri net. ICEBE 2007: 327-330
5EEJiang Hao, Jian-Jin Li, Kun Mean Hou, Chen Lijia: Geographic Pattern Routing for MANETOR in IVC. ADHOC-NOW 2006: 156-169
4EEXu-Dong Wang, Jiang Hao, Mu-Ming Poo, Xiao-Hui Zhang: How Does a Neuron Perform Subtraction? Arithmetic Rules of Synaptic Integration of Excitation and Inhibition. ISNN (1) 2006: 7-14
3 Jiang Hao, Kun Mean Hou, Jian-Jin Li, Jean-Pierre Chanet, Christophe De Vaulx, Haiying Zhou, Gil De Sousa: Capacity and packets delivery analysis of MANET On Road. ICWN 2005: 516-522
2EEJiang Hao: General theory on fuzzy subgroupoids with respect to a t-norm T. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 117(3): 455-461 (2001)
1EEKazuaki Nakamura, Jiang Hao, Shinji Yamamoto, Tetsuya Itoh: Document Image Segmentation into Text, Continuous-Tone and Screened-Halftone Region by the Neural Networks. MVA 1996: 450-453

Coauthor Index

1Paula M. Bach [7]
2John M. Carroll [7]
3Jean-Pierre Chanet [3]
4Kun Mean Hou [3] [5]
5Tetsuya Itoh [1]
6Jian-Jin Li [3] [5]
7Chen Lijia [5]
8Kazuaki Nakamura [1]
9Wang Pei-an [6]
10Mu-Ming Poo [4]
11Gil De Sousa [3]
12Christophe De Vaulx [3]
13Xu-Dong Wang [4]
14Shinji Yamamoto [1]
15Xiao-Hui Zhang [4]
16Haiying Zhou [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)