
Richard I. Anderson

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8EERichard I. Anderson, Killian Evers, Jim Nieters, Laurie Pattison, Craig Peters: Figuring out the "one thing" that will move UX into a position of strategic relevance. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3301-3304
7EERichard I. Anderson, Jeremy Ashley, Tobias Herrmann, Justin Miller, Jim Nieters, Shauna Sampson Eves, Secil Tabli Watson: Moving ux into a position of corporate influence: whose advice really works? CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 1905-1908
6EERichard I. Anderson: Meeting the needs of the "user experience" professional. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1158-1159
5EERichard I. Anderson, Jennifer Crakow, Jay Joichi: Improving the design of business and interactive system concepts in a digital business consultancy. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2002: 213-223
4EERichard I. Anderson: Coming together to explore the intersections of HCI, experience design, and information architecture. Interactions 9(2): 109-111 (2002)
3EERichard I. Anderson: Conversations with Clement Mok and Jakob Nielsen, and with Bill Buxton and Clifford Nass. Interactions 7(1): 46-80 (2000)
2EERichard I. Anderson: Business: making an e-business conceptualization and design process more "user"-centered. Interactions 7(4): 27-30 (2000)
1 Richard I. Anderson, John M. Carroll, Jonathan Grudin, John F. McGrew, Dominique L. Scapin: Task analysis: The oft missing step in the development of computer-human interfaces; its desirable nature, value, and role. INTERACT 1990: 1051-1054

Coauthor Index

1Jeremy Ashley [7]
2John M. Carroll [1]
3Jennifer Crakow [5]
4Killian Evers [8]
5Shauna Sampson Eves [7]
6Jonathan Grudin [1]
7Tobias Herrmann [7]
8Jay Joichi [5]
9John F. McGrew [1]
10Justin Miller [7]
11Jim Nieters [7] [8]
12Laurie Pattison [8]
13Craig Peters [8]
14Dominique L. Scapin [1]
15Secil Tabli Watson [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)