
Hisanori Masuda

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4 Hisanori Masuda, Atsumi Imamiya, Gen Kitagata, Takuo Suganuma, Kentaro Go, Norio Shiratori: Effects of Encoding Bit Rates on User Level QoS for Video Streaming. EuroIMSA 2005: 41-46
3 Hisanori Masuda, Atsumi Imamiya, Gen Kitagata, Takuo Suganuma, Kentaro Go, Norio Shiratori: An analysis of encoding bit rates on mean opinion score and eye movements for video streaming. IADIS AC 2005: 401-404
2EEHisanori Masuda, Atsumi Imamiya: Design of a graphical history browser with Undo facility, and visual search analysis. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(12): 32-45 (2004)
1EEKentaro Go, Yasuaki Takamoto, John M. Carroll, Atsumi Imamiya, Hisanori Masuda: PRESPE: participatory requirements elicitation using scenarios and photo essays. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 780-781

Coauthor Index

1John M. Carroll [1]
2Kentaro Go [1] [3] [4]
3Atsumi Imamiya [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Gen Kitagata [3] [4]
5Norio Shiratori [3] [4]
6Takuo Suganuma [3] [4]
7Yasuaki Takamoto [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)