
Jose M. Mantas Ruiz

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7EEJose M. Mantas Ruiz, Julio Ortega, Jose Antonio Carrillo de la Plata: Integrating Multiple Implementations and Structure Exploitation in the Component-Based Design of Parallel ODE Solvers. PVM/MPI 2003: 438-446
6EEJose M. Mantas Ruiz, Julio Ortega, Jose Antonio Carrillo de la Plata: Exploiting the Multilevel Parallelism and the Problem Structure in the Numerical Solution of Stiff ODEs. PDP 2002: 173-180
5 Jose M. Mantas Ruiz, Julio Ortega, Jose Antonio Carrillo de la Plata: Component-Based Derivation of a Parallel Stiff ODE Solver Implemented in a Cluster of Computers. International Journal of Parallel Programming 30(2): 99-148 (2002)
4EECarlos Javier Mantas, Jose M. Mantas Ruiz, Fernando Rojas: A procedure for improving generalization in classification trees. Neurocomputing 48(1-4): 727-740 (2002)
3 F. Araque, Jose M. Mantas Ruiz, M. A. Lopera, A. Herrera: A simulation tool to validate control programs. ESM 2000: 164-168
2 F. Araque, Manuel I. Capel, Jose M. Mantas Ruiz, A. Palma: A proposal to improve reusability in a language based on the occam-CSP model. PDP 1997: 41-46
1 F. Araque, Manuel I. Capel, A. Palma, Jose M. Mantas Ruiz: Paradigms for Parallel Distributed Programming. PDPTA 1996: 1027-1038

Coauthor Index

1F. Araque [1] [2] [3]
2Manuel I. Capel (Manuel I. Capel Tuñón) [1] [2]
3A. Herrera [3]
4M. A. Lopera [3]
5Carlos Javier Mantas [4]
6Julio Ortega [5] [6] [7]
7A. Palma [1] [2]
8Jose Antonio Carrillo de la Plata [5] [6] [7]
9Fernando Rojas Ruiz (Fernando Rojas) [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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