2009 |
58 | EE | Slawomir Stanczak,
Michal Kaliszan,
Nicholas Bambos,
Marcin Wiczanowski:
A Characterization of Max-Min SIR-Balanced Power Allocation with Applications
CoRR abs/0901.0824: (2009) |
2008 |
57 | EE | Reiko Ann Miura-Ko,
Benjamin Yolken,
John Mitchell,
Nicholas Bambos:
Security Decision-Making among Interdependent Organizations.
CSF 2008: 66-80 |
56 | EE | Benjamin Yolken,
Dimitrios Tsamis,
Nicholas Bambos:
Target-Based Power Control for Queueing Systems with Applications to Packet Switches.
GLOBECOM 2008: 1587-1592 |
55 | EE | Benjamin Yolken,
Nicholas Bambos:
Power Management of Packet Switches via Differentiated Delay Targets.
ICC 2008: 354-359 |
54 | EE | Carri W. Chan,
Nicholas Bambos,
Susie Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Wireless Video Broadcasting to Diverse Users.
ICC 2008: 377-382 |
53 | EE | Aditya Dua,
Benjamin Yolken,
Nicholas Bambos,
Wladek Olesinski,
Hans Eberle,
Nils Gura:
Backlog Aware Scheduling for Large Buffered Crossbar Switches.
ICC 2008: 59-64 |
52 | EE | Savvas Gitzenis,
Nicholas Bambos:
Joint Transmitter Power Control and Mobile Cache Management in Wireless Computing.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 7(4): 498-512 (2008) |
51 | EE | Yan Li,
Nicholas Bambos:
Transmission power and duration-aware playout control for packetized media streaming over wireless links.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 8(3): 309-326 (2008) |
2007 |
50 | EE | Benjamin Yolken,
Nicholas Bambos:
Target-Driven and Incentive-Aligned Power Control for Wireless Networks.
GLOBECOM 2007: 4467-4472 |
49 | EE | Aditya Dua,
Nicholas Bambos:
Buffer Management for Wireless Media Streaming.
GLOBECOM 2007: 5226-5230 |
48 | EE | Reiko Ann Miura-Ko,
Nicholas Bambos:
Dynamic Risk Mitigation in Computing Infrastructures.
IAS 2007: 325-328 |
47 | EE | Reiko Ann Miura-Ko,
Nicholas Bambos:
SecureRank: A Risk-Based Vulnerability Management Scheme for Computing Infrastructures.
ICC 2007: 1455-1460 |
46 | EE | Aditya Dua,
Benjamin Yolken,
Nicholas Bambos:
Power Managed Packet Switching.
ICC 2007: 357-362 |
45 | EE | Aditya Dua,
Nicholas Bambos:
Wireless Packet Scheduling With Soft Deadlines.
ICC 2007: 5677-5682 |
44 | EE | Carri Chan,
Nicholas Bambos,
Susie Wee,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Optimal Scheduling of Media Packets with Multiple Distortion Measures.
ICME 2007: 955-958 |
43 | EE | Aditya Dua,
Nicholas Bambos,
Jatinder Pal Singh:
Performance tradeoffs in mobile computing: to fetch or not to fetch?
MOBIWAC 2007: 99-106 |
42 | EE | Aditya Dua,
Nicholas Bambos:
Downlink Wireless Packet Scheduling with Deadlines.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 6(12): 1410-1425 (2007) |
41 | EE | Jatinder Pal Singh,
Yan Li,
Nicholas Bambos,
Ahmad Bahai,
Baowen Xu,
Gerd Zimmermann:
TCP Performance Dynamics and Link-Layer Adaptation Based Optimization Methods for Wireless Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(5): 1864-1879 (2007) |
2006 |
40 | EE | Kevin Ross,
Nicholas Bambos:
Capacity Maximizing Packet Scheduling Algorithms for Interconnection Networks with Finite Buffers.
39 | EE | Aditya Dua,
Nicholas Bambos:
Joint Power Allocation and Scheduling for Deadline Constrained Wireless Traffic.
38 | EE | Aditya Dua,
Nicholas Bambos:
Low-Jitter Scheduling Algorithms for Deadline-Aware Packet Switches.
37 | EE | Lykomidis Mastroleon,
Reiko Ann Miura-Ko,
Nicholas Bambos:
Patching Rate Management For Controlled Service-Disruption In Data Centers.
36 | EE | Carri Chan,
John G. Apostolopoulos,
Yan Li,
Nicholas Bambos:
Receiver-Based Optimization for Video Delivery Over Wireless Links.
ICME 2006: 861-864 |
35 | EE | François Baccelli,
Nicholas Bambos,
Carri Chan:
Optimal Power, Throughput and Routing for Wireless Link Arrays.
INFOCOM 2006 |
34 | EE | Kevin Ross,
Nicholas Bambos:
Job Scheduling for Maximal Throughput in Autonomic Computing Systems.
IWSOS/EuroNGI 2006: 105-119 |
33 | | Jatinder Pal Singh,
Nicholas Bambos,
Bhaskar Srinivasan,
Detlef Clawin:
Cross-layer multi-hop wireless routing for inter-vehicle communication.
32 | | Savvas Gitzenis,
Nicholas Bambos:
Power-managed block level file decryption in wireless network computing.
WiOpt 2006: 124-132 |
31 | EE | Yan Li,
Athina Markopoulou,
Nicholas Bambos,
John G. Apostolopoulos:
Joint Power-Playout Control for Media Streaming Over Wireless Links.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 8(4): 830-843 (2006) |
30 | EE | Kimberly M. Wasserman,
George Michailidis,
Nicholas Bambos:
Optimal processor allocation to differentiated job flows.
Perform. Eval. 63(1): 1-14 (2006) |
2005 |
29 | | Athina Markopoulou,
Yan Li,
Nicholas Bambos,
Carri Chan:
Energy-efficient communication in battery-constrained portable devices.
BROADNETS 2005: 441-450 |
28 | EE | Kevin Ross,
Nicholas Bambos:
Packet Scheduling Across Networks of Switches.
ICN (1) 2005: 849-856 |
27 | EE | Savvas Gitzenis,
Nicholas Bambos:
Media and data traffic coexistence in power-controlled wireless networks.
WMuNeP 2005: 76-85 |
26 | EE | David Vengerov,
Nicholas Bambos,
Hamid R. Berenji:
A fuzzy reinforcement learning approach to power control in wireless transmitters.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 35(4): 768-778 (2005) |
25 | EE | Nicholas Bambos,
George Michailidis:
Queueing Networks of Random Link Topology: Stationary Dynamics of Maximal Throughput Schedules.
Queueing Syst. 50(1): 5-52 (2005) |
2004 |
24 | EE | Yan Li,
Nicholas Bambos:
Power-Controlled Media Streaming in the Interference-Limited Wireless Networks.
BROADNETS 2004: 560-568 |
23 | EE | Kevin Ross,
Nicholas Bambos:
Local Search Scheduling Algorithms for Maximal Throughput in Packet Switches.
INFOCOM 2004 |
22 | EE | Savvas Gitzenis,
Nicholas Bambos:
Efficient Data Prefetching for Power-Controlled Wireless Packet Networks.
MobiQuitous 2004: 64-73 |
21 | EE | Savvas Gitzenis,
Nicholas Bambos:
Mobile to Base Task Migration in Wireless Computing.
PerCom 2004: 187-196 |
2003 |
20 | | Savvas Gitzenis,
Nicholas Bambos:
Local/Remote Task Execution in Network Computing.
International Conference on Internet Computing 2003: 842-848 |
19 | EE | Mor Armony,
Nicholas Bambos:
Queueing Dynamics and Maximal Throughput Scheduling in Switched Processing Systems.
Queueing Syst. 44(3): 209-252 (2003) |
2002 |
18 | EE | Savvas Gitzenis,
Nicholas Bambos:
Power-Controlled Data Prefetching/Caching in Wireless Packet Networks.
INFOCOM 2002 |
2001 |
17 | EE | Sunil Kandukuri,
Nicholas Bambos:
Multimodal Dynamic Multiple Access (MDMA) in Power Controlled Wireless Packet Networks.
INFOCOM 2001: 199-208 |
16 | | Nicholas Bambos,
Sunil Kandukuri:
Globally Constrained Power Control Across Multiple Channels in Wireless Data Networks.
MONET 6(5): 427-434 (2001) |
15 | | Cathy H. Xia,
George Michailidis,
Nicholas Bambos:
Dynamic on-line task scheduling on parallel processors.
Perform. Eval. 46(2-3): 219-233 (2001) |
2000 |
14 | EE | Nicholas Bambos,
Sunil Kandukuri:
Power Controlled Multiple Access (PCMA) in Wireless Communication Networks.
INFOCOM 2000: 386-395 |
13 | EE | Nicholas Bambos,
Shou C. Chen,
Gregory J. Pottie:
Channel access algorithms with active link protection for wireless communication networks with power control.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 8(5): 583-597 (2000) |
1999 |
12 | EE | John M. Rulnick,
Nicholas Bambos:
Power-induced time division on asynchronous channels.
Wireless Networks 5(2): 71-80 (1999) |
1997 |
11 | | Keith Scott,
Nicholas Bambos:
Routing in Networks with Random Topologies.
ICC (2) 1997: 862-866 |
10 | | John M. Rulnick,
Nicholas Bambos:
Power Control and Time Division: The CDMA versus TDMA Question.
INFOCOM 1997: 634-641 |
9 | EE | John M. Rulnick,
Nicholas Bambos:
Mobile power management for wireless communication networks.
Wireless Networks 3(1): 3-14 (1997) |
1996 |
8 | EE | Steven M. P. Yip,
Nicholas Bambos:
Scalable routing schemes for massively parallel processing using reconfigurable optical interconnect.
ICPADS 1996: 500- |
7 | | John M. Rulnick,
Nicholas Bambos:
Mobile Power Management for Maximum Battery Life in Wireless Communication Networks.
INFOCOM 1996: 443-450 |
6 | | Steven M. P. Yip,
Nicholas Bambos:
Algorithmic Speed Up of All Pairs Shortest Paths Computation with Reconfigurable Optical Interconnection.
PDPTA 1996: 355-366 |
1995 |
5 | | Nicholas Bambos,
Shou C. Chen,
Gregory J. Pottie:
Radio Link Admission Algorithms for Wireless Networks with Power Control and Active Link Quality Protection.
INFOCOM 1995: 97-104 |
4 | EE | Nicholas Bambos,
Kimberly M. Wasserman:
Asymptotic optimality of statistical multiplexing in pipelined processing.
Queueing Syst. 21(1-2): 97-123 (1995) |
1994 |
3 | | Shou C. Chen,
Nicholas Bambos,
Gregory J. Pottie:
Admission Control Schemes for Wireless Communication Networks with Adjustable Transmitter Powers.
INFOCOM 1994: 21-28 |
2 | EE | Nicholas Bambos,
Kimberly M. Wasserman:
On stationary tandem queueing networks with job feedback.
Queueing Syst. 15(1-4): 137-164 (1994) |
1991 |
1 | EE | Nicholas Bambos,
Jean C. Walrand:
On Stability and Performance of Parallel Processing Systems.
J. ACM 38(2): 429-452 (1991) |