
Ben Abbott

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11EEGalen Rasche, Erin Allwein, Michael S. Moore, Ben Abbott: Model-Based Cyber Security. ECBS 2007: 405-412
10EEMichael S. Moore, Jeremy C. Price, Ben Abbott, John Liebetreu, Richard Reinhart, Thomas Kacpura: Modeling and Analysis of Space Based Transceivers. SEW 2005: 76-88
9EEKumar Chhokra, Ted Bapty, Jason Scott, Simon Winberg, Janos Sztipanovits, Don van Rheeden, Ben Abbott: WASP: A Radio Geolocation System on Highly Resource Constrained Mobile Platforms. ECBS 2004: 121-127
8EEBrandon Eames, Ted Bapty, Ben Abbott, Sandeep Neema, Kumar Chhokra: Model-Integrated Design Toolset for Polymorphous Computer-Based Systems. ECBS 2003: 72-79
7 Jeremy C. Price, Ben Abbott, Greg Willden: Modeling Communications Scheduling for Embedding Systems. PDPTA 2003: 293-297
6EEBen Abbott, Monica Joshi: Tools for model-based real-time system synthesis. ECBS 1997: 65-72
5 Rajesh Chhabria, Ben Abbott: Latency Controlled Virtual-Channels over Modems. PDPTA 1997: 967-977
4 Sandeep Neema, Ben Abbott: Real-Time Scheduler Based on Fuzzy Logic. PDPTA 1997: 978-985
3 John Campbell, Ben Abbott: Gear Train Theory: An Approach to the Assignment Problem Providing Tractable Solutions with Measured Optimality. PDPTA 1997: 986-995
2 Ben Abbott, Monica Joshi: Network Access to PC-Based Transputers. PDPTA 1996: 993-1001
1 Ben Abbott, Ted Bapty, Csaba Biegl, Gabor Karsai, Janos Sztipanovits: Model-Based Software Synthesis. IEEE Software 10(3): 42-52 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Erin Allwein [11]
2Ted Bapty [1] [8] [9]
3Csaba Biegl [1]
4John Campbell [3]
5Rajesh Chhabria [5]
6Kumar Chhokra [8] [9]
7Brandon Eames [8]
8Monica Joshi [2] [6]
9Thomas Kacpura [10]
10Gabor Karsai [1]
11John Liebetreu [10]
12Michael S. Moore [10] [11]
13Sandeep Neema [4] [8]
14Jeremy C. Price [7] [10]
15Galen Rasche [11]
16Richard Reinhart [10]
17Don van Rheeden [9]
18Jason Scott [9]
19Janos Sztipanovits [1] [9]
20Greg Willden [7]
21Simon Winberg [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)