
M. Bozyigit

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11 M. Bozyigit, M. Wasiq: User-Level Process Checkpoint and Restore for Migration. Operating Systems Review 35(2): 86-96 (2001)
10EEM. Bozyigit: History-driven dynamic load balancing for recurring applications on networks of workstations. Journal of Systems and Software 51(1): 61-72 (2000)
9 Onur Toker, M. Bozyigit: Predictive Load Balancing on Parallel Networks. PDPTA 1999: 2537-2541
8 M. Bozyigit, J. Al-Ghamdi, M. Ghouseuddin, H. Barada: A load balanced distributed computing system. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 11(12): 753-771 (1999)
7 M. Bozyigit, Khalid M. Al-Tawil, S. K. Naseer: Task Migration Facility for Parallel & Distributed Applications. PDPTA 1997: 1699-
6 M. Bozyigit, S. A. Mohammed, M. Al-Tayyeb: Parallel join for IBGF partitioned relational databases. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 9(8): 821-836 (1997)
5EEKhalid M. Al-Tawil, M. Bozyigit, S. K. Naseer: A Process Migration Subsystem for a Workstation-Based Distributed System. HPDC 1996: 511-520
4 M. Bozyigit, M. Al-Mulhem, S. K. Naseer, K. S. Al-Tawil: A Linux Incorporated Process Migration. PDPTA 1996: 783-788
3EEM. Bozyigit, M. Melhi: Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Real-Time Systems (Abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1990: 433
2 M. Bozyigit, Y. Paker: A Topology Reconfiguration Mechanism for Distributed Computer Systems. Comput. J. 25(1): 87-92 (1982)
1 M. Bozyigit, Y. Paker: A Fixed Routing Problem in Large and High Connectivity Networks. Comput. J. 22(3): 246-250 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1J. Al-Ghamdi [8]
2M. Al-Mulhem [4]
3K. S. Al-Tawil [4]
4Khalid M. Al-Tawil [5] [7]
5M. Al-Tayyeb [6]
6H. Barada [8]
7M. Ghouseuddin [8]
8M. Melhi [3]
9S. A. Mohammed [6]
10S. K. Naseer [4] [5] [7]
11Y. Paker [1] [2]
12Onur Toker [9]
13M. Wasiq [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)