ICIS 1995:
The Netherlands
Gad Ariav,
Cynthia Beath,
Janice I. DeGross,
Rolf Hoyer,
Chris F. Kemerer (Eds.):
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Information Systems,
December 10-13,
1995 Amsterdam,
The Netherlands. Distributed by ACM
Research Papers
- Philip Yetton, Jane F. Craig, Kim Johnston:
Fit, Simplicity and Risk: Multiple Paths to Strategic IT Change.
1-11 BibTeX
- Eduardo M. Morgado, Nicolau Reinhard, Richard T. Watson:
Extending the Analysis of Key Issues in Information Technology Management.
13-16 BibTeX
- John G. Mooney, Vijay Gurbaxani, Kenneth L. Kraemer:
A Process Oriented Framework for Assessing the Business Value of Information Technology.
17-27 BibTeX
- Christina Soh, M. Lynne Markus:
How IT Creates Business Value: A Process Theory Synthesis.
29-41 BibTeX
- Luis L. Martins, Ajit Kambil:
Learning from Experience: Managerial Interpretations of Past and Future Information Technologies.
43-54 BibTeX
- Daniel Robey:
Theories that Explain Contradiction: Accounting for the Contradictory Organizational Consequences of Information Technology.
55-63 BibTeX
- Danial Clapper, Anne P. Massey:
Predicting Group Output: Assessing the Relative Impacts of Task-Related Input and GSS Use.
65-80 BibTeX
- Surinder Singh Kahai, Bruce J. Avolio, John J. Sosik:
Meeting Impacts of Two Types of EMS Anonymity and Initial Difference in Opinions.
81-92 BibTeX
- Marshall W. van Alstyne, Erik Brynjolfsson:
Communication Networks and the Rise of an Information Elite: Do Computers Help the Rich Get Richer?
93-96 BibTeX
- Rajiv M. Dewan, Shankar Sundaresan, Abraham Seidmann:
Strategic Choices in IS Infrastructure: Corporate Standards Versus "Best of Breed" Systems.
97-107 BibTeX
- Young-Gul Kim:
Process Modeling for BPR: Event-Process Chain Approach.
109-121 BibTeX
- Monica Adya, Fred L. Collopy:
Does AI Research Aid Prediction? A Review and Evaluation.
123-140 BibTeX
- Kathleen Foley Curley, Marc H. Meyer, Ezra Wohlgemuth:
Organizing for the Effecitve Diffusion of Corporate Information Systems: Manage Project Scale and Scope.
141-153 BibTeX
- Hock-Hai Teo, Bernard C. Y. Tan, Kwok Kee Wei:
Innovation Diffusion Theory as a Predictor of Adoption Intention for Financial EDI.
155-165 BibTeX
- François Bergeron, Louis Raymond:
The Contribution of IT to the Bottom Line: A Contingency Perspective of Strategic Dimensions.
167-181 BibTeX
- Anandhi S. Bharadwaj, Sundar G. Bharadwaj, Benn R. Konsynski:
The Moderator Role of Information Technology in Firm Performance: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions.
183-188 BibTeX
- Anil Maheshwari, Richard J. Boland Jr.:
Reflection and Representation: An Experimental Examination of Computer-Based Representation to Support Reflective Thinking.
189-195 BibTeX
- J. Roberto Evaristo, Carl Adams, Shawn Curley:
Information Load Revisited: A Theoretical Model.
197-206 BibTeX
- Jim Hann, Ron Weber:
The Impact of IT Infusion and Diffusion on Some Characteristics of IS Planning: A Model and an Empirical Test.
207-214 BibTeX
- Russell L. Purvis, V. Sambamurthy, Robert W. Zmud:
The Effects of Knowledge Embeddedness on the Diffusion of Case Technologies within Organizations.
215-224 BibTeX
- Keng Siau, Hock Chuan Chan, Kwok Kee Wei:
The Effects of Conceptual and Logical Interfaces on Visual Query Performance of End Users.
225-235 BibTeX
- Sangkyu Rho, Salvatore T. March:
Designing Distributed Database Systems for Efficient Operation.
237-253 BibTeX
- H. K. Cheung, Janice M. Burn:
Managing Distributed Information Systems Resources in a Globalized Environment.
255-269 BibTeX
- P. S. Giridharan:
Dominance in the Telecommunications Services Industry.
271-275 BibTeX
- Lawrence Loh, N. Venkatraman:
An Empirical Study of Information Technology Outsourcing: Benefits, Risks, and Performance Implications.
277-288 BibTeX
- Suzanne Iacono, Mani R. Subramani, John C. Henderson:
Entrepreneur or Intermediary: The Nature of the Relationship Manager's Job.
289-299 BibTeX
- Murali Venkatesh, Ruth V. Small, Richard M. Southwick:
A Cognitive Motivational Model of Group Member Decision Satisfaction.
301-312 BibTeX
- Andrew Hutchison, Othmar Morger, Christian Sauter, Stephanie Teufel:
Current Usage and Potential of Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Swiss Banks: An Empirical Study.
313-324 BibTeX
- Yoko Takeda, Jiro Kokuryo:
Media Choice in Interorganizational Transactions: An Exploratory Study of the Distribution of Dry Groceries in Japan.
325-331 BibTeX
- James B. Baty II, Ronald M. Lee:
Intershop: A Distribued Architecture or Electronic Shopping.
333-344 BibTeX
Research in Progress
- E. Burton Swanson, Wiebe Bijker, James C. Brancheau, Neil C. Ramiller:
"Innovation" - The Very Idea: Exploring Terms of Research on IS/IT Innovations.
363-363 BibTeX
- Dinesh Batra, Eckhard D. Falkenberg, Jeffrey Parsons, Yair Wand:
Conceptual Modeling in Systems Development: Should it Be Driven by User's or Designer's Needs?
364-366 BibTeX
- Allen S. Lee, Richard Baskerville, Jonathan Liebenau, Michael D. Myers:
Judging Qualitative Research in Information Systems: Criteria for Accepting and Rejecting Manuscripts.
367 BibTeX
- Kalle Lyytinen, Ed Steinmuller, John Leslie King, Ben Petrazzini:
Innovating Standards of Standardizing Innovations?
368-369 BibTeX
- Golamreza Torkzadeh, Fred D. Davis, William J. Doll, Nancy Paule Melone:
Should IT Rely Exclusively upon Reference Disciplines for Measuring Success?
370-371 BibTeX
- Chris Sauer, Robert I. Benjamin, Philip Yetton, Robert W. Zmud:
Management Competencies in Three Perspectives on IT-Based Organizational Transformation: Convergence or Coincidence?
372 BibTeX
- Richard O. Mason, Sue A. Conger, Olaf Forsgren, David J. Pullinger, Chee-Sing Yap:
How Do the Ethics of IT Differ Across Cultures?
373 BibTeX
- Louise L. Soe, M. Lynne Markus, Staffan Hultén, J. Christopher Westland:
Evolutionary Economics: Revolutionary Implications for the Field of IS?
374-375 BibTeX
- August-Wilhelm Scheer, Wolfgang König, Helmut Krcmar:
Can Distributed Information Systems Really Serve New Organizational Trends?
376-377 BibTeX
- David K. Meader, N. Venkatraman, Ram Nidumolu, Kathy Cruz:
The IS Function in the Virtual Organization: Who's Wagging Whom?
378 BibTeX
- Eric van Heck, Ajit Kambil, Benn R. Konsynski, Hans Uithol:
Information Technology Opportunities and Threats to the Dutch Flower Auctions.
379-380 BibTeX
- Roger Clarke, Michael Vitale, Ignace Snellen, Charles Wiseman:
Beyond the Jungle: How Can the Various Schools of Thought in Strategic Information Systems Contribute to Organizational Strategy in Low-Competitive Contexts?
381-383 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:20:16 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)