
James C. Brancheau

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10EEDonald L. Amoroso, James C. Brancheau: Moving the Organization to Convergent Technologies: e-Business and Wireless - Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2001
9EEJames C. Brancheau, Brian D. Janz, James C. Wetherbe: Key Issues in Information Systems Management: 1994-95 SIM Delphi Results. MIS Quarterly 20(2): (1996)
8 E. Burton Swanson, Wiebe Bijker, James C. Brancheau, Neil C. Ramiller: "Innovation" - The Very Idea: Exploring Terms of Research on IS/IT Innovations. ICIS 1995: 363-363
7 John M. Borton, James C. Brancheau: Does an Effective Information Technology Implementation Process Guarantee Success? Diffusion, Transfer and Implementation of Information Technology 1993: 159-178
6 James C. Brancheau: Working Session 2: The Role of Models and Theories in Information Technology Transfer. Diffusion, Transfer and Implementation of Information Technology 1993: 403-407
5EEJames C. Brancheau, Carol V. Brown: The Management of End-User Computing: Status and Directions. ACM Comput. Surv. 25(4): 437-482 (1993)
4EEJames C. Brancheau, Larry Schuster, Salvatore T. March: Building and Implementing an Information Architecture. DATA BASE 20(2): 9-17 (1989)
3EEJames C. Brancheau, Justus D. Naumann: A Manager's Guide to Integrated Services Digital Network. DATA BASE 18(3): 20-29 (1987)
2EEJames C. Brancheau, James C. Wetherbe: Information architectures: Methods and practice. Inf. Process. Manage. 22(6): 453 (1986)
1EEJames C. Brancheau, Douglas R. Vogel, James C. Wetherbe: An Investigation of the Information Center from the User's Perspective. DATA BASE 17(1): 4-17 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Donald L. Amoroso [10]
2Wiebe Bijker [8]
3John M. Borton [7]
4Carol V. Brown [5]
5Brian D. Janz [9]
6Salvatore T. March [4]
7Justus D. Naumann [3]
8Neil C. Ramiller [8]
9Larry Schuster [4]
10E. Burton Swanson [8]
11Douglas R. Vogel (Doug Vogel) [1]
12James C. Wetherbe [1] [2] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)