
Robert I. Benjamin

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12EERolf T. Wigand, Robert I. Benjamin, Johanna L. H. Birkland: Web 2.0 and beyond: implications for electronic commerce. ICEC 2008: 7
11EEXiaozhong Liu, Robert I. Benjamin, Ping Zhang: Re-examining IT Enabled Change with a New Model of the Information Field: The Tiger Creek Case. HICSS 2007: 248
10EEPing Zhang, Robert I. Benjamin: Understanding information related fields: A conceptual framework. JASIST 58(13): 1934-1947 (2007)
9EERolf T. Wigand, Robert I. Benjamin, Tawfik Jelassi, Stefan Klein: Building relationships in electronic commerce (panel session): European and North American perspectives. ICIS 1997: 509-511
8EEM. Lynne Markus, Robert I. Benjamin: Change Agentry - The Next IS Frontier. MIS Quarterly 20(4): (1996)
7 Chris Sauer, Robert I. Benjamin, Philip Yetton, Robert W. Zmud: Management Competencies in Three Perspectives on IT-Based Organizational Transformation: Convergence or Coincidence? ICIS 1995: 372
6EERolf T. Wigand, Robert I. Benjamin: Electronic Commerce: Effects on Electronic Markets. J. Computer-Mediated Communication 1(3): (1995)
5 Robert I. Benjamin: Managing Information Technology Enabled Change. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development 1993: 381-397
4 Robert I. Benjamin, Michael Scott Morton: Reflections On Effective Application Of Information Technology In Organizations ... From the Perspective Of The Management in the 90's Program. IFIP Congress (3) 1992: 131-142
3 Thomas W. Malone, JoAnne Yates, Robert I. Benjamin: Electronic Markets and Electronic Hierarchies. Commun. ACM 30(6): 484-497 (1987)
2EEStephen A. Smith, Robert I. Benjamin: Projecting Demand for Electronic Communications in Automated Offices. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 1(3): 211-229 (1983)
1 Robert I. Benjamin: A Generational Perspective of Information System Development. Commun. ACM 15(7): 640-647 (1972)

Coauthor Index

1Johanna L. H. Birkland [12]
2Tawfik Jelassi [9]
3Stefan Klein [9]
4Xiaozhong Liu [11]
5Thomas W. Malone [3]
6M. Lynne Markus [8]
7Michael Scott Morton [4]
8Chris Sauer [7]
9Stephen A. Smith [2]
10Rolf T. Wigand [6] [9] [12]
11JoAnne Yates [3]
12Philip Yetton [7]
13Ping Zhang [10] [11]
14Robert W. Zmud [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)