
Marshall W. van Alstyne

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11EEHind Benbya, Marshall W. van Alstyne: Eliciting and Validating Knowledge in Knowledge Management Systems. HICSS 2008: 353
10EEGavin Clarkson, Marshall W. van Alstyne: The Social Efficiency of Fairness: An Innovation Economics Approach to Innovation. HICSS 2007: 155
9EEGeoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. van Alstyne: Mechanism Design to Promote Free Market and Open Source Software Innovation. HICSS 2005
8EEThede Loder, Marshall W. van Alstyne, Rick Wash: An economic answer to unsolicited communication. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2004: 40-50
7EEJun Zhang, Marshall W. van Alstyne: SWIM: fostering social network based information search. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1568
6 Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. van Alstyne: Opening the Code: How Open Is Optimal? ICIS 2001: 519-524
5EEGeoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. van Alstyne: Internetwork externalities and free information goods. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2000: 107-116
4EENeveen I. Farag, Marshall W. van Alstyne: Information technology - a source of friction? an analytical model of how firms combat price competition online. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2000: 135-144
3EEGeoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. van Alstyne: Information complements, substitutes, and strategic product design. ICIS 2000: 13-15
2EEMarshall W. van Alstyne: A proposal for valuing information and instrumental goods. ICIS 1999: 328-345
1 Marshall W. van Alstyne, Erik Brynjolfsson: Communication Networks and the Rise of an Information Elite: Do Computers Help the Rich Get Richer? ICIS 1995: 93-96

Coauthor Index

1Hind Benbya [11]
2Erik Brynjolfsson [1]
3Gavin Clarkson [10]
4Neveen I. Farag [4]
5Thede Loder [8]
6Geoffrey G. Parker [3] [5] [6] [9]
7Rick Wash [8]
8Jun Zhang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)