
John C. Henderson

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19EEJames B. Freedman, John C. Henderson: Digital Usage Behavior: A Sense Making Perspective. HICSS 2008: 125
18EESamuel Bayer, John D. Burger, Lisa Ferro, John C. Henderson, Lynette Hirschman, Alexander S. Yeh: Evaluating Semantic Evaluations: How RTE Measures Up. MLCW 2005: 309-331
17EEJohn D. Burger, John C. Henderson: Exploiting Diversity for Answering Questions. HLT-NAACL 2003
16EEChristine M. A. Lentz, Janis L. Gogan, John C. Henderson: A Comprehensive and Cohesive IT Value Management Capability: Case Studies in the North American Life Insurance Industry. HICSS 2002: 243
15EEJohn D. Burger, Lisa Ferro, Warren R. Greiff, John C. Henderson, Scott Mardis, Alex Morgan, Marc Light: MITRE's Qanda at TREC-11. TREC 2002
14EERadu Florian, John C. Henderson, Grace Ngai: Coaxing Confidences from an Old Friend: Probabilistic Classifications from Transformation Rule Lists CoRR cs.CL/0104020: (2001)
13EESalvatore Parise, John C. Henderson: Knowledge resource exchange in strategic alliances. IBM Systems Journal 40(4): 908-924 (2001)
12EEJohn C. Henderson, Eric Brill: Bagging and Boosting a Treebank Parser. ANLP 2000: 34-41
11EEJohn C. Henderson, Eric Brill: Exploiting Diversity in Natural Language Processing: Combining Parsers CoRR cs.CL/0006003: (2000)
10EEJohn C. Henderson, Eric Brill: Bagging and Boosting a Treebank Parser CoRR cs.CL/0006011: (2000)
9EEJohn C. Henderson: Exploiting Diversity for Natural Language Parsing CoRR cs.CL/0006012: (2000)
8EEJohn C. Henderson, N. Venkatraman: Strategic Alignment: Leveraging Information Technology for Transforming Organizations. IBM Systems Journal 38(2/3): 472-484 (1999)
7 John C. Henderson: Exploiting Diversity for Natural Language Processing. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 1174
6 Eric Brill, Radu Florian, John C. Henderson, Lidia Mangu: Beyond N-Grams: Can Linguistic Sophistication Improve Language Modeling? COLING-ACL 1998: 186-190
5 Giorgio Satta, John C. Henderson: String Transformation Learning. ACL 1997: 444-451
4EEJohn C. Henderson, Christine M. A. Lentz: Learning, working and innovation: a case study in insurance. HICSS (4) 1995: 546-555
3 Suzanne Iacono, Mani R. Subramani, John C. Henderson: Entrepreneur or Intermediary: The Nature of the Relationship Manager's Job. ICIS 1995: 289-299
2 Richard J. Boland Jr., Gerardine DeSanctis, John C. Henderson, Blake Ives, John Leslie King: Meet the Editors. ICIS 1993: 424
1 John C. Henderson, N. Venkatraman: Strategic Alignment: Leveraging Information Technology for Transforming Organizations. IBM Systems Journal 32(1): 4-16 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Samuel Bayer [18]
2Richard J. Boland Jr. [2]
3Eric Brill [6] [10] [11] [12]
4John D. Burger [15] [17] [18]
5Gerardine DeSanctis [2]
6Lisa Ferro [15] [18]
7Radu Florian [6] [14]
8James B. Freedman [19]
9Janis L. Gogan [16]
10Warren R. Greiff [15]
11Lynette Hirschman [18]
12Suzanne Iacono [3]
13Blake Ives [2]
14John Leslie King [2]
15Christine M. A. Lentz [4] [16]
16Marc Light [15]
17Lidia Mangu [6]
18Scott Mardis [15]
19Alex Morgan [15]
20Grace Ngai [14]
21Salvatore Parise [13]
22Giorgio Satta [5]
23Mani R. Subramani [3]
24N. Venkatraman [1] [8]
25Alexander S. Yeh [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)