
Christina Soh

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12EEWai Fong Boh, Christina Soh, Steven Yeo: Standards development and diffusion: a case study of RosettaNet. Commun. ACM 50(12): 57-62 (2007)
11 Yuandong Yi, Christina Soh, Lihua Huang: Strategic and Operational Benefits of IOS-Enabled Interorganizational Integration. ICIS 2005
10EEChristina Soh, Sia Siew Kien, Wai Fong Boh, May Tang: Misalignments in ERP Implementation: A Dialectic Perspective. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interaction 16(1): 81-100 (2003)
9EEMay Tang, Siew Kian Sia, Christina Soh, Wai Fong Boh: A contingency analysis of post-bureaucratic controls in IT-related change. ICIS 2000: 501-512
8EEChristina Soh, Sia Siew Kien, Joanne Tay-Yap: Cultural Fits and Misfits: Is ERP a Universal Solution? Commun. ACM 43(4): 47-51 (2000)
7EEAmit Das, Christina Soh, Patrick Chang Boon Lee: Client satisfaction with outsourced IT services: a transaction-cost approach. ICIS 1999: 518-523
6EEAmit Das, Christina Soh, Patrick Chang Boon Lee: A model of customer satisfaction with information technology service providers: an empirical study. SIGCPR 1999: 190-193
5EEGinny Ooi, Christina Soh, Pui Mun Lee: An activity based costing approach to systems development and implementation. ICIS 1998: 341-345
4 Christina Soh, M. Lynne Markus: How IT Creates Business Value: A Process Theory Synthesis. ICIS 1995: 29-41
3 Peter Weill, Marianne Broadbent, Carey Butler, Christina Soh: An Exploration of Firm-Wide Information Technology Infrastructure Investment and Services. ICIS 1995: 349-350
2 Gabriel Goren, Christina Soh, Boon-Siong Neo, Soke Yin Wong: IT Payoff- in Singapore. HICSS (4) 1994: 621-631
1 Christina Soh, Soon Ang, Boon-Siong Neo: Building the Applications Portfolio: A Process Analysis. ICIS 1994: 407-418

Coauthor Index

1Soon Ang [1]
2Wai Fong Boh [9] [10] [12]
3Marianne Broadbent [3]
4Carey Butler [3]
5Amit Das [6] [7]
6Gabriel Goren [2]
7Lihua Huang [11]
8Sia Siew Kien [8] [10]
9Patrick Chang Boon Lee [6] [7]
10Pui Mun Lee [5]
11M. Lynne Markus [4]
12Boon-Siong Neo [1] [2]
13Ginny Ooi [5]
14Siew Kian Sia [9]
15May Tang [9] [10]
16Joanne Tay-Yap [8]
17Peter Weill [3]
18Soke Yin Wong [2]
19Steven Yeo [12]
20Yuandong Yi [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)