
N. Venkatraman

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9 David Dreyfus, Bala Iyer, Chi-Hyon Lee, N. Venkatraman: Dual Networks of Knowledge Flows: An Empirical Test of Complementarity in the Prepackaged Software Industry. ICIS 2005
8EEEllen Christiaanse, N. Venkatraman: Beyond Sabre: An Empirical Test of Expertise Exploitation in Electronic Channels. MIS Quarterly 26(1): (2002)
7EEH. Õseyin Tanriverdi, N. Venkatraman: Creation of Professional Networks: An Emergent Model using Telemedicine as a Case. HICSS 1999
6EEJohn C. Henderson, N. Venkatraman: Strategic Alignment: Leveraging Information Technology for Transforming Organizations. IBM Systems Journal 38(2/3): 472-484 (1999)
5 Lawrence Loh, N. Venkatraman: An Empirical Study of Information Technology Outsourcing: Benefits, Risks, and Performance Implications. ICIS 1995: 277-288
4 David K. Meader, N. Venkatraman, Ram Nidumolu, Kathy Cruz: The IS Function in the Virtual Organization: Who's Wagging Whom? ICIS 1995: 378
3 N. Venkatraman, Sid L. Huff, Lawrence Loh, Josep Valor: International Perspectives on Information Technology Outsourcing. ICIS 1993: 408-410
2 John C. Henderson, N. Venkatraman: Strategic Alignment: Leveraging Information Technology for Transforming Organizations. IBM Systems Journal 32(1): 4-16 (1993)
1EEN. Venkatraman, A. Zaheer: Electronic integration and strategic advantage: a quasi-experimental study in the insurance industry. ICIS 1989: 353-362

Coauthor Index

1Ellen Christiaanse [8]
2Kathy Cruz [4]
3David Dreyfus [9]
4John C. Henderson [2] [6]
5Sid L. Huff [3]
6Bala Iyer [9]
7Chi-Hyon Lee [9]
8Lawrence Loh [3] [5]
9David K. Meader [4]
10Ram Nidumolu [4]
11H. Õseyin Tanriverdi [7]
12Josep Valor [3]
13A. Zaheer [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)