
Roger Clarke

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23EERoger Clarke: Web 2.0 as Syndication. JTAER 3(2): 30-43 (2008)
22EERoger Clarke: The cost profiles of alternative approaches to journal publishing. First Monday 12(12): (2007)
21EERoger Clarke: A major impediment to B2C success is...the concept 'B2C'. ICEC 2006: 441-450
20EERoger Clarke: P2P's Significance for eBusiness: Towards a Research Agenda. JTAER 1(3): 42-57 (2006)
19EERoger Clarke: A proposal for an open content licence for research paper (Pr)ePrints. First Monday 10(8): (2005)
18 Roger Clarke: If e-Business is Different, then so is Research in e-Business. E-Business: Multidisciplinary Research and Practice 2002: 3-19
17EERoger Clarke: The Fundamental Inadequacies of Conventional Public Key Infrastructure. ECIS 2001
16EERoger Clarke, Sinningia Nees: Technological Protections for Digital Copyright Objects. ECIS 2000
15EENed Kock, Robert M. Davison, Roger Clarke, Karen D. Loch: IS research ethics: defining ethical, barely ethical, and unethical behavior (panel). ICIS 2000: 720-723
14EERoger Clarke: Internet Privacy Concerns Confirm the Case for Intervention. Commun. ACM 42(2): 60-67 (1999)
13EERoger Clarke: Freedom of Information? The Internet as Harbinger of the New Dark Ages. First Monday 4(11): (1999)
12 Roger Clarke, Michael Vitale, Ignace Snellen, Charles Wiseman: Beyond the Jungle: How Can the Various Schools of Thought in Strategic Information Systems Contribute to Organizational Strategy in Low-Competitive Contexts? ICIS 1995: 381-383
11EERoger Clarke: Asimov's Laws of Robotics: Implications for Information Technology - Part 2. IEEE Computer 27(1): 57-66 (1994)
10EERoger Clarke: Electronic Support for the Practice of Research. Inf. Soc. 10(1): (1994)
9EERoger Clarke: The Digital Persona and Its Application to Data Surveillance. Inf. Soc. 10(2): (1994)
8 Michael Bieber, Roger Clarke, Nanette Ditosto, Rob Kling, Peggy O'Rourke: Privacy and Accuracy Issues for Information Systems in the 1990s and Beyond. ICIS 1993: 404
7 Roger Clarke: Asimov's Laws of Implications for Information Technology - Part 1. IEEE Computer 26(12): 53-61 (1993)
6 Roger Clarke, Julie Cameron: Managing Information Technology's Organisational Impact, II, Proceedings of the IFIP TC9 Conference on Managing Information Technology's Organisational Impact, II, Adelaide, Australia, 7-8 October, 1991 North-Holland 1992
5 Julie Cameron, Roger Clarke, Simon Davies, Agnes Jackson, Mark Prentice, Brian Regan: Ethics, Vulnerability and Information Technology (IT). IFIP Congress (2) 1992: 344-350
4 Roger Clarke: Extra-Organisational Systems: A Challenge to the Software Engineering Paradigm. IFIP Congress (2) 1992: 564-570
3 Roger Clarke: Social Implications of IT - the Professional's Role. Australian Computer Journal 22(2): 27-29 (1990)
2 Roger Clarke: Background to Program Generators for Commercial Applications. Australian Computer Journal 14(2): 48-55 (1982)
1 Roger Clarke: Teleprocessing Monitors and Program Structure. Australian Computer Journal 14(4): 143-149 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Bieber (Michael P. Bieber) [8]
2Julie Cameron [5] [6]
3Simon Davies [5]
4Robert M. Davison [15]
5Nanette Ditosto [8]
6Agnes Jackson [5]
7Rob Kling [8]
8Ned Kock [15]
9Karen D. Loch [15]
10Sinningia Nees [16]
11Peggy O'Rourke [8]
12Mark Prentice [5]
13Brian Regan [5]
14Ignace Snellen [12]
15Michael Vitale [12]
16Charles Wiseman [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)