9. ECAI 1990:
9th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
ECAI '90,
- Agnar Aamodt:
Knowledge-Intensive Case-Based Reasoning and Sustained Learning.
1-6 BibTeX
- Manfred Aben, Maarten van Someren:
Heuristic Refinement of Logic Programs.
7-12 BibTeX
- Jürgen Allgayer:
SB-ONE+: Dealing with Sets Efficiently.
13-18 BibTeX
- Manuel Alonso, José Cuena, Martín Molina:
SIRAH: An Architecture for a Professional Intelligence.
19-24 BibTeX
- Elisabeth André, Thomas Rist:
Towards a Plan-Based Synthesis of Illustrated Documents.
25-30 BibTeX
- J.-M. Andre, A. Mouginot, M. Venet:
A Framework for Dynamic Reorganization.
31-37 BibTeX
- Carlos Araya, Frank M. Brown:
SCHEMATA: A Language for Deduction.
38-40 BibTeX
- Giuseppe Attardi, Mauro Gaspari, F. Saracco:
Interoperability of AI Languages.
41-46 BibTeX
- Béchir el Ayeb, Pierre Marquis, Michaël Rusinowitch:
Deductive/Abductvie Diagnosis: The DA-Principles.
47-52 BibTeX
- Franz Baader:
A Formal Definition for the Expressive Power of Knowledge Representation Languages.
53-58 BibTeX
- Fahiem Bacchus:
Probabilistic Belief Logics.
59-64 BibTeX
- Afzal Ballim, Yorick Wilks:
Relevant Beliefs.
65-70 BibTeX
- V. R. Bandekar:
Causal Structures: Computation and Applications.
71-76 BibTeX
- Alain Beauvieux, Philippe Dague:
A General Consistency (Checking and Restoring) Engine for Knowledge Bases.
77-82 BibTeX
- Benjamin Bell, Louis-François Pau:
Context Knowledge and Search Control Issues in Object-Oriented Prolog-Based Image Understanding.
83 BibTeX
- Francesco Bergadano, Attilio Giordana, Lorenza Saitta:
Biasing Induction by Using a Domain Theory: An Experimental Evaluation.
84-89 BibTeX
- Hugues Bersini:
One Step in the Counter-Representationalist Direction.
90-95 BibTeX
- Ann Blandford:
A Tutorial Dialogue Model to Encourage Externalisation and Reflection.
96-98 BibTeX
- Mario Borillo, Bruno Gaume:
An Extension to Kowalski & Sergot's Event Calculus.
99-104 BibTeX
- Antonio Brogi, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello:
Inheritance and Hypothetical Reasoning in Logic Programming.
105-110 BibTeX
- Antonio Brogi, Paolo Mancarella, Dino Pedreschi, Franco Turini:
Universal Quantification by Case Analysis.
111-116 BibTeX
- L. Broumley, John L. Arnott, A. Y. Cairns, Alan F. Newell:
TalksBack: An Applicaation of AI Techniques to a Communication Prosthesis for the Non-Speaking.
117-119 BibTeX
- Lynne J. Cahill, Roger Evans:
An Application of DATR: The TIC Lexicon.
120-125 BibTeX
- Lynne J. Cahill, Gerald Gazdar:
The Semantics of MOLUSC.
126-131 BibTeX
- Antonio Camurri, Marcello Frixione, Gianni Vercelli, Renato Zaccaria:
Some Concepts on Analogic Planning in Assembly Tasks.
132-137 BibTeX
- Claudio Carpineto:
Combining EBL from Success and EBL from Failure with Parameter Version Spaces.
138-140 BibTeX
- Enric Celaya, Carme Torras:
Finding Object Configurations that Satisfy Spatial Relationships.
141-146 BibTeX
- Bojan Cestnik:
Estimating Probabilities: A Crucial Task in Machine Learning.
147-149 BibTeX
- Guy Chaty, N. Darcel, Daniel Kayser, Bernard Levrat:
An Account of Paraphrase Using Elementary Transformations.
150-152 BibTeX
- Jean Pierre Cocquerez, Michel Jordan, M. Zahid:
Geometric Modelling of Stereovision: Application to Aerial Pictures.
153-159 BibTeX
- Luca Console, Pietro Torasso:
Integrating Models of the Correct Behavior into Abductive Diagnosis.
160-166 BibTeX
- Susan Craw, Derek H. Sleeman:
Automating the Refinement of Knowledge-Based Systems.
167-172 BibTeX
- Philippe Dague, Philippe Deves, Pierre Luciani, Patrick Taillibert:
Analog Systems Diagnosis.
173-178 BibTeX
- H. Dai, T. J. Anderson, F. C. Monds:
A Framework for Real-Time Problem Solving.
179-185 BibTeX
- Jean-Marc David, Jean-Paul Krivine:
Explaining Reasoning from Knowledge Level Models.
186-188 BibTeX
- Yuval Davidor:
Lamarckian Sub-Goal Reward in Genetic Algorithm.
189-194 BibTeX
- N. J. Davies:
Towards a First Order Theory of Reasoning Agents.
195-200 BibTeX
- Niels da Vitoria Lobo, John K. Tsotsos:
Shape from Binocular Disparity and Incomplete Knowledge of Baseline Parameters.
201-203 BibTeX
- Hugo de Garis:
Genetic Programming: Evolution of a Time Dependent Neural Network Module which Teaches a Pair of Stick Legs to Walk.
204-206 BibTeX
- Luc De Raedt, Maurice Bruynooghe:
On Negation and Three-Valued Logic in Interactive Concept-Learning.
207-212 BibTeX
- Ramiro A. de T. Guerreiro, Marco A. Casanova, Andrea S. Hemerly:
Contributions to a Proof Theory for Generic Defaults.
213-218 BibTeX
- José del R. Millán, Carme Torras:
Reinforcement Learning: Discovering Stable Solutions in the Robot Path Finding Domain.
219-221 BibTeX
- Joachim Diederich:
An Explanation Component for a Connectionist Inference System.
222-227 BibTeX
- Luigi Di Pace, F. Fabrocini:
Learning from Observation in Noisy Environments via Integration of EBL and SBL Techniques.
228-233 BibTeX
- B. S. Doherty, B. Pauly, J. Barthelemy:
Elicitation and Verification of a Functional Specification.
234-239 BibTeX
- Kohji Dohsaka:
Identifying the Referents of Zero-Pronouns in Japanese Based on Pragmatic Constraint Interpretation.
240-245 BibTeX
- Francesco M. Donini, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi:
An Efficient Method for Hybrid Deduction.
246-252 BibTeX
- Oskar Dressler:
Problem Solving with the NM-ATMS.
253-258 BibTeX
- Didier Dubois, Henri Prade:
Reasoning with Inconsistent Information in a Possibilistic Setting.
259-261 BibTeX
- Luis Fariñas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig:
Deterministic Modal Logics for Automated Deduction.
262-267 BibTeX
- Detlef Fehrer:
A Resolution Calculus for a Logic Based on Vaguely Defined Predicates.
268-273 BibTeX
- Robert B. Fisher:
Reducing Viewsphere Complexity.
274-276 BibTeX
- Gerhard Friedrich, Franz Lackinger, Wolfgang Nejdl:
Redefining the Candidate Space in Model-Based Diagnosis.
277-282 BibTeX
- Christine Froidevaux, C. Grossetete:
Graded Default Theories for Uncertainty.
283-288 BibTeX
- P. Gaborit, A. Potet, Claudette Sayettat:
Semantics and Validation Procedures of a Multi-Modal Logic for Formalization of Multi-Agent Universes.
289-291 BibTeX
- Dale Gerdemann, Erhard W. Hinrichs:
A Unification-Based Approach to Quantifier Scoping.
292-297 BibTeX
- Bart Geurts:
Computing Salience.
298-300 BibTeX
- N. Gilbert, S. Buckland, David Frohlich, Marina Jirotka, Paul Luff:
Providing Advice Through Dialogue.
301-307 BibTeX
- Laura Giordano, Alberto Martelli:
An Abductive Characterization of the TMS.
308-313 BibTeX
- Bernhard Gramlich:
Completion Based Inductive Theorem Proving: An Abstract Framework and its Applications.
314-319 BibTeX
- Ennio Grasso, Leonardo Lesmo, Vincenzo Lombardo, Pia M. Maccario, Roberto Salato, Paolo Terenziani:
Semantic Interpretation of Tense, Actionality and Aspect.
320-325 BibTeX
- Éric Grégoire:
Skeptical Inheritance Can Be More Expressive.
326-332 BibTeX
- S. Guez:
A Model for the Automatic Processing of Argumentative Dialogues.
333-335 BibTeX
- T. Hasegawa:
A Rule Application Control Method in a Lexicon-Driven Transfer Model of a Dialogue Translation System.
336-338 BibTeX
- Kôiti Hasida:
Sentence Processing as Constraint Transformation.
339-344 BibTeX
- Achim G. Hoffmann:
General Limitations on Machine Learning.
345-347 BibTeX
- Bernhard Hollunder, Werner Nutt, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß:
Subsumption Algorithms for Concept Description Languages.
348-353 BibTeX
- Thomas Hoppe:
Hypotheses Generation for Knowledge Validation.
354-356 BibTeX
- Helmut Horacek, Michael Gerlach:
The Role of Goals in Dialog Control.
357-362 BibTeX
- Junko Hosaka, Kentaro Ogura, Kiyoshi Kogure:
Word Sequence Constraints for Japanese Speech Recognition.
363-365 BibTeX
- Nancy Ide, Jean Véronis:
Very Large Neural Networks for Word Sense Disambiguation.
366-368 BibTeX
- Philippe Jégou:
Cyclic-Clustering: A Compromise between Tree-Clustering and Cycle-Cutset Method for Improving Search Efficiency.
369-371 BibTeX
- Y. J. Jiang:
Epistemic Logic, Probability and Multi-Agent Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
372-377 BibTeX
- C. Joubel, Olivier Raiman:
How Time Changes Assumptions.
378-383 BibTeX
- Janusz Kacprzyk, M. Fredizzi:
On Measuring the Specificity of If - Then Rules (Abstract).
384 BibTeX
- Antonis C. Kakas, Paolo Mancarella:
Generalized Stable Models: A Semantics for Abduction.
385-391 BibTeX
- Daniel Kayser:
Thruth and the Interpretation of Natural Language: A Non-Monotonic Variable-Depth Approach.
392-397 BibTeX
- Yves Kodratoff:
Combining Similarity and Causality in Creative Analogy.
398-403 BibTeX
- Henryk Jan Komorowski:
Towards a Programming Methodology Founded on Partial Deduction.
404-409 BibTeX
- Anne M. Landraud:
Scale-and-Orientation Independent Computer Pattern Perception.
410-412 BibTeX
- P. Liu:
A Theoretical Analysis of Recurrence Goals.
413-418 BibTeX
- Bernardo Magnini, Carlo Strapparava:
Computational Representation of Mental Spaces: A Functional Approach.
419-424 BibTeX
- O. Marino, François Rechenmann, P. Uvietta:
Multiple Perspectives and Classification Mechanism in Object-Oriented Representation.
425-430 BibTeX
- Zdravko Markov, Lydia Sinapova, Christo Dichev:
Default Reasoning in a Network Environment.
431-436 BibTeX
- Pedro Meseguer:
A New Method to Checking Rule Bases for Inconsistency: A Petri Net Approach.
437-442 BibTeX
- Phan Minh Dung:
Strong Circumscription Specifies Stable Semantics of Normal Logic Programs.
443-448 BibTeX
- Yves Moinard:
Circumscription and Horn Theories.
449-454 BibTeX
- Peter B. Musgrove, R. I. Phelps:
An Automatic System for Acquisition of Natural Concepts.
455-460 BibTeX
- M. Nagata, Kiyoshi Kogure:
HPSG-Based Lattice Parser for Spoken Japanese in a Spoken Language Translation System.
461-466 BibTeX
- Alexander Nakhimovsky:
Topological and Metrical Invariants of Grammatical Meanings.
467-469 BibTeX
- Anil Nigam, R. Bhaskar:
Qualitative Astrophysics.
470-472 BibTeX
- Masayuki Numao:
Analytical Learning of Inductive Inference.
473-478 BibTeX
- Hans Jürgen Ohlbach:
Abstraction Tree Indexing for Terms.
479-484 BibTeX
- Eugenio G. Omodeo, Franco Parlamento, Alberto Policriti:
Truth Tables for a Combinatorial Kernel of Set Theories.
485-490 BibTeX
- Bernd Owsnicki-Klewe:
A Cardinality-Based Approach to Incomplete Knowledge.
491-496 BibTeX
- T. Persson, L. Staflin:
A Causation Theory for a Logic of Continuous Change.
497-502 BibTeX
- Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira, João P. Martins:
A Formal System for Reasoning about Change.
503-508 BibTeX
- Ivan Popchev, Neli Zlatareva, Marion Mircheva:
A Truth Maintenance Theory: An Alternative Approach.
509-514 BibTeX
- Tony P. Pridmore, S. H. Joseph:
Using Schemata to Interpret Images of Mechanical Engineering Drawings.
515-521 BibTeX
- Gregory M. Provan:
The Computational Complexity of Multiple-Context Truth Maintenance Systems.
522-527 BibTeX
- Hub Prüst, Remko Scha:
A Discourse Approach to Verb Phrase Anaphora.
528-530 BibTeX
- Alan L. Rector, Carole A. Goble, Bernard Horan, T. J. Howkins, S. Kay, W. A. Nowlan, A. Wilson:
Shedding Light on Patients' Problems: Integrating Knowledge Based Systems into Medical Practice.
531-534 BibTeX
- Nancy E. Reed, Paul E. Johnson:
Generative Knowledge for Computer Troubleshooting.
535-540 BibTeX
- Han Reichgelt, Nigel Shadbolt:
A Specification Tool for Planning Systems.
541-546 BibTeX
- Ulrich Reimer:
Automatic Acquisition of Terminological Knowledge from Texts.
547-549 BibTeX
- Francesca Rossi, Charles J. Petrie, Vasant Dhar:
On the Equivalence of Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
550-556 BibTeX
- Céline Rouveirol:
Saturation: Postponing Choices when Inverting Resolution.
557-562 BibTeX
- Gérard Sabah:
CARAMEL: A Computational Model of Natural Language Understanding Using a Parallel Implementation.
563-565 BibTeX
- S. A. Safier, Susan Finger:
Parsing Features in Solid Geometric Models.
566-572 BibTeX
- Vieri Samek-Lodovici, Carlo Strapparava:
Identifying Noun Phrase References: The Topic Module of the AlFresco System.
573-578 BibTeX
- Erik Sandewall:
Reasoning about the World as Perceived by an Agent.
579-584 BibTeX
- Ken Satoh:
Formalizing Soft Constraints by Interpretation Ordering.
585-590 BibTeX
- J. Schaffer Sider:
Free Presumption Checking in King Kong.
591-593 BibTeX
- Karl Schlechta:
Semantics for Defeasible Inheritance.
594-597 BibTeX
- Murray Shanahan:
Representing Continuous Change in the Event Calculus.
598-603 BibTeX
- Munindar P. Singh:
Towards a Theory of Situated Know-How.
604-609 BibTeX
- Padhraic Smyth, Rodney M. Goodman, Charles M. Higgins:
A Hybrid Rule-Based/Bayesian Classifier.
610-615 BibTeX
- Edgar Sommer, Frank von Martial, Frank Victor:
PRAGMA: A System for Actively Capturing Procedural Knowledge via a Graphical Interface.
616-621 BibTeX
- Piet Spiessens:
PCS: A Classifier System that Builds a Predictive Internal World Model.
622-627 BibTeX
- Dan C. Stefanescu:
Expectation Propositional Logics.
628-633 BibTeX
- Carolyn L. Talcott, Richard W. Weyhrauch:
Towards a Theory of Mechanizable Theories: I, FOL Contexts: The Extensional View.
634-639 BibTeX
- X. Tong:
Acquisition of Inference Structure.
640-642 BibTeX
- Jan L. Top, Hans Akkermans:
Processes as Components: On the Primitives of a Qualitative Scientific Physics.
643-648 BibTeX
- Edward P. K. Tsang, Terry Warwick:
Applying Genetic Algorithms to Constraint Satisfaction Optimization Problems.
649-654 BibTeX
- Kris Van Marcke:
A Generic Tutoring Environment.
655-660 BibTeX
- Johan Vanwelkenhuysen, Philip Rademakers:
Mapping a Knowledge Level Analysis onto a Computational Framework.
661-666 BibTeX
- Laurence Vignollet, Marc Ayel:
A Conceptual Model for Building Sets of Test Samples for Knowledge Bases.
667-672 BibTeX
- Marc B. Vilain:
Function Anaphora with Replacement.
673-675 BibTeX
- Angi Voß, Werner Karbach, Uwe Drouven, D. Lorek:
Competence Assessment in Configuration Tasks.
676-681 BibTeX
- Mark Wallace:
Unrestricted Logic Programs or if Stratification is the Cure, what is the Malady?
682-687 BibTeX
- Christoph Weidenbach, Hans Jürgen Ohlbach:
A Resolution Calculus with Dynamic Sort Structures and Partial Functions.
688-693 BibTeX
- Eric Werner:
What Can Agents Do Together? A Semantics for Reasoning about Cooperative Ability.
694-701 BibTeX
- Mary-Anne Williams, Norman Y. Foo:
Nonmonotonic Dynamics of Default Logic.
702-707 BibTeX
- Wayne Wobcke:
A Theory of Knowledge in Situation Semantics.
708-713 BibTeX
- Jacek Wrzos-Kaminski, Agata Wrzos-Kaminska:
Explicit Ordering of Defaults in ATMS.
714-719 BibTeX
- X. Huang:
Reference Choices in Mathematical Proofs.
720-725 BibTeX
- T. Yamaoka, H. Iida:
A Method to Predict the Next Utterance Using a Four-Layered Plan Recognition Model.
726-731 BibTeX
- Q. Yang:
Preprocessing Hierarchical Planning Knowledge for Efficient Planning.
732-737 BibTeX
- Q. Yang:
Solving the Generalized Hitting Set Problems.
738-743 BibTeX
- R. A. Young, A. Reel:
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for a Logic Problem.
744-746 BibTeX
- Zhengyou Zhang, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Tracking and Motion Estimation in a Sequence of Stereo Frames.
747-752 BibTeX
- Mark S. Fox, Norman M. Sadeh:
Why is Scheduling Difficult? A CSP Perspective.
754-767 BibTeX
- Peter Gärdenfors:
Belief Revision and Nonmonotonic Logic: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
768-773 BibTeX
- Barbara J. Grosz:
Collaborative Planning for Discourse (Abstract).
774-775 BibTeX
- George Metakides, Brice Lepape:
ESPRIT Session: Artificial Intelligence in ESPRIT.
778 BibTeX
- Erik Sandewall, Giovanni Adorni, Hans-Hellmut Nagel, Monique Thonnat:
779-780 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:07:46 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)