
Bojan Cestnik

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17EEBojan Cestnik, Alenka Kern, Helena Modrijan: Semi-automatic Ontology Construction for Improving Comprehension of Legal Documents. EGOV 2008: 328-339
16EEAleksander Pur, Marko Bohanec, Nada Lavrac, Bojan Cestnik, Marko Debeljak, Anton Gradisek: Monitoring Human Resources of a Public Health-Care System Through Intelligent Data Analysis and Visualization. AIME 2007: 175-179
15EETanja Urbancic, Ingrid Petric, Bojan Cestnik, Marta Macedoni-Luksic: Literature Mining: Towards Better Understanding of Autism. AIME 2007: 217-226
14EENada Lavrac, Marko Bohanec, Aleksander Pur, Bojan Cestnik, Marko Debeljak, Andrej Kobler: Data mining and visualization for decision support and modeling of public health-care resources. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 40(4): 438-447 (2007)
13EENada Lavrac, Marko Bohanec, Aleksander Pur, Bojan Cestnik, Mitja Jermol, Tanja Urbancic, Marko Debeljak, Branko Kavsek, Tadeja Kopac: Resource Modeling and Analysis of Regional Public Health Care Data by Means of Knowledge Technologies. AIME 2005: 414-418
12EEAleksander Pur, Marko Bohanec, Bojan Cestnik, Nada Lavrac, Marko Debeljak, Tadeja Kopac: Data Mining for Decision Support: An Application in Public Health Care. IEA/AIE 2005: 459-469
11EEArtur Rocha, Bojan Cestnik, Marco Amaro Oliveira: Interoperable Geographic Information Services to Support Crisis Management. W2GIS 2005: 246-255
10EENada Lavrac, Bojan Cestnik, Dragan Gamberger, Peter A. Flach: Decision Support Through Subgroup Discovery: Three Case Studies and the Lessons Learned. Machine Learning 57(1-2): 115-143 (2004)
9 Marko Bohanec, Bojan Cestnik, Vladislav Rajkovic: Evaluation models for housing loan allocation in the context of floats. Context Sensitive Decision Support Systems 1998: 174-189
8 I. Hiti, Bojan Cestnik, F. Selan, J. Janezic: Analyzing context in DSS for optimal selection of telecommunication services and technologies for business support. Context Sensitive Decision Support Systems 1998: 190-201
7 Blaz Zupan, Marko Bohanec, Ivan Bratko, Bojan Cestnik: A Dataset Decomposition Approach to Data Mining and Machine Discovery. KDD 1997: 299-302
6 Ivan Bratko, Bojan Cestnik, Igor Kononenko: Attribute-Based Learning. AI Commun. 9(1): 27-32 (1996)
5 Bojan Cestnik, Ivan Bratko: On Estimating Probabilities in Tree Pruning. EWSL 1991: 138-150
4 Peter Clark, Bojan Cestnik, Claude Sammut, Joachim Stender: Panel: Applications of Machine Learning: Notes from the Panel Members. EWSL 1991: 457-462
3 Bojan Cestnik: Estimating Probabilities: A Crucial Task in Machine Learning. ECAI 1990: 147-149
2 Bojan Cestnik, Ivan Bratko: Learning Redundant Rules in Noisy Domains. ECAI 1988: 348-350
1 Bojan Cestnik, Igor Kononenko, Ivan Bratko: ASSISTANT 86: A Knowledge-Elicitation Tool for Sophisticated Users. EWSL 1987: 31-45

Coauthor Index

1Marko Bohanec [7] [9] [12] [13] [14] [16]
2Ivan Bratko [1] [2] [5] [6] [7]
3Peter Clark [4]
4Marko Debeljak [12] [13] [14] [16]
5Peter A. Flach [10]
6Dragan Gamberger [10]
7Anton Gradisek [16]
8I. Hiti [8]
9J. Janezic [8]
10Mitja Jermol [13]
11Branko Kavsek [13]
12Alenka Kern [17]
13Andrej Kobler [14]
14Igor Kononenko [1] [6]
15Tadeja Kopac [12] [13]
16Nada Lavrac [10] [12] [13] [14] [16]
17Marta Macedoni-Luksic [15]
18Helena Modrijan [17]
19Marco Amaro Oliveira [11]
20Ingrid Petric [15]
21Aleksander Pur [12] [13] [14] [16]
22Vladislav Rajkovic [9]
23Artur Rocha [11]
24Claude Sammut [4]
25F. Selan [8]
26Joachim Stender [4]
27Tanja Urbancic [13] [15]
28Blaz Zupan [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)