
Kentaro Ogura

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10EEFrancis Bond, Kentaro Ogura, Hajime Uchino: Temporal Expressions in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation CoRR cs.CL/0008033: (2000)
9EEFrancis Bond, Kentaro Ogura: Reference in Japanese-English Machine Translation. Machine Translation 13(2-3): 107-134 (1998)
8EEFrancis Bond, Kentaro Ogura, Satoru Ikehara: Classifiers in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation. COLING 1996: 125-130
7EEFrancis Bond, Kentaro Ogura, Satoru Ikehara: Possessive Pronouns as Determiners in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation CoRR cmp-lg/9601006: (1996)
6EEFrancis Bond, Kentaro Ogura, Tsukasa Kawaoka: Noun Phrase Reference in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation CoRR cmp-lg/9601008: (1996)
5EEFrancis Bond, Kentaro Ogura, Satoru Ikehara: Classifiers in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation CoRR cmp-lg/9608014: (1996)
4EEKentaro Ogura, Francis Bond, Satoru Ikehara: English Adverb Generation in Japanese to English Machine Translation. ANLP 1994: 190-191
3EEFrancis Bond, Kentaro Ogura, Satoru Ikehara: Countability and Number in Japanese to English Machine Translation. COLING 1994: 32-38
2 Satoru Ikehara, Satoshi Shirai, Kentaro Ogura, Akio Yokoo, Hiromi Nakaiwa, Tsukasa Kawaoka: ALT-J/E, a Japanese to English Machine Translation System for Communication with Translation. IFIP Congress (2) 1994: 80-85
1 Junko Hosaka, Kentaro Ogura, Kiyoshi Kogure: Word Sequence Constraints for Japanese Speech Recognition. ECAI 1990: 363-365

Coauthor Index

1Francis Bond [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Junko Hosaka [1]
3Satoru Ikehara [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
4Tsukasa Kawaoka [2] [6]
5Kiyoshi Kogure [1]
6Hiromi Nakaiwa [2]
7Satoshi Shirai [2]
8Hajime Uchino [10]
9Akio Yokoo [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)