
Laurence Vignollet

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21EEChristian Martel, Laurence Vignollet: Using the Learning Design Language to model activities supported by services. IJLT 3(4): 368-387 (2008)
20EEChristian Martel, Laurence Vignollet, Christine Ferraris, Jean-Pierre David, Anne Lejeune: LDL: An Alternative EML. ICALT 2006: 1107-1108
19EELaurence Vignollet, Jean-Pierre David, Christine Ferraris, Christian Martel, Anne Lejeune: Comparing Educational Modeling Languages on a Case Study. ICALT 2006: 1149-1151
18EEChristian Martel, Laurence Vignollet, Christine Ferraris: Modeling the Case Study with LDL and Implementing it with LDI. ICALT 2006: 1158-1159
17EEChristian Martel, Laurence Vignollet, Christine Ferraris, Jean-Pierre David, Anne Lejeune: Modeling Collaborative Learning Activities on e-Learning Platforms. ICALT 2006: 707-709
16EEGhislaine Chabert, Jean-Charles Marty, Bernard Caron, Thibault Carron, Laurence Vignollet, Christine Ferraris: The Electronic Schoolbag, a CSCW workspace: presentation and evaluation. AI Soc. 20(3): 403-419 (2006)
15EEChristian Martel, Christine Ferraris, Bernard Caron, Thibault Carron, Ghislaine Chabert, Christophe Courtin, Laurence Gagnière, Jean-Charles Marty, Laurence Vignollet: A Model for CSCL Allowing Tailorability: Implementation in the "Electronic Schoolbag" Groupware. CRIWG 2004: 322-338
14 Michel Plu, Layda Agosto, Laurence Vignollet, Jean-Charles Marty: A Contact Recommender System for a Mediated Social Media. ICEIS (5) 2004: 107-114
13 Layda Agosto, Michel Plu, Laurence Vignollet, Pascal Bellec: Someone: A Cooperative System for Personalized Information Exchange. ICEIS (4) 2003: 71-78
12 Mathieu Barcikowski, Jean-Charles Marty, Laurence Vignollet: A Unifying Approach for Interface Adaptation. ICWI 2003: 1043-1046
11EEMathieu Barcikowski, Jean-Charles Marty, Laurence Vignollet: A unifying approach for the generation of user interface in adaptative hypermedia systems. IHM 2003: 216-219
10EEGuillaume Durand, Laurence Vignollet: Improving involvment in a groupware system. IHM 2003: 240-243
9 Christian Martel, Laurence Vignollet: Educational Web Portal Based on Personalized and Collaborative Services. ICALT 2001: 313-314
8 Laurent Denoue, Laurence Vignollet: Personal Information Organization using Web Annotations. WebNet 2001: 279-283
7 Laurent Denoue, Laurence Vignollet: An annotation tool for Web browsers and its applications to information retrieval. RIAO 2000: 180-195
6EEAlun D. Preece, Stephane Talbot, Laurence Vignollet: Evaluation of verification tools for knowledge-based systems. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 47(5): 629-658 (1997)
5 Bruno Wendler, Laurence Vignollet, Stephane Talbot: Computing Partial Labels in KBS Validation Tools. EUROVAV 1993: 129-141
4 Laurence Vignollet, Ruddy Lelouche: Test Case Generation using KBS Strategy. IJCAI 1993: 483-489
3 Ruddy Lelouche, Laurence Vignollet: Using the Inference Engine Strategy in the Automatic Construction of Test Cases for a Knowledge-Based System. SEKE 1993: 388-395
2 Laurence Vignollet, Marc Ayel: A Conceptual Model for Building Sets of Test Samples for Knowledge Bases. ECAI 1990: 667-672
1 Laurence Vignollet, Marc Ayel: A Model for Testing Knowledge Bases. SEKE 1990: 104-109

Coauthor Index

1Layda Agosto [13] [14]
2Marc Ayel [1] [2]
3Mathieu Barcikowski [11] [12]
4Pascal Bellec [13]
5Bernard Caron [15] [16]
6Thibault Carron [15] [16]
7Ghislaine Chabert [15] [16]
8Christophe Courtin [15]
9Jean-Pierre David [17] [19] [20]
10Laurent Denoue [7] [8]
11Guillaume Durand [10]
12Christine Ferraris [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
13Laurence Gagnière [15]
14Anne Lejeune [17] [19] [20]
15Ruddy Lelouche [3] [4]
16Christian Martel [9] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]
17Jean-Charles Marty [11] [12] [14] [15] [16]
18Michel Plu [13] [14]
19Alun D. Preece [6]
20Stephane Talbot [5] [6]
21Bruno Wendler [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)