
Christoph Weidenbach

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27EEMatthias Horbach, Christoph Weidenbach: Superposition for Fixed Domains. CSL 2008: 293-307
26EEArnaud Fietzke, Christoph Weidenbach: Labelled Splitting. IJCAR 2008: 459-474
25EEChristoph Weidenbach, Patrick Wischnewski: Contextual Rewriting in SPASS. PAAR/ESHOL 2008
24EEMatthias Horbach, Christoph Weidenbach: Superposition for Fixed Domains CoRR abs/0809.0922: (2008)
23EETal Lev-Ami, Christoph Weidenbach, Thomas W. Reps, Mooly Sagiv: Labelled Clauses. CADE 2007: 311-327
22EEChristoph Weidenbach, Renate A. Schmidt, Thomas Hillenbrand, Rostislav Rusev, Dalibor Topic: System Description: SpassVersion 3.0. CADE 2007: 514-520
21EEChristoph Weidenbach, Uwe Brahm, Thomas Hillenbrand, Enno Keen, Christian Theobald, Dalibor Topic: S PASS Version 2.0. CADE 2002: 275-279
20EEBijan Afshordel, Thomas Hillenbrand, Christoph Weidenbach: First-Order Atom Definitions Extended. LPAR 2001: 309-319
19 Christoph Weidenbach: Combining Superposition, Sorts and Splitting. Handbook of Automated Reasoning 2001: 1965-2013
18 Andreas Nonnengart, Christoph Weidenbach: Computing Small Clause Normal Forms. Handbook of Automated Reasoning 2001: 335-367
17EEChristoph Weidenbach: Towards an Automatic Analysis of Security Protocols in First-Order Logic. CADE 1999: 314-328
16EEChristoph Weidenbach: System Description: Spass Version 1.0.0. CADE 1999: 378-382
15EEUllrich Hustadt, Renate A. Schmidt, Christoph Weidenbach: MSPASS: Subsumption Testing with SPASS. Description Logics 1999
14EEAndreas Nonnengart, Georg Rock, Christoph Weidenbach: On Generating Small Clause Normal Forms. CADE 1998: 397-411
13EEFlorent Jacquemard, Christoph Meyer, Christoph Weidenbach: Unification in Extension of Shallow Equational Theories. RTA 1998: 76-90
12 Reinhold Letz, Christoph Weidenbach: Paradigmen und Perspektiven der automatischen Deduktion. KI 12(4): 15-19 (1998)
11 Harald Ganzinger, Christoph Meyer, Christoph Weidenbach: Soft Typing for Ordered Resolution. CADE 1997: 321-335
10 Christoph Weidenbach: SPASS - Version 0.49. J. Autom. Reasoning 18(2): 247-252 (1997)
9 Christoph Weidenbach, Bernd Gaede, Georg Rock: SPASS & FLOTTER Version 0.42. CADE 1996: 141-145
8 Christoph Weidenbach: Unification in Pseudo-Linear Sort Theories is Decidable. CADE 1996: 343-357
7 Christoph Weidenbach: Unification in Sort Theories and Its Applications. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 18(2-4): 261-293 (1996)
6 Hans Jürgen Ohlbach, Christoph Weidenbach: A Note on Assumptions about Skolem Functions. J. Autom. Reasoning 15(2): 267-275 (1995)
5EEChristoph Weidenbach: First-Order Tableaux with Sorts. Logic Journal of the IGPL 3(6): 887-906 (1995)
4 Christoph Weidenbach: Extending the Resolution Method with Sorts. IJCAI 1993: 60-65
3 Christoph Weidenbach: A New Sorted Logic. GWAI 1992: 43-54
2 Manfred Kerber, Christoph Weidenbach: Deduktionssysteme. KI 6(3): 14-22 (1992)
1 Christoph Weidenbach, Hans Jürgen Ohlbach: A Resolution Calculus with Dynamic Sort Structures and Partial Functions. ECAI 1990: 688-693

Coauthor Index

1Bijan Afshordel [20]
2Uwe Brahm [21]
3Arnaud Fietzke [26]
4Bernd Gaede [9]
5Harald Ganzinger [11]
6Thomas Hillenbrand [20] [21] [22]
7Matthias Horbach [24] [27]
8Ullrich Hustadt [15]
9Florent Jacquemard [13]
10Enno Keen [21]
11Manfred Kerber [2]
12Christoph M. Kirsch (Christoph Meyer) [11] [13]
13Reinhold Letz [12]
14Tal Lev-Ami [23]
15Andreas Nonnengart [14] [18]
16Hans Jürgen Ohlbach [1] [6]
17Thomas W. Reps [23]
18Georg Rock [9] [14]
19Rostislav Rusev [22]
20Shmuel Sagiv (Mooly Sagiv) [23]
21Renate A. Schmidt [15] [22]
22Christian Theobald [21]
23Dalibor Topic [21] [22]
24Patrick Wischnewski [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)