
Dan C. Stefanescu

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14EEZhuo Miao, Dan C. Stefanescu, Alex Thomo: Grid-Aware Evaluation of Regular Path Queries on Spatial Networks. AINA 2007: 158-165
13EEDan C. Stefanescu, Alex Thomo: Enhanced Regular Path Queries on Semistructured Databases. EDBT Workshops 2006: 700-711
12EEDan C. Stefanescu, Alex Thomo, Lida Thomo: Distributed evaluation of generalized path queries. SAC 2005: 610-616
11EEJonathan M. D. Hill, Bill McColl, Dan C. Stefanescu, Mark W. Goudreau, Kevin Lang, Satish Rao, Torsten Suel, Thanasis Tsantilas, Rob H. Bisseling: BSPlib: The BSP programming library. Parallel Computing 24(14): 1947-1980 (1998)
10EEThomas Cheatham, Amr F. Fahmy, Dan C. Stefanescu, Leslie G. Valiant: Bulk synchronous parallel computing-a paradigm for transportable software. HICSS (2) 1995: 268-275
9 Thomas Cheatham, Amr F. Fahmy, Dan C. Stefanescu: General Purpose Optimization Technology. LCPC 1995: 422-433
8 Thomas Cheatham, Haiming Gao, Dan C. Stefanescu: A Suite of Analysis Tools Based on a General Purpose Abstract Interpreter. CC 1994: 188-202
7 Thomas Cheatham, Amr F. Fahmy, Dan C. Stefanescu: H-BSP - A General Purpose Parallel Computing Environment. IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 515-520
6EEDan C. Stefanescu, Yuli Zhou: An Equational Framework for the Flow Analysis of Higher Order Functional Programs. LISP and Functional Programming 1994: 318-327
5 Thomas Cheatham, Amr F. Fahmy, Dan C. Stefanescu: Supporting multiple evolving compilers. SEKE 1994: 241-248
4 Thomas Cheatham, Dan C. Stefanescu: A Suite of Optimizers Based on Abstract Interpretation. PEPM 1992: 75-81
3 Dan C. Stefanescu: Expectation Propositional Logics. ECAI 1990: 628-633
2EEAzer Bestavros, Thomas Cheatham, Dan C. Stefanescu: Parallel bin packing using first fit and k-delayed best-fit heuristics. SPDP 1990: 501-504
1 Dan A. Simovici, Dan C. Stefanescu: Formal semantics for database schemas. Inf. Syst. 14(1): 65-77 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Azer Bestavros [2]
2Rob H. Bisseling [11]
3Thomas Cheatham [2] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
4Amr F. Fahmy [5] [7] [9] [10]
5Haiming Gao [8]
6Mark W. Goudreau [11]
7Jonathan M. D. Hill [11]
8Kevin Lang [11]
9Bill McColl [11]
10Zhuo Miao [14]
11Satish Rao [11]
12Dan A. Simovici [1]
13Torsten Suel [11]
14Alex Thomo [12] [13] [14]
15Lida Thomo [12]
16Thanasis Tsantilas [11]
17Leslie G. Valiant [10]
18Yuli Zhou [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)