
P. Liu

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11EEL. Li, P. Liu, George Kesidis: Threshold Smart Walk for the Containment of Local Worm Outbreak. GLOBECOM 2008: 2124-2128
10EEP. Liu, C. Liu, H. Jiang, F. Soong, R.-H. Wang: A Constrained Line Search Optimization Method for Discriminative Training of HMMs. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 16(5): 900-909 (2008)
9EEL. Ma, F. Soong, P. Liu, Y.-J. Wu: A MSD-HMM Approach to Pen Trajectory Modeling for Online Handwriting Recognition. ICDAR 2007: 128-132
8EEY. Zhang, P. Liu, F. Soong: Minimum Error Discriminative Training for Radical-Based Online Chinese Handwriting Recognition. ICDAR 2007: 53-57
7EEL. Li, P. Liu, George Kesidis: Visual toolkit for network security experiment specification and data analysis. VizSEC 2006: 7-14
6EEY. Sun, P. Liu, Parviz Kermani, Thomas F. La Porta: An architecture and key management approach for maintaining privacy in location based group services. CollaborateCom 2005
5EEL. Zhou, Q. D. Yao, P. Liu, D. X. Li: Influence of buffers on RISC core performance [HDTV source decoder system]. APCCAS (2) 2002: 283-288
4EEP. Liu, M. N. Chong, W. B. Goh: Parallel algorithms for 3D multi-level median filtering with motion compensation. ICIP 1995: 2089-2092
3 R. Chou, P. Liu, James R. Vallino, M. Y. Chiu: Behavior-Based Learning to Control IR Oven Heating: Preliminary Investigations. Machine Learning: From Theory to Applications 1993: 229-240
2 P. Liu: A Theoretical Analysis of Recurrence Goals. ECAI 1990: 413-418
1EEC. Lee, P. Liu, S. Clark, M. Y. Chiu: A Hierarchical Symptom Classification for Model Based Causal Reasoning. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1988: 54-59

Coauthor Index

1M. Y. Chiu [1] [3]
2M. N. Chong [4]
3R. Chou [3]
4S. Clark [1]
5W. B. Goh [4]
6H. Jiang [10]
7Parviz Kermani [6]
8George Kesidis [7] [11]
9C. Lee [1]
10D. X. Li [5]
11L. Li [7] [11]
12C. Liu [10]
13L. Ma [9]
14Thomas F. La Porta (Tom La Porta) [6]
15F. Soong [8] [9] [10]
16Y. Sun [6]
17James R. Vallino [3]
18R.-H. Wang [10]
19Y.-J. Wu [9]
20Q. D. Yao [5]
21Y. Zhang [8]
22L. Zhou [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)