1994 |
11 | | Cristiano Castelfranchi,
Eric Werner:
Artificial Social Systems, 4th European Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World, MAAMAW '92, S. Martino al Cimino, Italy, July 29-31, 1992, Selected Papers
Springer 1994 |
10 | | Eric Werner:
What Ants Cannot Do.
MAAMAW 1994: 19-39 |
1992 |
9 | | David Kinny,
Magnus Ljungberg,
Anand S. Rao,
Liz Sonenberg,
Gil Tidhar,
Eric Werner:
Planned Team Activity.
MAAMAW 1992: 227-256 |
8 | | Cristiano Castelfranchi,
Eric Werner:
The MAAMAW Spirit and this Book.
MAAMAW 1992 |
1991 |
7 | | Eric Werner:
Planning and Uncertainty: On the Logic of Multi-Agent Plans and their Entropy.
Wissensbasierte Systeme 1991: 77-89 |
1990 |
6 | | Eric Werner:
What Can Agents Do Together? A Semantics for Reasoning about Cooperative Ability.
ECAI 1990: 694-701 |
1988 |
5 | | Eric Werner:
A formal computational semantics and pragmatics of speech acts.
COLING 1988: 744-749 |
4 | | Eric Werner:
Social Intentions (Panel).
ECAI 1988: 719-723 |
3 | | Eric Werner:
Money Talk: Hierarchical Consultation Dialogue.
GWAI 1988: 211-215 |
2 | | Eric Werner:
Toward a Theory of Communication and Cooperation for Multiagent Planning.
TARK 1988: 129-143 |
1 | | Eric Werner:
Reasoning About Knowledge: Report on the TARK-88 Conference.
KI 2(3): 18-19 (1988) |