
Derek H. Sleeman

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64EELaura Moss, Derek H. Sleeman, John Kinsella, Malcolm Sim: ACHE: An Architecture for Clinical Hypothesis Examination. CBMS 2008: 158-160
63EESuraj Ajit, Derek H. Sleeman, David W. Fowler, David Knott: Constraint capture and maintenance in engineering design. AI EDAM 22(4): 325-343 (2008)
62EEDerek H. Sleeman, Suraj Ajit, David W. Fowler, David Knott: The role of ontologies in creating and maintaining corporate knowledge: A case study from the aero industry. Applied Ontology 3(3): 151-172 (2008)
61EEJoey Sik Chun Lam, Derek H. Sleeman, Jeff Z. Pan, Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos: A Fine-Grained Approach to Resolving Unsatisfiable Ontologies. J. Data Semantics 10: 62-95 (2008)
60 Derek H. Sleeman, Ken Barker: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2007), October 28-31, 2007, Whistler, BC, Canada ACM 2007
59EEDerek H. Sleeman, Nick Fluck, Elias Gyftodimos, Laura Moss, Gordon Christie: An Intelligent Aide for Interpreting a Patient's Dialysis Data Set. AIME 2007: 57-66
58EEDavid Corsar, Derek H. Sleeman: KBS development through ontology mapping and ontology driven acquisition. K-CAP 2007: 23-30
57EEEdward Thomas, Jeff Z. Pan, Derek H. Sleeman: ONTOSEARCH2: Searching Ontologies Semantically. OWLED 2007
56EEDerek H. Sleeman, Stuart Chalmers: Assisting Domain Experts to Formulate and Solve Constraint Satisfaction Problems. EKAW 2006: 27-34
55EEDerek H. Sleeman, Trevor Runcie, Peter M. D. Gray: Reuse: Revisiting Sisyphus-VT. EKAW 2006: 59-66
54EESik Chun Lam, Jeff Z. Pan, Derek H. Sleeman, Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos: A Fine-Grained Approach to Resolving Unsatisfiable Ontologies. Web Intelligence 2006: 428-434
53EEDavid Corsar, Derek H. Sleeman: Reusing JessTab rules in Protégé. Knowl.-Based Syst. 19(5): 291-297 (2006)
52 Derek H. Sleeman: Invited Talk: Cooperative Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Refinement Systems: A Review of Their Use in Intelligent Systems and Their Roles in the Semantic Web. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 214
51EESuraj Ajit, Derek H. Sleeman, David W. Fowler, David Knott, Kit Hui: Acquisition and maintenance of constraints in engineering design. K-CAP 2005: 173-174
50EETomas Eric Nordlander, Derek H. Sleeman, Ken N. Brown: Knowledge base reuse through constraint relaxation. K-CAP 2005: 59-66
49EESuraj Ajit, Derek H. Sleeman, David W. Fowler, David Knott: ConEditor: Tool to Input and Maintain Constraints. EKAW 2004: 466-468
48EEGary Wills, David W. Fowler, Derek H. Sleeman, Richard Crowder, Simon Kampa, Les Carr, David Knott: Issues in Moving to a Semantic Web for a Large Corporation. PAKM 2004: 378-388
47 Adil Hameed, Alun D. Preece, Derek H. Sleeman: Ontology Reconciliation. Handbook on Ontologies 2004: 231-250
46EETomas Eric Nordlander, Ken N. Brown, Derek H. Sleeman: Identifying Inconsistent CSPs by Relaxation. CP 2003: 987
45 Derek H. Sleeman, Stephen Potter, David Robertson, W. Marco Schorlemmer: Ontology Extraction for Distributed Environments. Knowledge Transformation for the Semantic Web 2003: 80-91
44 Derek H. Sleeman: Knowledge Engineering and Management: The CommonKADS Methodology - G. Schreiber, H. Akkermans, A. Anjewierden, R. de Hoog, N. Shadbolt, W. van de Velde, B. Wielinga, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2000, ISBN: 0-262-19300-0. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 24(1): 97-102 (2002)
43EEAdil Hameed, Derek H. Sleeman, Alun D. Preece: Detecting mismatches among experts' ontologies acquired through knowledge elicitation. Knowl.-Based Syst. 15(5-6): 265-273 (2002)
42EESimon White, Derek H. Sleeman: A grammar-driven knowledge acquisition tool that incorporates constraint propagation. K-CAP 2001: 187-193
41EEAlun D. Preece, Alan Flett, Derek H. Sleeman, David Curry, Nigel Meany, Phil Perry: Better Knowledge Management through Knowledge Engineering. IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(1): 36-43 (2001)
40 Eugenio Alberdi, Derek H. Sleeman, Meg Korpi: Accommodating surprise in taxonomic tasks: the role of expertise. Cognitive Science 24(1): 53-91 (2000)
39EESimon White, Derek H. Sleeman: A Constraint-Based Approach to the Description and Detection of Fitness-for-Purpose. Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 4(B): 155-183 (2000)
38EEDerek H. Sleeman, Vincent Corruble, Raúl E. Valdés-Pérez: Introduction/Editorial: Machine Discovery. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 53(3): 333-334 (2000)
37EEA. McQuatt, P. J. D. Andrews, Derek H. Sleeman, Vincent Corruble, P. A. Jones: The Analysis of Head Injury Data Using Decision Tree Techniques. AIMDM 1999: 336-345
36EESimon White, Derek H. Sleeman: A Constraint-Based Approach to the Description of Competence. EKAW 1999: 291-308
35 Leonardo Carbonara, Derek H. Sleeman: Effective and Efficient Knowledge Base Refinement. Machine Learning 37(2): 143-181 (1999)
34EEMark Winter, Derek H. Sleeman, Tim Parsons: Inventory management using constraint satisfaction and knowledge refinement techniques. Knowl.-Based Syst. 11(5-6): 293-300 (1998)
33EEHerbert A. Simon, Raúl E. Valdés-Pérez, Derek H. Sleeman: Scientific Discovery and Simplicity of Method. Artif. Intell. 91(2): 177-181 (1997)
32EEEugenio Alberdi, Derek H. Sleeman: ReTAX: A Step in the Automation of Taxonomic Revision. Artif. Intell. 91(2): 257-279 (1997)
31 Derek H. Sleeman, Fraser Mitchell: Towards Painless Knowledge Acquisition. EKAW 1996: 262-277
30 Leonardo Carbonara, Derek H. Sleeman: Improving the Efficiency of Knowledge Base Refinement. ICML 1996: 78-86
29 Rüdiger Oehlmann, Peter Edwards, Derek H. Sleeman: Self-Questioning and Experimentation: An Index Vocabulary of Situated Interaction. UK Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning 1995: 59-72
28EEDerek H. Sleeman, M. Rissakis, Susan Craw, Nicolas Graner, S. Sharma: Consultant-2: pre- and post-processing of Machine Learning applications. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 43(1): 43-63 (1995)
27 Derek H. Sleeman: Towards a Technology and a Science of Machine Learning. AI Commun. 7(1): 29-38 (1994)
26 Derek H. Sleeman: Introduction to the Abstracts of the Invited Talks Presented at ML92 Conference in Aberdeen, 1-3 July 1992. Machine Learning 14(1): 303 (1994)
25 Rüdiger Oehlmann, Derek H. Sleeman, Peter Edwards: Learning Plan Transformations from Self-Questions: A Memory-Based Approach. AAAI 1993: 520-525
24 Susan Craw, Derek H. Sleeman: Refinement in Response to Validation. EUROVAV 1993: 85-99
23 Anthony E. Kelly, Derek H. Sleeman, Kenneth J. Gilhooly: Artificial Intelligence in Education: Using State Space Search and Heuristics in Mathematics Instruction. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 38(4): 725-746 (1993)
22 Derek H. Sleeman, Peter Edwards: Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Machine Learning (ML 1992), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, July 1-3, 1992 Morgan Kaufmann 1992
21 Susan Craw, Derek H. Sleeman: The Flexibility of Speculative Refinement. ML 1991: 28-32
20 Susan Craw, Derek H. Sleeman: Automating the Refinement of Knowledge-Based Systems. ECAI 1990: 167-172
19 Derek H. Sleeman: Extending Domain Theories: Two Case Studies in Student Modeling. Machine Learning 5: 11-37 (1990)
18 Derek H. Sleeman, Anthony E. Kelly, R. Martinak, Robert D. Ward, Joi L. Moore: Studies of Diagnosis and Remediation with High School Algebra Students. Cognitive Science 13(4): 551-568 (1989)
17 S. Sharma, Derek H. Sleeman: REFINER: A Case-Based Differential Diagnosis Aide for Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Refinement. EWSL 1988: 201-210
16 Joi L. Moore, Derek H. Sleeman: Enhancing PIXIE's Tutoring Capabilities. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 28(6): 605-623 (1988)
15 Derek H. Sleeman: Some Challenges for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. IJCAI 1987: 1166-1168
14 Stuart A. Macmillan, Derek H. Sleeman: An architecture for a self-improving instructional planner for intelligent tutoring systems. Computational Intelligence 3: 17-27 (1987)
13 Derek H. Sleeman: Special Section on The Challenges of Teaching Computer Programming. Commun. ACM 29(9): 840-841 (1986)
12 Derek H. Sleeman, Douglas E. Appelt, Kurt Konolige, Elaine Rich, N. S. Sridharan, William R. Swartout: User Modelling. IJCAI 1985: 1298-1302
11 Derek H. Sleeman: Basic Algebra Revisited: A Study with 14-Year-Olds. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 22(2): 127-149 (1985)
10 Derek H. Sleeman: UMFE: A User Modelling Front-End Subsystem. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 23(1): 71-88 (1985)
9EEB. Maher, Derek H. Sleeman: Automatic Program Improvement: Variable Usage Transformations. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 5(2): 236-264 (1983)
8 Derek H. Sleeman: Inferring (Mal) Rules from Pupil's Protocols. ECAI 1982: 160-164
7 Jaime G. Carbonell, Derek H. Sleeman: Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Methodology. AI Magazine 3(2): 47 (1982)
6 Derek H. Sleeman, Pat Langley, Tom M. Mitchell: Learning from Solution Paths: An Approach to the Credit Assignment Problem. AI Magazine 3(2): 48-52 (1982)
5 Derek H. Sleeman: A Rule-Based Task Generation System. IJCAI 1981: 882-887
4 Derek H. Sleeman, M. J. Smith: Modelling Student's Problem Solving. Artif. Intell. 16(2): 171-188 (1981)
3 Derek H. Sleeman: A System Which Allows Students to Explore Algorithms. IJCAI 1977: 780-786
2 Derek H. Sleeman: A Problem-Solving Monitor for a Deductive Reasoning Task. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 6(2): 183-211 (1975)
1 Derek H. Sleeman: "Algorithmization in Learning and Instruction, " by L. N. Landa (Book Review). International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 7(5): 697-702 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Suraj Ajit [49] [51] [62] [63]
2Eugenio Alberdi [32] [40]
3P. J. D. Andrews [37]
4Douglas E. Appelt [12]
5Ken Barker [60]
6Ken N. Brown [46] [50]
7Leonardo Carbonara [30] [35]
8Jaime G. Carbonell [7]
9Les Carr (Leslie Carr) [48]
10Stuart Chalmers [56]
11Gordon Christie [59]
12Vincent Corruble [37] [38]
13David Corsar [53] [58]
14Susan Craw [20] [21] [24] [28]
15Richard M. Crowder (Richard Crowder) [48]
16David Curry [41]
17Peter Edwards [22] [25] [29]
18Alan Flett [41]
19Nick Fluck [59]
20David W. Fowler [48] [49] [51] [62] [63]
21Kenneth J. Gilhooly [23]
22Nicolas Graner [28]
23Peter M. D. Gray [55]
24Elias Gyftodimos [59]
25Adil Hameed [43] [47]
26Kit Hui [51]
27P. A. Jones [37]
28Simon Kampa [48]
29Anthony E. Kelly [18] [23]
30John Kinsella [64]
31David Knott [48] [49] [51] [62] [63]
32Kurt Konolige [12]
33Meg Korpi [40]
34Sik Chun Lam (Joey Sik Chun Lam) [54] [61]
35Pat Langley [6]
36Stuart A. Macmillan [14]
37B. Maher [9]
38R. Martinak [18]
39A. McQuatt [37]
40Nigel Meany [41]
41Fraser Mitchell [31]
42Tom M. Mitchell [6]
43Joi L. Moore [16] [18]
44Laura Moss [59] [64]
45Tomas Eric Nordlander [46] [50]
46Rüdiger Oehlmann [25] [29]
47Jeff Z. Pan [54] [57] [61]
48Tim Parsons [34]
49Phil Perry [41]
50Stephen Potter [45]
51Alun D. Preece [41] [43] [47]
52Elaine Rich [12]
53M. Rissakis [28]
54David Robertson [45]
55Trevor Runcie [55]
56W. Marco Schorlemmer [45]
57S. Sharma [17] [28]
58Malcolm Sim [64]
59Herbert A. Simon [33]
60M. J. Smith [4]
61N. S. Sridharan [12]
62William R. Swartout [12]
63Edward Thomas [57]
64Raúl E. Valdés-Pérez [33] [38]
65Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos [54] [61]
66Robert D. Ward [18]
67Simon White [36] [39] [42]
68Gary B. Wills (Gary Wills) [48]
69Mark Winter [34]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)