
Christo Dichev

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31EEDarina Dicheva, Christo Dichev, Petko Valtchev: Integrating Metadata Harvesting with Semantic Search. Web Intelligence 2008: 869-875
30EEChristo Dichev, Jinsheng Xu, Darina Dicheva, Jinghua Zhang: A Study on Community Formation in Collaborative Tagging Systems. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2008: 13-16
29EEChristo Dichev: Creating ontology-driven repositories based on topic maps. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2007: 507
28EEDandan Wang, Darina Dicheva, Christo Dichev, Jerry Akouala: Retrieving information in topic maps: the case of TM4L. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2007: 88-93
27 Darina Dicheva, Christo Dichev: Helping Courseware Authors to Build Ontologies: The Case of TM4L. AIED 2007: 77-84
26EEChristo Dichev, Darina Dicheva, Jan Fischer: Identity: How to name it, How to find it. I3 2007
25EEChristo Dichev, Darina Dicheva: Using Contexts to Personalize Educational Topic Maps. AH 2006: 269-273
24 Darina Dicheva, Christo Dichev, Mohammed Ketel: A Development Tool for E-learning Applications. CSREA EEE 2006: 17-22
23EEChristo Dichev, Darina Dicheva: View-Based Semantic Search and Browsing. Web Intelligence 2006: 919-925
22 Christo Dichev, Darina Dicheva: Contexts in Educational Topic Maps. AIED 2005: 789-791
21EEDarina Dicheva, Christo Dichev: Authoring Educational Topic Maps: Can We Make It Easier?. ICALT 2005: 216-218
20EEDarina Dicheva, Christo Dichev, Dandan Wang: Visualizing Topic Maps for e-Learning. ICALT 2005: 950-951
19 Darina Dicheva, Christo Dichev, Dandan Wang, Yi Zhu: Editing and Exploring Topic Map-based E-Learning Repositories. IMSA 2005: 139-144
18EEChristo Dichev: Do What We Do to Find What You Want. AIMSA 2002: 253-263
17 Christo Dichev, Darina Dicheva: 'Interesting' as a Category in Information Retrieval. IC-AI 2002: 833-839
16EEChristo Dichev: A Framework for Context-Driven Web Resource Discovery. CONTEXT 2001: 433-436
15 Christo Dichev, Darina Dicheva: Deriving Context Specific Information on the Web. WebNet 2001: 296-301
14EEChristo Dichev, Trendafil Madarov: Propositional Contexts. AIMSA 2000: 101-110
13 R. Paggio, Genadi Agre, Christo Dichev, Gábor Umann, T. Rozman, L. Batachia, M. Stocchero: A cost-effective programmable environment for developing environmental decision support systems. Environmental Modelling and Software 14(5): 367-382 (1999)
12EEChristo Dichev: Multicontext Systems with Importing Contexts. AIMSA 1998: 209-220
11 Christo Dichev: Contexts as Communicating Theories. AI Commun. 10(3-4): 185-200 (1997)
10 Christo Dichev: Logic Programming with Worlds. AIMSA 1992: 57-66
9 Zdravko Markov, Christo Dichev: Distributed Logic Programming. ALPUK 1991: 36-55
8 Zdravko Markov, Christo Dichev: Logical Inference in a Network Environment. AIMSA 1990: 169-178
7 Zdravko Markov, Lydia Sinapova, Christo Dichev: Default Reasoning in a Network Environment. ECAI 1990: 431-436
6 Zdravko Markov, Christo Dichev: The Net-Clause Language - A Tool for Data-Driven Inference. JELIA 1990: 366-385
5 Christo Dichev, Benedict du Boulay: A Data Tracing System for Prolog Novices. AIMSA 1988: 329-336
4 Vassil Stoyanov Sgurev, Danail Dochev, Christo Dichev, Genadi Agre, Zdravko Markov: Problems of Diagnostic Knowledge Processing. AIMSA 1988: 341-346
3 Vassil Stoyanov Sgurev, Danail Dochev, Genadi Agre, Christo Dichev, Zdravko Markov: Knowledge Acquisition and Man-Machine Interface in the Digs Expert System. AIMSA 1986: 281-287
2 Zdravko Markov, Danail Dochev, Christo Dichev, Genadi Agre: An Approach to Compiling PROLOG Programs. AIMSA 1986: 47-53
1 Vassil Stoyanov Sgurev, Danail Dochev, Christo Dichev, Genadi Agre, Zdravko Markov: DIGS: A Domain Independent Expert System for Technical Diagnostics . AIMSA 1984: 137-144

Coauthor Index

1Genadi Agre [1] [2] [3] [4] [13]
2Jerry Akouala [28]
3L. Batachia [13]
4Benedict du Boulay [5]
5Darina Dicheva [15] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [30] [31]
6Danail Dochev [1] [2] [3] [4]
7Jan Fischer [26]
8Mohammed Ketel [24]
9Trendafil Madarov [14]
10Zdravko Markov [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9]
11R. Paggio [13]
12T. Rozman [13]
13Vassil Stoyanov Sgurev [1] [3] [4]
14Lydia Sinapova [7]
15M. Stocchero [13]
16Gábor Umann [13]
17Petko Valtchev [31]
18Dandan Wang [19] [20] [28]
19Jinsheng Xu [30]
20Jinghua Zhang [30]
21Yi Zhu [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)