
Yorick Wilks

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105EEHugo Pinto, Yorick Wilks, Roberta Catizone, Alexiei Dingli: The senior companion multiagent dialogue system. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1245-1248
104EEYorick Wilks: What would a Wittgensteinian computational linguistics be like. AISB Convention 2008: 1-6
103EEYorick Wilks: On Whose Shoulders? Computational Linguistics 34(4): 471-486 (2008)
102EEYorick Wilks: The Semantic Web: Apotheosis of Annotation, but What Are Its Semantics? IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(3): 41-49 (2008)
101EEFang Huang, Yorick Wilks: Clustered Sub-Matrix Singular Value Decomposition. HLT-NAACL (Short Papers) 2007: 69-72
100EEDavid Guthrie, Louise Guthrie, Ben Allison, Yorick Wilks: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection. IJCAI 2007: 1624-1628
99EEYorick Wilks: Karen Spärck Jones (1935-2007). IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(3): 8-9 (2007)
98EEYorick Wilks: Getting Meaning into the Machine. IEEE Intelligent Systems 21(3): 70-71 (2006)
97EEYunqing Xia, Angelo Dalli, Yorick Wilks, Louise Guthrie: FASiL Adaptive Email Categorization System. CICLing 2005: 723-734
96EENick Webb, Mark Hepple, Yorick Wilks: Error Analysis of Dialogue Act Classification. TSD 2005: 451-458
95EEKalina Bontcheva, Yorick Wilks: Tailoring Automatically Generated Hypertext. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 15(1-2): 135-168 (2005)
94 Katerina Pastra, Yorick Wilks: Vision-Language Integration in AI: A Reality Check. ECAI 2004: 937-944
93EEYorick Wilks: IR and AI: Traditions of Representation and Anti-representation in Information Processing. ECIR 2004: 12-26
92EEFabio Ciravegna, Sam Chapman, Alexiei Dingli, Yorick Wilks: Learning to Harvest Information for the Semantic Web. ESWS 2004: 312-326
91EEYorick Wilks: Artificial Companions. MLMI 2004: 36-45
90EEKalina Bontcheva, Yorick Wilks: Automatic Report Generation from Ontologies: The MIAKT Approach. NLDB 2004: 324-335
89EEHoracio Saggion, Hamish Cunningham, Kalina Bontcheva, Diana Maynard, Oana Hamza, Yorick Wilks: Multimedia indexing through multi-source and multi-language information extraction: the MUMIS project. Data Knowl. Eng. 48(2): 247-264 (2004)
88EEChristopher Brewster, Kieron O'Hara, Steve Fuller, Yorick Wilks, Enrico Franconi, Mark A. Musen, Jeremy Ellman, Simon Buckingham Shum: Knowledge Representation with Ontologies: The Present and Future. IEEE Intelligent Systems 19(1): 72-81 (2004)
87EEHoracio Saggion, Katerina Pastra, Yorick Wilks: Using Natural Language Processing for Semantic Indexing of Scene-of-Crime Photographs. CICLing 2003: 526-536
86EEHoracio Saggion, Katerina Pastra, Yorick Wilks: NLP for Indexing and Retrieval of Captioned Photographs. EACL 2003: 143-146
85EEAlexiei Dingli, Fabio Ciravegna, David Guthrie, Yorick Wilks: Mining Web Sites Using Unsupervised Adaptive Information Extraction. EACL 2003: 75-78
84EEFabio Ciravegna, Alexiei Dingli, David Guthrie, Yorick Wilks: Integrating Information to Bootstrap Information Extraction from Web Sites. IIWeb 2003: 9-14
83 Jan Kuper, Horacio Saggion, Hamish Cunningham, Thierry Declerck, Franciska de Jong, Dennis Reidsma, Yorick Wilks, Peter Wittenburg: Intelligent Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval through Multi-source Information Extraction and Merging. IJCAI 2003: 409-414
82 Yorick Wilks, Nick Webb, Andrea Setzer, Mark Hepple, Roberta Catizone: Human dialogue modelling using machine learning. RANLP 2003: 17-28
81 Fabio Ciravegna, Alexiei Dingli, Yorick Wilks, Daniela Petrelli: Using Adaptive Information Extraction for Effective Human-Centred Document Annotation. Text Mining 2003: 153-164
80EEKaterina Pastra, Horacio Saggion, Yorick Wilks: Intelligent Indexing of Crime Scene Photographs. IEEE Intelligent Systems 18(1): 55-61 (2003)
79EEKaterina Pastra, Horacio Saggion, Yorick Wilks: Extracting relational facts for indexing and retrieval of crime-scene photographs. Knowl.-Based Syst. 16(5-6): 313-320 (2003)
78EEPaul Clough, Robert J. Gaizauskas, Scott S. L. Piao, Yorick Wilks: Measuring Text Reuse. ACL 2002: 152-159
77EEYorick Wilks, Roberta Catizone: Lexical Tuning. CICLing 2002: 106-125
76EEFabio Ciravegna, Alexiei Dingli, Daniela Petrelli, Yorick Wilks: User-System Cooperation in Document Annotation Based on Information Extraction. EKAW 2002: 122-137
75EEHoracio Saggion, Hamish Cunningham, Kalina Bontcheva, Diana Maynard, Cristian Ursu, Oana Hamza, Yorick Wilks: Access to Multimedia Information through Multisource and Multilanguage Information Extraction. NLDB 2002: 160-171
74EEChristopher Brewster, Fabio Ciravegna, Yorick Wilks: User-Centred Ontology Learning for Knowledge Management. NLDB 2002: 203-207
73EEFabio Ciravegna, Alexiei Dingli, Yorick Wilks, Daniela Petrelli: Amilcare: adaptive information extraction for document annotation. SIGIR 2002: 367-368
72EEFabio Ciravegna, Alexiei Dingli, Yorick Wilks, Daniela Petrelli: Adaptive information extraction for document annotation in amilcare. SIGIR 2002: 451
71 Kalina Bontcheva, Yorick Wilks: Dealing with Dependencies between Content Planning and Surface Realisation in a Pipeline Generation Architecture. IJCAI 2001: 1235-1240
70EEChristopher Brewster, Fabio Ciravegna, Yorick Wilks: Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge Management. Workshop on Ontology Learning 2001
69 Mark Stevenson, Yorick Wilks: The Interaction of Knowledge Sources in Word Sense Disambiguation. Computational Linguistics 27(3): 321-349 (2001)
68 Afzal Ballim, Tomas By, Yorick Wilks, Christian Lieske: Modelling Agent Attitudes in Legal Reasoning. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 20(6): (2001)
67 Sergei Nirenburg, Yorick Wilks: What's in a symbol: ontology, representation and language. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 13(1): 9-23 (2001)
66 Sergei Nirenburg, Yorick Wilks: Machine translation. Advances in Computers 52: 160-189 (2000)
65 Mark Stevenson, Yorick Wilks: Combining Weak Knowledge Sources for Sense Disambiguation. IJCAI 1999: 884-889
64EEYorick Wilks, Roberta Catizone: Can We Make Information Extraction More Adaptive? SCIE 1999: 1-16
63EESaliha Azzam, Kevin Humphreys, Robert J. Gaizauskas, Yorick Wilks: Using a Language Independent Domain Model for Multilingual Information Extraction. Applied Artificial Intelligence 13(7): 705-724 (1999)
62EEAlexander Krotov, Mark Hepple, Robert J. Gaizauskas, Yorick Wilks: Compacting the Penn Treebank Grammar CoRR cs.CL/9902001: (1999)
61EEYorick Wilks: The "Fodor"-FODOR fallacy bites back CoRR cs.CL/9902029: (1999)
60EEYorick Wilks: Is Word Sense Disambiguation just one more NLP task? CoRR cs.CL/9902030: (1999)
59EEMark Lee, Yorick Wilks: An ascription-based approach to speech acts CoRR cs.CL/9904009: (1999)
58EEYorick Wilks, Roberta Catizone: Human-Computer Conversation CoRR cs.CL/9906027: (1999)
57EEPaul McKevitt, Derek Partridge, Yorick Wilks: Why machines should analyse intention in natural language dialogue. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 51(5): 947-989 (1999)
56 Yorick Wilks, Mark Stevenson: Word Sense Disambiguation using Optimised Combinations of Knowledge Sources. COLING-ACL 1998: 1398-1402
55 Alexander Krotov, Mark Hepple, Robert J. Gaizauskas, Yorick Wilks: Compacting the Penn Treebank Grammar. COLING-ACL 1998: 699-703
54 Mark Stevenson, Hamish Cunningham, Yorick Wilks: Sense Tagging and Language Engineering. ECAI 1998: 185-189
53EEMark Lee, Yorick Wilks: Eliminating deceptions and mistaken belief to infer conversational implicature CoRR cmp-lg/9806005: (1998)
52EEYorick Wilks, Mark Stevenson: Word Sense Disambiguation using Optimised Combinations of Knowledge Sources CoRR cmp-lg/9806014: (1998)
51EEHamish Cunningham, Kevin Humphreys, Robert J. Gaizauskas, Yorick Wilks: Software Infrastructure for Natural Language Processing. ANLP 1997: 237-244
50EEHamish Cunningham, Kevin Humphreys, Robert J. Gaizauskas, Yorick Wilks: GATE - a General Architecture for Text Engineering. ANLP 1997: 29-30
49 Yorick Wilks: Information Extraction as a Core Language Technology. SCIE 1997: 1-9
48EEHamish Cunningham, Kevin Humphreys, Robert J. Gaizauskas, Yorick Wilks: Software Infrastructure for Natural Language Processing CoRR cmp-lg/9702005: (1997)
47EEYorick Wilks, Mark Stevenson: Sense Tagging: Semantic Tagging with a Lexicon CoRR cmp-lg/9705016: (1997)
46EEHamish Cunningham, Yorick Wilks, Robert J. Gaizauskas: GATE-a General Architecture for Text Engineering. COLING 1996: 1057-1060
45EETakahiro Wakao, Robert J. Gaizauskas, Yorick Wilks: Evaluation of an Algorithm for the Recognition and Classification of Proper Names. COLING 1996: 418-423
44EEMark Lee, Yorick Wilks: An ascription-based approach to Speech Acts. COLING 1996: 699-704
43 Robert J. Gaizauskas, Hamish Cunningham, Yorick Wilks, Peter J. Rodgers, Kevin Humphreys: GATE: An Environment to Support Research and Development in Natural Language Engineering. ICTAI 1996: 58-66
42EEHamish Cunningham, Robert J. Gaizauskas, Yorick Wilks: A General Architecture for Language Engineering (GATE) - a new approach to Language Engineering R&D CoRR cmp-lg/9601009: (1996)
41EEHamish Cunningham, Yorick Wilks, Robert J. Gaizauskas: New Methods, Current Trends and Software Infrastructure for NLP CoRR cmp-lg/9607025: (1996)
40EEYorick Wilks, Mark Stevenson: The Grammar of Sense: Is word-sense tagging much more than part-of-speech tagging? CoRR cmp-lg/9607028: (1996)
39 Yorick Wilks: Natural Language Processing - Introduction to the Special Section. Commun. ACM 39(1): 60-62 (1996)
38 Louise Guthrie, James Pustejovsky, Yorick Wilks, Brian M. Slator: The Role of Lexicons in Natural Language Processing. Commun. ACM 39(1): 63-72 (1996)
37EERobert J. Gaizauskas, Kevin Humphreys, Hamish Cunningham, Yorick Wilks: University of Sheffield: description of the LaSIE system as used for MUC-6. MUC 1995: 207-220
36 Yorick Wilks: Language, Vision and Metaphor. Artif. Intell. Rev. 9(4-5): 273-289 (1995)
35EESergei Nirenburg, Robert E. Frederking, David Farwell, Yorick Wilks: Two Types of Adaptive MT Environments. COLING 1994: 125-128
34EEA. Koizumi, M. Arioka, C. Harada, M. Sugimoto, Louise Guthrie, C. Watts, Roberta Catizone, Yorick Wilks: Noun Phrasal Entries in the EDR English Word Dictionary. COLING 1994: 257-262
33EEYorick Wilks, James Pustejovsky, J. Cowie: Diderot: TIPSTER Program, Automatic Data Extraction from Text Utilizing Semantic Analysis. HLT 1994
32EEDavid Farwell, Louise Guthrie, Yorick Wilks: Automatically creating lexical entries for ULTRA, a multilingual MT system. Machine Translation 8(3): 127-145 (1993)
31EEDavid Farwell, Louise Guthrie, Yorick Wilks: The Automatic Creation of Lexical Entries for a Multilingual MT System. COLING 1992: 532-538
30EEJames R. Cowie, Louise Guthrie, Yorick Wilks, James Pustejovsky: CRL/NMSU and Brandeis MucBruce: MUC-4 test results and analysis. MUC 1992: 120-123
29EEJames R. Cowie, Louise Guthrie, Yorick Wilks, James Pustejovsky, Scott Waterman: CRL/NMSU and Brandeis: description of the MucBruce system as used for MUC-4. MUC 1992: 223-232
28EEPaul McKevitt, Derek Partridge, Yorick Wilks: Approaches to natural language discourse processing. Artif. Intell. Rev. 6(4): 333-364 (1992)
27EEYorick Wilks: Commentary on Somers' article. Machine Translation 7(4): 309-314 (1992)
26 Joe A. Guthrie, Louise Guthrie, Yorick Wilks, Homa Aidinejad: Subject-Dependent Co-Occurence and Word Sense Disambiguation. ACL 1991: 146-152
25EEYorick Wilks: Active Knowledge Structures in Natural Language Understanding. HLT 1991
24 Yorick Wilks, John A. Barnden, Jin Wang: Your Metaphor or Mine: Belief Ascription and Metaphor Interpretation. IJCAI 1991: 945-950
23 Afzal Ballim, Yorick Wilks, John A. Barnden: Belief Ascription, Metaphor, and Intensional Identification. Cognitive Science 15(1): 133-171 (1991)
22 Afzal Ballim, Yorick Wilks: Beliefs, Stereotypes and Dynamic Agent Modeling. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 1(1): 33-65 (1991)
21EELouise Guthrie, Brian M. Slator, Yorick Wilks, Rebecca F. Bruce: Is there content in empty heads? COLING 1990: 138-143
20 Afzal Ballim, Yorick Wilks: Relevant Beliefs. ECAI 1990: 65-70
19EEYorick Wilks, Dan Fass, Cheng-ming Guo, James E. McDonald, Tony Plate, Brian M. Slator: Providing machine tractable dictionary tools. Machine Translation 5(2): 99-154 (1990)
18 Yorick Wilks, Afzal Ballim: Shifting the Belief Engine into Higher Gear. AIMSA 1988: 11-20
17 Yorick Wilks, Dan Fass, Cheng-ming Guo, James E. McDonald, Tony Plate, Brian M. Slator: Machine tractable dictionaries as tools and resources for NL prosessing. COLING 1988: 750-755
16 Yorick Wilks, Rebecca Gomez: New Mexico State University's Computing Research Laboratory. AI Magazine 9(1): 79-94 (1988)
15 Yorick Wilks, Afzal Ballim: Multiple Agents and the Heuristic Ascription of Belief. IJCAI 1987: 118-124
14 Paul McKevitt, Yorick Wilks: Transfer Semantics in an Operating System Consultant: The Formalization of Actions Involving Object Transfer. IJCAI 1987: 569-575
13 Yorick Wilks, Afzal Ballim: Belief Systems: Ascribing Belief. KIFS 1987: 386-403
12EEYorick Wilks: Right Attachment and Preference Semantics. EACL 1985: 89-92
11 Yorick Wilks: Responsible Computers? IJCAI 1985: 1279-1280
10 Yorick Wilks, Xiuming Huang, Dan Fass: Syntax, Preference and Right Attachment. IJCAI 1985: 779-784
9 Dan Fass, Yorick Wilks: Preference Semantics, III-Formedness, and Metaphor. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 9(3-4): 178-187 (1983)
8 Yorick Wilks: Making Preferences More Active. Artif. Intell. 11(3): 197-223 (1978)
7 Roger C. Schank, Eugene Charniak, Yorick Wilks, Terry Winograd, William A. Woods: Natural Language Processing. IJCAI 1977: 1007-1013
6 Yorick Wilks: Knowledge Structures and Language Boundaries. IJCAI 1977: 151-157
5 Yorick Wilks: "Semantics: Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar, " by Janet Dean Fodor (Book Review). International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 9(5): 629-634 (1977)
4 Yorick Wilks: De Minimis, or the Archaeology of Frames. AISB (ECAI) 1976: 355-365
3 Yorick Wilks: A Preferential, Pattern-Seeking, Semantics for Natural Language Inference. Artif. Intell. 6(1): 53-74 (1975)
2 Yorick Wilks: An Intelligent Analyzer and Understander of English. Commun. ACM 18(5): 264-274 (1975)
1 Yorick Wilks: Understanding Without Proofs. IJCAI 1973: 270-277

Coauthor Index

1Homa Aidinejad [26]
2Ben Allison [100]
3M. Arioka [34]
4Saliha Azzam [63]
5Afzal Ballim [13] [15] [18] [20] [22] [23] [68]
6John A. Barnden [23] [24]
7Kalina Bontcheva [71] [75] [89] [90] [95]
8Christopher Brewster [70] [74] [88]
9Rebecca F. Bruce [21]
10Tomas By [68]
11Roberta Catizone [34] [58] [64] [77] [82] [105]
12Sam Chapman [92]
13Eugene Charniak [7]
14Fabio Ciravegna [70] [72] [73] [74] [76] [81] [84] [85] [92]
15Paul Clough [78]
16J. Cowie [33]
17James R. Cowie [29] [30]
18Hamish Cunningham [37] [41] [42] [43] [46] [48] [50] [51] [54] [75] [83] [89]
19Angelo Dalli [97]
20Thierry Declerck [83]
21Alexiei Dingli [72] [73] [76] [81] [84] [85] [92] [105]
22Jeremy Ellman [88]
23David Farwell [31] [32] [35]
24Dan Fass [9] [10] [17] [19]
25Enrico Franconi [88]
26Robert E. Frederking [35]
27Steve Fuller [88]
28Robert J. Gaizauskas [37] [41] [42] [43] [45] [46] [48] [50] [51] [55] [62] [63] [78]
29Rebecca Gomez [16]
30Cheng-ming Guo [17] [19]
31David Guthrie [84] [85] [100]
32Joe A. Guthrie [26]
33Louise Guthrie [21] [26] [29] [30] [31] [32] [34] [38] [97] [100]
34Oana Hamza [75] [89]
35C. Harada [34]
36Mark Hepple [55] [62] [82] [96]
37Fang Huang [101]
38Xiuming Huang [10]
39Kevin Humphreys [37] [43] [48] [50] [51] [63]
40Franciska de Jong (Franciska M. G. de Jong) [83]
41A. Koizumi [34]
42Alexander Krotov [55] [62]
43Jan Kuper [83]
44Mark Lee [44] [53] [59]
45Christian Lieske [68]
46Diana Maynard [75] [89]
47James E. McDonald [17] [19]
48Paul McKevitt [14] [28] [57]
49Mark A. Musen [88]
50Sergei Nirenburg [35] [66] [67]
51Kieron O'Hara [88]
52Derek Partridge [28] [57]
53Katerina Pastra [79] [80] [86] [87] [94]
54Daniela Petrelli [72] [73] [76] [81]
55Scott S. L. Piao [78]
56Hugo Pinto [105]
57Tony Plate [17] [19]
58James Pustejovsky [29] [30] [33] [38]
59Dennis Reidsma [83]
60Peter J. Rodgers [43]
61Horacio Saggion [75] [79] [80] [83] [86] [87] [89]
62Roger C. Schank [7]
63Andrea Setzer [82]
64Simon Buckingham Shum [88]
65Brian M. Slator [17] [19] [21] [38]
66Mark Stevenson [40] [47] [52] [54] [56] [65] [69]
67M. Sugimoto [34]
68Cristian Ursu [75]
69Takahiro Wakao [45]
70Jin Wang [24]
71Scott Waterman [29]
72C. Watts [34]
73Nick Webb [82] [96]
74Terry Winograd [7]
75Peter Wittenburg [83]
76William A. Woods [7]
77Yunqing Xia [97]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)