
Manfred Schmidt-Schauß

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54EEMarkus Lohrey, Sebastian Maneth, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Parameter Reduction in Grammar-Compressed Trees. FOSSACS 2009: 212-226
53EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß, Joachim Niehren, Jan Schwinghammer, David Sabel: Adequacy of Compositional Translations for Observational Semantics. IFIP TCS 2008: 521-535
52EEAdria Gascón, Guillem Godoy, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Context Matching for Compressed Terms. LICS 2008: 93-102
51EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß, Elena Machkasova: A Finite Simulation Method in a Non-deterministic Call-by-Need Lambda-Calculus with Letrec, Constructors, and Case. RTA 2008: 321-335
50EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß, David Sabel, Marko Schütz: Safety of Nöcker's strictness analysis. J. Funct. Program. 18(4): 503-551 (2008)
49EEDavid Sabel, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: A call-by-need lambda calculus with locally bottom-avoiding choice: context lemma and correctness of transformations. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 18(3): 501-553 (2008)
48EEJordi Levy, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß, Mateu Villaret: The Complexity of Monadic Second-Order Unification. SIAM J. Comput. 38(3): 1113-1140 (2008)
47EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß: Correctness of Copy in Calculi with Letrec. RTA 2007: 329-343
46EEJoachim Niehren, David Sabel, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß, Jan Schwinghammer: Observational Semantics for a Concurrent Lambda Calculus with Reference Cells and Futures. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 173: 313-337 (2007)
45EEJordi Levy, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß, Mateu Villaret: Stratified Context Unification Is NP-Complete. IJCAR 2006: 82-96
44EEJordi Levy, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß, Mateu Villaret: Bounded Second-Order Unification Is NP-Complete. RTA 2006: 400-414
43EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß: Decidable Variants of Higher-Order Unification. Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning 2005: 154-168
42EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß, Klaus U. Schulz: Decidability of bounded higher-order unification. J. Symb. Comput. 40(2): 905-954 (2005)
41EEJordi Levy, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß, Mateu Villaret: Monadic Second-Order Unification Is NP-Complete. RTA 2004: 55-69
40EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß: Decidability of bounded second order unification. Inf. Comput. 188(2): 143-178 (2004)
39EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß, Jürgen Stuber: The Complexity of Linear and Stratified Context Matching Problems. Theory Comput. Syst. 37(6): 717-740 (2004)
38EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß: Decidability of Arity-Bounded Higher-Order Matching. CADE 2003: 488-502
37EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß, Klaus U. Schulz: Decidability of Bounded Higher-Order Unification. CSL 2002: 522-536
36EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß: A Decision Algorithm for Stratified Context Unification. J. Log. Comput. 12(6): 929-953 (2002)
35EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß, Klaus U. Schulz: Solvability of Context Equations with Two Context Variables is Decidable. J. Symb. Comput. 33(1): 77-122 (2002)
34EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß: Stratified Context Unification Is in PSPACE. CSL 2001: 498-512
33EEPok-Son Kim, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: A Term-Based Approach to Project Scheduling. ICCS 2001: 304-318
32EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß, Michael Huber: A Lambda-Calculus with letrec, case, constructors and non-determinism CoRR cs.PL/0011008: (2000)
31EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß, Klaus U. Schulz: Solvability of Context Equations with Two Context Variables is Decidable. CADE 1999: 67-81
30EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß: Decidability of Behavioural Equivalence in Unary PCF. Theor. Comput. Sci. 216(1-2): 363-373 (1999)
29EEArne Kutzner, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: A Non-Deterministic Call-by-Need Lambda Calculus. ICFP 1998: 324-335
28EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß, Klaus U. Schulz: On the Exponent of Periodicity of Minimal Solutions of Context Equation. RTA 1998: 61-75
27EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß: A Decision Algorithm for Distributive Unification. Theor. Comput. Sci. 208(1-2): 111-148 (1998)
26 Sven Eric Panitz, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: TEA: Automatically Proving Termination of Programs in a Non-strict Higher-Order Functional Language. SAS 1997: 345-360
25 Nigel W. O. Hutchison, Ute Neuhaus, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß, Cordelia V. Hall: Natural Expert: A Commercial Functional Programming Environment. J. Funct. Program. 7(2): 163-182 (1997)
24 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: An Algorithm for Distributive Unification. RTA 1996: 287-301
23 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß, Sven Eric Panitz, Marko Schütz: Abstract Reduction Using a Tableau Calculus SAS 1995: 348-365
22EEManfred Schmidt-Schauß, Massimo Marchiori, Sven Eric Panitz: Modular Termination of r-Consistent and Left-Linear Term Rewriting Systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 149(2): 361-374 (1995)
21 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Unification Under One-Sided Distributivity with a Multiplicative Unit. LPAR 1993: 289-300
20 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: External Function Calls in a Functional Language. Functional Programming 1991: 324-331
19 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß, Gert Smolka: Attributive Concept Descriptions with Complements. Artif. Intell. 48(1): 1-26 (1991)
18 Bernhard Hollunder, Werner Nutt, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Subsumption Algorithms for Concept Description Languages. ECAI 1990: 348-353
17 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Computational Aspects of an Order-Sorted Logic with Term Declarations Springer 1989
16 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Subsumption in KL-ONE is Undecidable. KR 1989: 421-431
15 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß, Gert Smolka: Attributive Concept Descriptions with Unions and Complements IWBS Report 68: (1989)
14 Hans-Jürgen Bürckert, Alexander Herold, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: On Equational Theories, Unification, and (Un)Decidability. J. Symb. Comput. 8(1/2): 3-49 (1989)
13 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Unification in a Combination of Arbitrary Disjoint Equational Theories. J. Symb. Comput. 8(1/2): 51-99 (1989)
12 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Unification in Permutative Equational Theories is Undecidable. J. Symb. Comput. 8(4): 415-421 (1989)
11 Alexandre Boudet, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Unification in Boolean Rings and Abelian Groups. J. Symb. Comput. 8(5): 449-477 (1989)
10 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Unification in a Combination of Arbitrary Disjoint Equational Theories. CADE 1988: 378-396
9 Alexandre Boudet, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Unification in Free Extensions of Boolean Rings and Abelian Groups LICS 1988: 121-130
8 Hans Jürgen Ohlbach, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Bericht zur 9th Conference on Automated Deduction. KI 2(4): 18-19 (1988)
7 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Implication of Clauses is Undecidable. Theor. Comput. Sci. 59: 287-296 (1988)
6 Hans-Jürgen Bürckert, Alexander Herold, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: On Equational Theories, Unification and Decidability. RTA 1987: 204-215
5 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Unification in Many-Sorted Eqational Theories. CADE 1986: 538-552
4 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Unification under Associativity and Idempotence is of Type Nullary. J. Autom. Reasoning 2(3): 277-281 (1986)
3 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: Unification in a Many-sorted Calculus with Declarations. GWAI 1985: 118-132
2 Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: A Many-Sorted Calculus with Polymorphic Functions Based on Resolution and Paramodulation. IJCAI 1985: 1162-1168
1 Hans Jürgen Ohlbach, Manfred Schmidt-Schauß: The Lion and the Unicorn. J. Autom. Reasoning 1(3): 327-332 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Alexandre Boudet [9] [11]
2Hans-Jürgen Bürckert [6] [14]
3Adria Gascón [52]
4Guillem Godoy [52]
5Cordelia V. Hall [25]
6Alexander Herold [6] [14]
7Bernhard Hollunder [18]
8Michael Huber [32]
9Nigel W. O. Hutchison [25]
10Jean-Pierre Jouannaud [9] [11]
11Pok-Son Kim [33]
12Arne Kutzner [29]
13Jordi Levy [41] [44] [45] [48]
14Markus Lohrey [54]
15Elena Machkasova [51]
16Sebastian Maneth [54]
17Massimo Marchiori [22]
18Ute Neuhaus [25]
19Joachim Niehren [46] [53]
20Werner Nutt [18]
21Hans Jürgen Ohlbach [1] [8]
22Sven Eric Panitz [22] [23] [26]
23David Sabel [46] [49] [50] [53]
24Klaus U. Schulz [28] [31] [35] [37] [42]
25Marko Schütz [23] [50]
26Jan Schwinghammer [46] [53]
27Gert Smolka [15] [19]
28Jürgen Stuber [39]
29Mateu Villaret [41] [44] [45] [48]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)