Volume 27,
Number 1-2,
January 2001
New Trends in High Performance Computing
- Osman Yasar, Y. Deng, R. E. Tuzun, D. Saltz:
New trends in high performance computing.
1-2 BibTeX
- R. Clinton Whaley, Antoine Petitet, Jack Dongarra:
Automated empirical optimizations of software and the ATLAS project.
3-35 BibTeX
- Dinshaw S. Balsara, Charles D. Norton:
Highly parallel structured adaptive mesh refinement using parallel language-based approaches.
37-70 BibTeX
- Reginald L. Walker:
Search engine case study: searching the web using genetic programming and MPI.
71-89 BibTeX
- Yuefan Deng, Alex Korobka:
The performance of a supercomputer built with commodity components.
91-108 BibTeX
- Michael D. Letherwood, David D. Gunter:
Ground vehicle modeling and simulation of military vehicles using high performance computing.
109-140 BibTeX
- Ting Chen, Vladimir Filkov, Steven Skiena:
Identifying gene regulatory networks from experimental data.
141-162 BibTeX
- Alfredo U. Luccio:
Numerical simulation of particle accelerators.
163-177 BibTeX
- O. Yaar:
A new ignition model for spark-ignited engine simulations.
179-200 BibTeX
Volume 27,
Number 3,
February 2001
- César Rego:
Node-ejection chains for the vehicle routing problem: Sequential and parallel algorithms.
201-222 BibTeX
- Antonio Corradi, Letizia Leonardi, Franco Zambonelli:
Parallel object allocation via user-specified directives: A case study in traffic simulation.
223-241 BibTeX
- Patrick W. Dymond, Jieliang Zhou, Xiaotie Deng:
A 2-D parallel convex hull algorithm with optimal communication phases.
243-255 BibTeX
- Sathiamoorthy Manoharan:
Effect of task duplication on the assignment of dependency graphs.
257-268 BibTeX
- Masayoshi Aritsugi, Hiroki Fukatsu, Yoshinari Kanamori:
Several partitioning strategies for parallel image convolution in a network of heterogeneous workstations.
269-293 BibTeX
- Beniamino Di Martino, Sergio Briguglio, Gregorio Vlad, Piero Sguazzero:
Parallel PIC plasma simulation through particle decomposition techniques.
295-314 BibTeX
- Avi Kavas, David Er-El, Dror G. Feitelson:
Using multicast to pre-load jobs on the ParPar cluster.
315-327 BibTeX
Volume 27,
Number 4,
March 2001
Parallel computing in aerospace
- Joseph W. Manke:
Parallel computing in aerospace.
329-336 BibTeX
- William Gropp, Dinesh K. Kaushik, David E. Keyes, Barry F. Smith:
High-performance parallel implicit CFD.
337-362 BibTeX
- Marc Garbey, Yuri V. Vassilevski:
A parallel solver for unsteady incompressible 3D Navier-Stokes equations.
363-389 BibTeX
- Jay Hoeflinger, Prasad Alavilli, Thomas Jackson, Bob Kuhn:
Producing scalable performance with OpenMP: Experiments with two CFD applications.
391-413 BibTeX
- Petra Aumann, H. Barnewitz, H. Schwarten, Klaus Becker, Ralf Heinrich, Britta Roll, M. Galle, Norbert Kroll, Thomas Gerhold, Dieter Schwamborn, M. Franke:
MEGAFLOW: Parallel complete aircraft CFD.
415-440 BibTeX
- M. S. Fisher, M. Mani, D. Stookesberry:
Parallel processing with the Wind CFD code at Boeing.
441-456 BibTeX
- Joseph W. Manke, G. David Kerlick, David Levine, Subhankar Banerjee, Eric Dillon:
Parallel performance of two applications in the Boeing high performance computing benchmark suite.
457-475 BibTeX
- Piyush Mehrotra, Hans P. Zima:
High Performance Fortran for aerospace applications.
477-501 BibTeX
- Paul D. Hovland, Lois C. McInnes:
Parallel simulation of compressible flow using automatic differentiation and PETSc.
503-519 BibTeX
- James R. Taft:
Achieving 60 GFLOP/s on the production CFD code OVERFLOW-MLP.
521-536 BibTeX
Volume 27,
Number 5,
April 2001
Cellular automata:
From modeling to applications
- Stefania Bandini, Giancarlo Mauri, Roberto Serra:
Cellular automata: From modeling to applications.
537-538 BibTeX
- Stefania Bandini, Giancarlo Mauri, Roberto Serra:
Cellular automata: From a theoretical parallel computational model to its application to complex systems.
539-553 BibTeX
- Andreas Beckers, Thomas Worsch:
A perimeter-time CA for the queen bee problem.
555-569 BibTeX
- Francisco Jiménez-Morales, James P. Crutchfield, Melanie Mitchell:
Evolving two-dimensional cellular automata to perform density classification: A report on work in progress.
571-585 BibTeX
- Hiroshi Umeo:
Linear-time recognition of connectivity of binary images on 1-bit inter-cell communication cellular automaton.
587-599 BibTeX
- Jörg R. Weimar:
Coupling microscopic and macroscopic cellular automata.
601-611 BibTeX
- B. Ostrovsky, G. Crooks, M. A. Smith, Y. Bar-Yam:
Cellular automata for polymer simulation with application to polymer melts and polymer collapse including implications for protein folding.
613-641 BibTeX
- Stefania Bandini, Massimiliano Magagnini:
Parallel processing simulation of dynamic properties of filled rubber compounds based on cellular automata.
643-661 BibTeX
- Roberto Serra, Marco Villani, Anna Salvemini:
Continuous genetic networks.
663-683 BibTeX
- R. Cappuccio, Gianpiero Cattaneo, Giovanni Erbacci, U. Jocher:
A parallel implementation of a cellular automata based model for coffee percolation.
685-717 BibTeX
- Joachim Wahle, L. Neubert, J. Esser, Michael Schreckenberg:
A cellular automaton traffic flow model for online simulation of traffic.
719-735 BibTeX
Volume 27,
Number 6,
May 2001
- Thomas Lippert, Nicolai Petkov, Paolo Palazzari, Klaus Schilling:
Hyper-systolic matrix multiplication.
737-759 BibTeX
- Gundolf Haase, Michael Kuhn, Ulrich Langer:
Parallel multigrid 3D Maxwell solvers.
761-775 BibTeX
- Yair Censor, Dan Gordon, Rachel Gordon:
Component averaging: An efficient iterative parallel algorithm for large and sparse unstructured problems.
777-808 BibTeX
- Alexandros V. Gerbessiotis, Constantinos J. Siniolakis:
Merging on the BSP model.
809-822 BibTeX
- Ishfaq Ahmad, Shahriar M. Akramullah, Ming L. Liou, Muhammad Kafil:
A scalable off-line MPEG-2 video encoding scheme using a multiprocessor system.
823-846 BibTeX
- Paul N. Swarztrauber, Steven W. Hammond:
A comparison of optimal FFTs on torus and hypercube multicomputers.
847-859 BibTeX
- Muhammad H. Alsuwaiyel:
An optimal parallel algorithm for the multiselection problem.
861-865 BibTeX
Volume 27,
Number 7,
June 2001
Linear systems and associated problems
- Henk J. Sips, Ruud Sommerhalder, Erik H. D'Hollander:
Linear systems and associated problems - introduction.
867-868 BibTeX
- Achim Basermann, Jochen Fingberg, Guy Lonsdale, Bart Maerten, Chris Walshaw:
Dynamic multi-partitioning for parallel finite element applications.
869-881 BibTeX
- Roman Geus, Stefan Röllin:
Towards a fast parallel sparse symmetric matrix-vector multiplication.
883-896 BibTeX
- Dora Blanco Heras, José Carlos Cabaleiro, Francisco F. Rivera:
Modeling data locality for the sparse matrix-vector product using distance measures.
897-912 BibTeX
- A. Cooper, Marek Szularz, Jim Weston:
External selective orthogonalization for the Lanczos algorithm in distributed memory environments.
913-923 BibTeX
- Hai-Xiang Lin:
A unifying graph model for designing parallel algorithms for tridiagonal systems.
925-939 BibTeX
- Peter Christen, Markus Hegland, Ole Møller Nielsen, Stephen Roberts, Peter E. Strazdins, Irfan Altas:
Scalable parallel algorithms for surface fitting and data mining.
941-961 BibTeX
- Luca Bergamaschi, Giorgio Pini, Flavio Sartoretto:
Parallel preconditioning of a sparse eigensolver.
963-976 BibTeX
Volume 27,
Number 8,
July 2001
Volume 27,
Number 9,
August 2001
- M. Alabdulkareem, S. Lakshmivarahan, Sudarshan K. Dhall:
Scalability analysis of large codes using factorial designs.
1145-1171 BibTeX
- Daeyeon Park, Byeong Hag Seong, Rafael H. Saavedra:
Adaptive software prefetching in scalable multiprocessors using cache information.
1173-1195 BibTeX
- Paraskevas Evripidou:
D3-Machine: A decoupled data-driven multithreaded architecture with variable resolution support.
1197-1225 BibTeX
- Vittorio Cortellessa, Francesco Quaglia:
A checkpointing-recovery scheme for Time Warp parallel simulation.
1227-1252 BibTeX
- Dolors Royo, Miguel Valero-García, Antonio González:
Implementing the one-sided Jacobi method on a 2D/3D mesh multicomputer.
1253-1271 BibTeX
- Gen-Huey Chen, Shien-Ching Hwang, Hui-Ling Huang, Ming-Yang Su, Dyi-Rong Duh:
A general broadcasting scheme for recursive networks with complete connection.
1273-1278 BibTeX
Volume 27,
Number 10,
September 2001
- Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Philip J. Hatcher, Mark MacBeth, Keith McGuigan, Raymond Namyst:
The Hyperion system: Compiling multithreaded Java bytecode for distributed execution.
1279-1297 BibTeX
- Eric Noulard, Nahid Emad:
A key for reusable parallel linear algebra software.
1299-1319 BibTeX
- Jeff Boleng, Manavendra Misra:
Load balanced parallel QR decomposition on shared memory multiprocessors.
1321-1345 BibTeX
- Luis F. Romero, Eva M. Ortigosa, Emilio L. Zapata:
Data-task parallelism for the VMEC program.
1347-1364 BibTeX
- O. Yu. Milyukova:
Parallel approximate factorization method for solving discrete elliptic equations.
1365-1379 BibTeX
- Jehad Al-Sadi, Khaled Day, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua:
Fault-tolerant routing in hypercubes using probability vectors.
1381-1399 BibTeX
Volume 27,
Number 11,
October 2001
Clusters and computational grids for scientific computing
- Jack Dongarra, Masaaki Shimasaki, Bernard Tourancheau:
Clusters and computational grids for scientific computing - introduction.
1401-1402 BibTeX
- Cherri M. Pancake:
Performance tools for today's HPC: Are we addressing the right issues?
1403-1415 BibTeX
- Ralph Butler, William Gropp, Ewing L. Lusk:
Components and interfaces of a process management system for parallel programs.
1417-1429 BibTeX
- Thilo Kielmann, Henri E. Bal, Sergei Gorlatch, Kees Verstoep, Rutger F. H. Hofman:
Network performance-aware collective communication for clustered wide-area systems.
1431-1456 BibTeX
- Michael D. Beynon, Tahsin M. Kurç, Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Chialin Chang, Alan Sussman, Joel H. Saltz:
Distributed processing of very large datasets with DataCutter.
1457-1478 BibTeX
- Graham E. Fagg, Antonin Bukovsky, Jack Dongarra:
HARNESS and fault tolerant MPI.
1479-1495 BibTeX
- Eddy Caron, Serge Chaumette, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Frederic Desprez, Eric Fleury, C. Gomez, M. Goursat, Martin Quinson, Emmanuel Jeannot, Dominique Lazure, Frédéric Lombard, Jean-Marc Nicod, Laurent Philippe, Pierre Ramet, Jean Roman, Frank Rubi, S. Steer, Frédéric Suter, Gil Utard:
SCILAB to SCILAB//: The OURAGAN project.
1497-1519 BibTeX
Volume 27,
Number 12,
November 2001
Applications of parallel computing in transportation
Volume 27,
Number 13,
December 2001
- Laurent Hascoët:
A method for automatic placement of communications in SPMD parallelisation.
1655-1664 BibTeX
- Giuseppe Passoni, Paolo Cremonesi, Giancarlo Alfonsi:
Analysis and implementation of a parallelization strategy on a Navier-Stokes solver for shear flow simulations.
1665-1685 BibTeX
- B. V. Rathish Kumar, Takami Yamaguchi, Hao Liu, Ryutaro Himeno:
A parallel 3D unsteady incompressible flow solver on VPP700.
1687-1713 BibTeX
- Ignacio Martín Llorente, Manuel Prieto-Matías, Boris Diskin:
A parallel multigrid solver for 3D convection and convection-diffusion problems.
1715-1741 BibTeX
- Manuel Arenaz, Ramon Doallo, Juan Touriño, C. Vázquez:
Efficient parallel numerical solver for the elastohydrodynamic Reynolds-Hertz problem.
1743-1765 BibTeX
- Wahid Nasri, Zaher Mahjoub:
Optimal parallelization of a recursive algorithm for triangular matrix inversion on MIMD computers.
1767-1782 BibTeX
- Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jia-Hwa Wu:
A multi-dimensional version of the I test.
1783-1799 BibTeX
- Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, Lewis M. Mackenzie:
Communication delay in hypercubes in the presence of bit-reversal traffic.
1801-1816 BibTeX
- Jau-Der Shih:
Wormhole routing for torus networks with faults.
1817-1829 BibTeX
Volume 27,
Number 14,
December 2001
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:16:23 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)