
Michael Florian

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10EEMichael Florian, Michael Mahut, Nicolas Tremblay: Application of a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model. European Journal of Operational Research 189(3): 1381-1392 (2008)
9 Klaus Fischer, Michael Florian, Thomas Malsch: Socionics - Scalability of Complex Social Systems Springer 2005
8EEChristian S. Hahn, Bettina Fley, Michael Florian: A Framework for the Design of Self-Regulation of Open Agent-based Electronic Marketplaces. NORMAS 2005: 8-23
7EEKlaus Fischer, Michael Florian: Contribution of Socionics to the Scalability of Complex Social Systems: Introduction. Socionics 2005: 1-14
6EEBettina Fley, Michael Florian: Trust and the Economy of Symbolic Goods: A Contribution to the Scalability of Open Multi-agent Systems. Socionics 2005: 176-198
5EEMichael Schillo, Klaus Fischer, Bettina Fley, Michael Florian, Frank Hillebrandt, Daniela Spresny: FORM - A Sociologically Founded Framework for Designing Self-Organization of Multiagent Systems. RASTA 2002: 156-175
4 Michael Florian, Michel Gendreau: Applications of parallel computing in transportation - introduction. Parallel Computing 27(12): 1521-1522 (2001)
3 Nicolas Tremblay, Michael Florian: Temporal shortest paths: Parallel computing implementations. Parallel Computing 27(12): 1569-1609 (2001)
2 Michael Malsch, Michael Florian, Michael Jonas, Ingo Schulz-Schaefer: Sozionik: Expedition ins Grenzgebiet zwischen Soziologie und Künstlicher Intelligenz. KI 10(2): 6-12 (1996)
1 Jia Hao Wu, Michael Florian, Patrice Marcotte: A general descent framework for the monotone variational inequality problem. Math. Program. 61: 281-300 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Klaus Fischer [5] [7] [9]
2Bettina Fley [5] [6] [8]
3Michel Gendreau [4]
4Christian S. Hahn [8]
5Frank Hillebrandt [5]
6Michael Jonas [2]
7Michael Mahut [10]
8Michael Malsch [2]
9Thomas Malsch [9]
10Patrice Marcotte [1]
11Michael Schillo [5]
12Ingo Schulz-Schaefer [2]
13Daniela Spresny [5]
14Nicolas Tremblay [3] [10]
15Jia Hao Wu [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)