
Luc Bougé

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53EELuc Bougé, Christian Lengauer: Special Issue: Euro-Par 2007. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 21(7): 855-857 (2009)
52 Luc Bougé, Martti Forsell, Jesper Larsson Träff, Achim Streit, Wolfgang Ziegler, Michael Alexander, Stephen Childs: Euro-Par 2007 Workshops: Parallel Processing, HPPC 2007, UNICORE Summit 2007, and VHPC 2007, Rennes, France, August 28-31, 2007, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2008
51EEBogdan Nicolae, Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé: Enabling lock-free concurrent fine-grain access to massive distributed data: Application to supernovae detection. CLUSTER 2008: 310-315
50EEBogdan Nicolae, Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé: Distributed Management of Massive Data: An Efficient Fine-Grain Data Access Scheme. VECPAR 2008: 532-543
49EEBogdan Nicolae, Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé: Enabling Lock-Free Concurrent Fine-Grain Access to Massive Distributed Data: Application to Supernovae Detection CoRR abs/0810.2226: (2008)
48EEBogdan Nicolae, Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé: Distributed Management of Massive Data: an Efficient Fine-Grain Data Access Scheme CoRR abs/0810.2227: (2008)
47 Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Luc Bougé, Thierry Priol: Euro-Par 2007, Parallel Processing, 13th International Euro-Par Conference, Rennes, France, August 28-31, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
46 Luc Bougé, Viktor K. Prasanna: High Performance Computing - HiPC 2004, 11th International Conference, Bangalore, India, December 19-22, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
45EEGabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Mathieu Jan, Sébastien Monnet: Large-Scale Deployment in P2P Experiments Using the JXTA Distributed Framework. Euro-Par 2004: 1038-1047
44EEGabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Sébastien Lacour: Making a DSM Consistency Protocol Hierarchy-Aware: an Efficient Synchronization Scheme. CCGRID 2003: 516-
43EELuc Bougé, Franck Cappello, Omer F. Rana, Bernard Traversat: Topic Introduction. Euro-Par 2003: 1229
42EELuc Bougé, Vincent Danjean, Raymond Namyst: Improving Reactivity to I/O Events in Multithreaded Environments Using a Uniform, Scheduler-Centric API. Euro-Par 2002: 605-614
41 Olivier Aumage, Luc Bougé, Lionel Eyraud, Guillaume Mercier, Raymond Namyst, Loïc Prylli, Alexandre Denis, Jean-François Méhaut: High Performance Computing on Heterogeneous Clusters with the Madeleine II Communication Library. Cluster Computing 5(1): 43-54 (2002)
40 Olivier Aumage, Luc Bougé, Jean-François Méhaut, Raymond Namyst: Madeleine II: a portable and efficient communication library for high-performance cluster computing. Parallel Computing 28(4): 607-626 (2002)
39EEGabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé: DSM-PM2: A Portable Implementation Platform for Multithreaded DSM Consistency Protocols. HIPS 2001: 55-70
38 Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé: DSM-PM2: A portable implementation platform for multithreaded DSM consistency protocols. IPDPS 2001: 104
37EEGabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé: Implementing Multithreaded Protocols for Release Consistency on Top of the Generic DSM-PM Platform. IWCC 2001: 179-188
36 Thilo Kielmann, Philip J. Hatcher, Luc Bougé, Henri E. Bal: Enabling Java for high-performance computing. Commun. ACM 44(10): 110-117 (2001)
35 Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Philip J. Hatcher, Mark MacBeth, Keith McGuigan, Raymond Namyst: The Hyperion system: Compiling multithreaded Java bytecode for distributed execution. Parallel Computing 27(10): 1279-1297 (2001)
34EEOlivier Aumage, Luc Bougé, Alexandre Denis, Jean-François Méhaut, Guillaume Mercier, Raymond Namyst, Loïc Prylli: Madeleine II: a Portable and Efficient Communication Library for High-Performance Cluster Computing. CLUSTER 2000: 78-
33EEGabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Philip J. Hatcher, Mark MacBeth, Keith McGuigan, Raymond Namyst: Compiling Multithreaded Java Bytecode for Distributed Execution (Distinguished Paper). Euro-Par 2000: 1039-1052
32EEOlivier Aumage, Luc Bougé, Raymond Namyst: A Portable and Adaptative Multi-protocol Communication Library for Multithreaded Runtime Systems. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 1136-1143
31EEGabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Philip J. Hatcher, Mark MacBeth, Keith McGuigan, Raymond Namyst: Implementing Java Consistency Using a Generic, Multithreaded DSM Runtime System. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 560-567
30 Luc Bougé, Jean-François Méhaut, Raymond Namyst, Loïc Prylli: Using the VI Architecture to Build Distributed, Multithreaded Runtime Systems: A Case Study. SAC (2) 2000: 704-709
29 Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Raymond Namyst, Christian Pérez: Compiling Data-Parallel Programs to a Distributed Runtime Environment with Thread Isomigration. Parallel Processing Letters 10(2/3): 201-214 (2000)
28EELuc Bougé, William F. McColl, Mamoun Filali, Henk J. Sips: Parallel Programming: Models, Methods, and Languages - Introduction. Euro-Par 1999: 831-832
27 Luc Bougé, Jean-François Méhaut, Raymond Namyst: Efficient Communications in Multithreaded Runtime Systems. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 468-482
26 Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Raymond Namyst: An Efficient and Transparent Thread Migration Scheme in the PM2 Runtime System. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 496-510
25 Gabriel Antoniu, Luc Bougé, Raymond Namyst, Christian Pérez: Compiling Data-parallel Programs to a Distributed Runtime Environment with Thread Isomigration. PDPTA 1999: 1756-1762
24EELuc Bougé, Jean-François Méhaut, Raymond Namyst: Madeleine: An Efficient and Portable Communication Interface for RPC-Based Multithreaded Environments. IEEE PACT 1998: 240-247
23EELuc Bougé, Philip J. Hatcher, Raymond Namyst, Christian Pérez: A Multithreaded Runtime Environment with Thread Migration for a HPF Data-Parallel Compiler. IEEE PACT 1998: 418-425
22EELuc Bougé, David Cachera: A logical framework to prove properties of Alpha programs. ASAP 1997: 187-198
21 Luc Bougé, Joaquim Gabarró, Xavier Messeguer, Nicolas Schabanel: Concurrent Rebalancing of ACL Trees: A Fine-Grained Approach (Extended Abstract). Euro-Par 1997: 421-429
20EELuc Bougé, David Cachera, Yann Le Guyadec, Gil Utard, Bernard Virot: Formal Validation of Data-Parallel Programs: A Two-Component Assertional Proof System for a Simple Language. Theor. Comput. Sci. 189(1-2): 71-107 (1997)
19 Luc Bougé, Pierre Fraigniaud, Anne Mignotte, Yves Robert: Euro-Par '96 Parallel Processing, Second International Euro-Par Conference, Lyon, France, August 26-29, 1996, Proceedings, Volume I Springer 1996
18 Luc Bougé, Pierre Fraigniaud, Anne Mignotte, Yves Robert: Euro-Par '96 Parallel Processing, Second International Euro-Par Conference, Lyon, France, August 26-29, 1996, Proceedings, Volume II Springer 1996
17 Luc Bougé, David Cachera, Yann Le Guyadec, Gil Utard, Bernard Virot: Formal Validation of Data Parallel Programs: Introducting the Assertional Approach. The Data Parallel Programming Model 1996: 252-281
16 Luc Bougé: The Data Parallel Programming Model: A Semantic Perspective. The Data Parallel Programming Model 1996: 4-26
15 Luc Bougé, David Cachera: On the Completeness of a Proof System for a Simple Data-Parallel Programming Language. Euro-Par 1995: 143-154
14 Luc Bougé, Yann Le Guyadec, Gil Utard, Bernard Virot: A Proofe System for a Simple Data-Parallel Programming Language. Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing 1994: 63-72
13 Luc Bougé, Yann Le Guyadec, Gil Utard, Bernard Virot: On the Expressivity of a Weakest Precondition Calculus for a Simple Data-Parallel Programming Language. CONPAR 1994: 100-111
12 Luc Bougé, Michel Cosnard, Yves Robert, Denis Trystram: Parallel Processing: CONPAR 92 - VAPP V, Second Joint International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing, Lyon, France, September 1-4, 1992, Proceedings Springer 1992
11 Luc Bougé: On the Semantics of Languages for Massively Parallel SIMD Architectures. PARLE (2) 1991: 166-183
10 Luc Bougé, Patrick Garda: Towards a Semantic Approach to SIMD Architectures and their Languages. Semantics of Systems of Concurrent Processes 1990: 142-175
9 Luc Bougé, Nissim Francez: A Compositional Approach to Superimposition. POPL 1988: 240-249
8 Luc Bougé: On the Existence of Symmetric Algorithms to Find Leaders in Networks of Communicating Sequential Processes. Acta Inf. 25(2): 179-201 (1988)
7 Luc Bougé: On the Existence of Generic Broadcast Algorithms in Networks of Communicating Sequential Processes (Extended Abstract). WDAG 1987: 388-407
6 Krzysztof R. Apt, Luc Bougé, Ph. Clermont: Two Normal Form Theorems for CSP Programs. Inf. Process. Lett. 26(4): 165-171 (1987)
5 Luc Bougé: Repeated Snapshots in Distributed Systems with Synchronous Communications and their Implementation in CSP. Theor. Comput. Sci. 49: 145-169 (1987)
4EELuc Bougé, N. Choquet, Laurent Fribourg, Marie-Claude Gaudel: Test sets generation from algebraic specifications using logic programming. Journal of Systems and Software 6(4): 343-360 (1986)
3 Luc Bougé: Repeated Synchronous Snapshots and Their Implementation in CSP (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1985: 63-70
2 Luc Bougé, N. Choquet, Laurent Fribourg, Marie-Claude Gaudel: Application of Prolog to Test Sets Generation from Algebraic Specifications. TAPSOFT, Vol.2 1985: 261-275
1 Luc Bougé: A Contribution to the Theory of Program Testing. Theor. Comput. Sci. 37: 151-181 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Alexander [52]
2Gabriel Antoniu [25] [26] [29] [31] [33] [35] [37] [38] [39] [44] [45] [48] [49] [50] [51]
3Krzysztof R. Apt [6]
4Olivier Aumage [32] [34] [40] [41]
5Henri E. Bal [36]
6David Cachera [15] [17] [20] [22]
7Franck Cappello [43]
8Stephen Childs [52]
9N. Choquet [2] [4]
10Ph. Clermont [6]
11Michel Cosnard [12]
12Vincent Danjean [42]
13Alexandre Denis [34] [41]
14Lionel Eyraud-Dubois (Lionel Eyraud) [41]
15Mamoun Filali [28]
16Martti Forsell [52]
17Pierre Fraigniaud [18] [19]
18Nissim Francez [9]
19Laurent Fribourg [2] [4]
20Joaquim Gabarró [21]
21Patrick Garda [10]
22Marie-Claude Gaudel [2] [4]
23Yann Le Guyadec [13] [14] [17] [20]
24Philip J. Hatcher [23] [31] [33] [35] [36]
25Mathieu Jan [45]
26Anne-Marie Kermarrec [47]
27Thilo Kielmann [36]
28Sébastien Lacour [44]
29Christian Lengauer [53]
30Mark MacBeth [31] [33] [35]
31William F. McColl [28]
32Keith McGuigan [31] [33] [35]
33Jean-François Méhaut [24] [27] [30] [34] [40] [41]
34Guillaume Mercier [34] [41]
35Xavier Messeguer [21]
36Anne Mignotte [18] [19]
37Sébastien Monnet [45]
38Raymond Namyst [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [40] [41] [42]
39Bogdan Nicolae [48] [49] [50] [51]
40Christian Pérez [23] [25] [29]
41Viktor K. Prasanna (V. K. Prasanna Kumar) [46]
42Thierry Priol [47]
43Loïc Prylli [30] [34] [41]
44Omer F. Rana [43]
45Yves Robert [12] [18] [19]
46Nicolas Schabanel [21]
47Henk J. Sips [28]
48Achim Streit [52]
49Jesper Larsson Träff [52]
50Bernard Traversat [43]
51Denis Trystram [12]
52Gil Utard [13] [14] [17] [20]
53Bernard Virot [13] [14] [17] [20]
54Wolfgang Ziegler [52]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)