
Jim Weston

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19 Y. Liang, Jim Weston, Marek Szularz: Generalized least-squares polynomial preconditioners for symmetric indefinite linear equations. Parallel Computing 28(2): 323-341 (2002)
18EEY. Liang, Jim Weston, Marek Szularz: Polynomial Preconditioning for Specially Structured Linear Systems of Equations. Euro-Par 2001: 587-591
17EEA. Cooper, Marek Szularz, Jim Weston: Analysis of the Lanczos Error Bounds and Its Application to the Explicitly Restarted Lanczos Algorithm. PPAM 2001: 410-417
16 A. Cooper, Marek Szularz, Jim Weston: External selective orthogonalization for the Lanczos algorithm in distributed memory environments. Parallel Computing 27(7): 913-923 (2001)
15EEMarek Szularz, Jim Weston, Maurice Clint: Restarting Techniques for the Lanczos Algorithm and their Implementation in Parallel Computing Environments: Architectural Influences. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 14(1): 57-77 (1999)
14 Marek Szularz, Jim Weston, Maurice Clint: Explicitly restarted Lanczos algorithms in an MPP environment. Parallel Computing 25(5): 613-631 (1999)
13 Marek Szularz, Jim Weston, Maurice Clint: Robust Parallel Lanczos Methods for Clustered Eigenvalues. Euro-Par 1997: 710-717
12 Marek Szularz, Maurice Clint, Jim Weston: Lanczos Algorithms for Massively Parallel Processors. PARCO 1997: 619-622
11EEKieran Murphy, Maurice Clint, Marek Szularz, Jim Weston: The Parallel Computation of Partial Eigensolutions Using a Modified Lanczos Method. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 11(3-4): 299-323 (1997)
10 Kieran Murphy, Maurice Clint, Marek Szularz, Jim Weston: The Computation of Partial Eigensolutions on a Distributed Memory Machine Using a Modified Lanzos Method. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 22-25
9 Jim Weston, Marek Szularz, Maurice Clint, Kieran Murphy: The Parallel Computation of Partial Eigensolutions of Large Matrices on a Massively Parallel Processor. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 26-33
8 Marek Szularz, Jim Weston, Maurice Clint, Kieran Murphy: A Highly Parallel Explicitly Restarted Lanczos Algorithm. PARA 1996: 651-660
7EEMarek Szularz, Jim Weston, Kieran Murphy, Maurice Clint: Monitoring the Convergence of the Lanczos Algorithm in Parallel Computing Environments. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 6(4): 287-302 (1995)
6 Maurice Clint, Jim Weston, J. B. Flannagan: Efficient Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalisation on an Array Processor. CONPAR 1994: 218-228
5 Marek Szularz, Jim Weston, Kieran Murphy, Maurice Clint: Parallel Algorithms for the Partial Eigensolution of Large Sparse Matrices on Novel Architecture Computers. PARA 1994: 469-482
4 Jim Weston, Maurice Clint, C. W. Bleakney: Parallel Implementations of Jacobi's Algorithm for the Eigensolution of Large Matrices Using Array Processors. CONPAR 1992: 787-788
3 Maurice Clint, Jim Weston, C. W. Bleakney: A comparison of two Fortran dialects for expressing parallel solutions for a problem in linear algebra. Parallel Computing 18(12): 1325-1333 (1992)
2 Maurice Clint, Jim Weston, C. W. Bleakney: Hybrid Algorithms for the Eigensolution of Large Sparse Symmetric Matrices on the AMT DAP 510. CONPAR 1990: 766-773
1 Jim Weston, Maurice Clint: Two algorithms for the parallel computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large symmetric matrices using the ICL DAP. Parallel Computing 13(3): 281-288 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1C. W. Bleakney [2] [3] [4]
2Maurice Clint [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
3A. Cooper [16] [17]
4J. B. Flannagan [6]
5Y. Liang [18] [19]
6Kieran Murphy [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
7Marek Szularz [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)