
Irfan Altas

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9EEAli Yazici, Irfan Altas, Tanil Ergenç: 2d Polynomial Interpolation: A Symbolic Approach with Mathematica. ICCSA (3) 2005: 463-471
8EEAli Yazici, Irfan Altas, Tanil Ergenç: Symbolic Polynomial Interpolation Using Mathematica. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 364-369
7EEMatthew Anderson, Irfan Altas, Geoff Fellows: Web Personalisation with the Cover Coefficient Algorithm. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 422-431
6EEAli Yazici, Tanil Ergenç, Irfan Altas: Romberg Integration: A Symbolic Approach with Mathematica. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 691-700
5 Peter Christen, Markus Hegland, Ole Møller Nielsen, Stephen Roberts, Peter E. Strazdins, Tatiana Semenova, Irfan Altas, Timothy Hancock: Towards a Parallel Data Mining Toolbox. IPDPS 2001: 156
4 Peter Christen, Markus Hegland, Ole Møller Nielsen, Stephen Roberts, Peter E. Strazdins, Irfan Altas: Scalable parallel algorithms for surface fitting and data mining. Parallel Computing 27(7): 941-961 (2001)
3EEGraham J. Williams, Irfan Altas, Sergey Bakin, Peter Christen, Markus Hegland, Alonso Marquez, Peter Milne, Rajehndra Nagappan, Stephen Roberts: The Integrated Delivery of Large-Scale Data Mining: The ACSys Data Mining Project. Large-Scale Parallel Data Mining 1999: 24-55
2EEIrfan Altas, John Louis, John Belward: A variational approach to the radiometric enhancement of digital imagery. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 4(6): 845-849 (1995)
1 Irfan Altas, Mike Rezny, John Louis, Kevin Burrage, R. Moore, John Belward: A New Image Enhancement Algorithm on MasPar and Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) Environments. EUROSIM 1994: 819-826

Coauthor Index

1Matthew Anderson [7]
2Sergey Bakin [3]
3John Belward [1] [2]
4Kevin Burrage [1]
5Peter Christen [3] [4] [5]
6Tanil Ergenç [6] [8] [9]
7Geoff Fellows [7]
8Timothy Hancock [5]
9Markus Hegland [3] [4] [5]
10John Louis [1] [2]
11Alonso Marquez [3]
12Peter Milne [3]
13R. Moore [1]
14Rajehndra Nagappan [3]
15Ole Møller Nielsen [4] [5]
16Mike Rezny [1]
17Stephen Roberts [3] [4] [5]
18Tatiana Semenova [5]
19Peter E. Strazdins [4] [5]
20Graham J. Williams [3]
21Ali Yazici [6] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)