
Giovanni Erbacci

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7 Hermann Lederer, Gavin J. Pringle, Denis Girou, Marc-André Hermanns, Giovanni Erbacci: DEISA: Extreme Computing in an Advanced Supercomputing Environment. PARCO 2007: 687-688
6EESimon J. Cox, Thomas Lippert, Giovanni Erbacci, Denis Trystram: Topic 16: Applications of High-Performance and Grid Computing. Euro-Par 2006: 1041
5EEGiovanni Erbacci: High performance Computing for the Science of 21st Century. John Vincent Atanasoff Symposium 2006: 240-244
4 R. Cappuccio, Gianpiero Cattaneo, Giovanni Erbacci, U. Jocher: A parallel implementation of a cellular automata based model for coffee percolation. Parallel Computing 27(5): 685-717 (2001)
3EEStefania Bandini, Giovanni Erbacci, Giancarlo Mauri: Implementing Cellular Automata Based Models on Parallel Architectures: The CAPP Project. PaCT 1999: 167-179
2 Giovanni Erbacci, Roberto Ansaloni, B. Montagnini, R. Scardovelli, M. Sumini, D. Zardini: Porting a coarse-mesh neutron diffusion code on a Cray T3D massively parallel computer. HPCN Europe 1995: 318-328
1EEGiovanni Erbacci, Giuseppe Paruolo, Giancarlo Tagliavini: Influence of the stride on the cache utilization in the IBM 3090 VF. ICS 1989: 443-451

Coauthor Index

1Roberto Ansaloni [2]
2Stefania Bandini [3]
3R. Cappuccio [4]
4Gianpiero Cattaneo [4]
5Simon J. Cox [6]
6Denis Girou [7]
7Marc-André Hermanns [7]
8U. Jocher [4]
9Hermann Lederer [7]
10Thomas Lippert [6]
11Giancarlo Mauri [3]
12B. Montagnini [2]
13Giuseppe Paruolo [1]
14Gavin J. Pringle [7]
15R. Scardovelli [2]
16M. Sumini [2]
17Giancarlo Tagliavini [1]
18Denis Trystram [6]
19D. Zardini [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)