2008 |
37 | EE | Emmanuel Jeannot,
Erik Saule,
Denis Trystram:
Bi-objective Approximation Scheme for Makespan and Reliability Optimization on Uniform Parallel Machines.
Euro-Par 2008: 877-886 |
36 | EE | Emmanuel Jeannot:
Experimental validation of grid algorithms: A comparison of methodologies.
IPDPS 2008: 1-8 |
35 | EE | Louis-Claude Canon,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
Scheduling strategies for the bicriteria optimization of the robustness and makespan.
IPDPS 2008: 1-8 |
2007 |
34 | EE | Louis-Claude Canon,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
A Comparison of robustness metrics for scheduling DAGs on heterogeneous systems.
CLUSTER 2007: 558-567 |
33 | EE | Luiz Angelo Steffenel,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
Total Exchange Performance Prediction on Grid Environments.
CoreGRID 2007: 131-140 |
32 | EE | Luc Moreau,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
George Bosilca,
Antonio J. Plaza:
Topic 9 Parallel and Distributed Programming.
Euro-Par 2007: 639 |
31 | EE | Emmanuel Jeannot,
Luiz Angelo Steffenel:
Fast and Efficient Total Exchange on Two Clusters.
Euro-Par 2007: 848-857 |
30 | EE | Jack Dongarra,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Erik Saule,
Zhiao Shi:
Bi-objective scheduling algorithms for optimizing makespan and reliability on heterogeneous systems.
SPAA 2007: 280-288 |
29 | EE | Emmanuel Jeannot,
Keith Seymour,
Asim YarKhan,
Jack Dongarra:
Improved Runtime and Transfer Time Prediction Mechanisms in a Network Enabled Servers Middleware.
Parallel Processing Letters 17(1): 47-59 (2007) |
2006 |
28 | EE | Emmanuel Jeannot,
Frédéric Wagner:
Modeling, Predicting and Optimizing Redistribution between Clusters on Low Latency Networks.
AINA (2) 2006: 793-797 |
27 | EE | Zhiao Shi,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Jack Dongarra:
Robust task scheduling in non-deterministic heterogeneous computing systems.
CLUSTER 2006 |
26 | EE | Emmanuel Jeannot,
Flavien Vernier:
A Practical Approach of Diffusion Load Balancing Algorithms.
Euro-Par 2006: 211-221 |
25 | EE | Vandy Berten,
Joël Goossens,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
A probabilistic approach for fault tolerant multiprocessor real-time scheduling.
IPDPS 2006 |
24 | EE | Louis-Claude Canon,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
Wrekavoc: a tool for emulating heterogeneity.
IPDPS 2006 |
23 | EE | Johanne Cohen,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Nicolas Padoy,
Frédéric Wagner:
Messages Scheduling for Parallel Data Redistribution between Clusters.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(10): 1163-1175 (2006) |
22 | EE | Vandy Berten,
Joël Goossens,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
On the Distribution of Sequential Jobs in Random Brokering for Heterogeneous Computational Grids.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(2): 113-124 (2006) |
2005 |
21 | EE | Cécile Germain,
Vincent Breton,
Patrick Clarysse,
Yann Gaudeau,
Tristan Glatard,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Yannick Legré,
Charles Loomis,
Johan Montagnat,
Jean-Marie Moureaux,
Angel Osorio,
Xavier Pennec,
Romain Texier:
Grid-enabling medical image analysis.
CCGRID 2005: 487-495 |
20 | EE | Franck Cappello,
Eddy Caron,
Michel J. Daydé,
Frédéric Desprez,
Yvon Jégou,
Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Stéphane Lanteri,
Julien Leduc,
Nouredine Melab,
Guillaume Mornet,
Raymond Namyst,
Benjamin Quétier,
Olivier Richard:
Grid'5000: a large scale and highly reconfigurable grid experimental testbed.
GRID 2005: 99-106 |
19 | | Emmanuel Jeannot,
Frédéric Wagner:
Messages Scheduling for Data Redistribution Between Heterogeneous Clusters.
IASTED PDCS 2005: 119-124 |
18 | EE | Emmanuel Jeannot:
Improving Middleware Performance with AdOC: An Adaptive Online Compression Library for Data Transfer.
IPDPS 2005 |
17 | EE | Emmanuel Jeannot,
Gerald Monard:
Computing Molecular Potential Energy Surface with DIET.
ITCC (1) 2005: 286-291 |
16 | EE | Eddy Caron,
Bruno Del-Fabbro,
Frederic Desprez,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Jean-Marc Nicod:
Managing data persistence in network enabled servers.
Scientific Programming 13(4): 333-354 (2005) |
2004 |
15 | EE | Yves Caniou,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
Experimental Study of Multi-criteria Scheduling Heuristics for GridRPC Systems.
Euro-Par 2004: 1048-1055 |
14 | EE | Yves Caniou,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
Efficient Scheduling Heuristics for GridRPC Systems.
ICPADS 2004: 621-630 |
13 | EE | Emmanuel Jeannot,
Frédéric Wagner:
Two Fast and Efficient Message Scheduling Algorithms for Data Redistribution through a Backbone.
IPDPS 2004 |
12 | EE | Frederic Desprez,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
Improving the GridRPC Model with Data Persistence and Redistribution.
ISPDC/HeteroPar 2004: 193-200 |
11 | EE | Michel Cosnard,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Tao Yang:
Compact DAG representation and its symbolic scheduling.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(8): 921-935 (2004) |
2003 |
10 | EE | Yves Caniou,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
New Dynamic Heuristics in the Client-Agent-Server Model.
IPDPS 2003: 97 |
9 | EE | Johanne Cohen,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Nicolas Padoy:
Messages Scheduling for Data Redistribution between Clusters.
PPAM 2003: 896-906 |
2002 |
8 | EE | Emmanuel Jeannot,
Björn Knutsson,
Mats Björkman:
Adaptive Online Data Compression.
HPDC 2002: 379-388 |
2001 |
7 | EE | Bertrand Cirou,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
Triplet: A Clustering Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Systems.
ICPP Workshops 2001: 231-236 |
6 | | Eddy Caron,
Serge Chaumette,
Sylvain Contassot-Vivier,
Frederic Desprez,
Eric Fleury,
C. Gomez,
M. Goursat,
Martin Quinson,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Dominique Lazure,
Frédéric Lombard,
Jean-Marc Nicod,
Laurent Philippe,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman,
Frank Rubi,
S. Steer,
Frédéric Suter,
Gil Utard:
SCILAB to SCILAB//: The OURAGAN project.
Parallel Computing 27(11): 1497-1519 (2001) |
5 | | Michel Cosnard,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
Automatic Parallelization Techniques Based on Compact DAG Extraction and Symbolic Scheduling.
Parallel Processing Letters 11(1): 151-168 (2001) |
1999 |
4 | EE | Michel Cosnard,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Tao Yang:
SLC: Symbolic Scheduling for Executing Parameterized Task Graphs on Multiprocessors.
ICPP 1999: 413-421 |
3 | | Michel Cosnard,
Emmanuel Jeannot:
Compact DAG Representation and Its Dynamic Scheduling.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 58(3): 487-514 (1999) |
1998 |
2 | EE | Michel Cosnard,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Tao Yang:
Symbolic Partitioning and Scheduling of Parameterized Task Graphs.
ICPADS 1998: 428-434 |
1 | EE | Michel Cosnard,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Laurence Rougeot:
Low Memory Cost Dynamic Scheduling of Large Coarse Grain Task Graphs.
IPPS/SPDP 1998: 524-530 |