
Nahid Emad

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10EESébastien Noël, Olivier Delannoy, Nahid Emad, Pierre Manneback, Serge G. Petiton: A Multi-level Scheduler for the Grid Computing YML Framework. Euro-Par Workshops 2006: 87-100
9EEOlivier Delannoy, Nahid Emad, Serge G. Petiton: Workflow Global Computing with YML. GRID 2006: 25-32
8EENahid Emad, S.-A. Shahzadeh-Fazeli, Jack Dongarra: An asynchronous algorithm on the NetSolve global computing system. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 22(3): 279-290 (2006)
7EENahid Emad, Ani Sedrakian: Toward the reusability for iterative linear algebra software in distributed environment. Parallel Computing 32(3): 251-266 (2006)
6EES.-A. Shahzadeh-Fazeli, Nahid Emad, Jack Dongarra: Eigenvalue Computation with NetSolve Global Computing System. LSSC 2005: 446-453
5EENahid Emad, Serge G. Petiton, Guy Edjlali: Multiple Explicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method for Solving Large Eigenproblems. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 27(1): 253-277 (2005)
4 Nahid Emad, Serge G. Petiton, Ani Sedrakian: A Comparison Between Parallel Multiple Explicitly Restarted and Explicitly Restarted Block Arnoldi Methods. PPSC 2001
3 Eric Noulard, Nahid Emad: A key for reusable parallel linear algebra software. Parallel Computing 27(10): 1299-1319 (2001)
2EEEric Noulard, Nahid Emad: Object Oriented Design for Reusable Parallel Linear Algebra Software. Euro-Par 1999: 1385-1392
1 Serge G. Petiton, Nahid Emad: A Data Parallel Scientific Computing Introduction. The Data Parallel Programming Model 1996: 45-64

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Delannoy [9] [10]
2Jack Dongarra [6] [8]
3Guy Edjlali [5]
4Pierre Manneback [10]
5Sébastien Noël [10]
6Eric Noulard [2] [3]
7Serge G. Petiton [1] [4] [5] [9] [10]
8Ani Sedrakian [4] [7]
9S.-A. Shahzadeh-Fazeli [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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